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    titanium Beispielsätze


    1. They gave me what I thought was a generous share at the time, a six inch length of quarter-inch titanium tubing

    2. "I thought you still have a few inches of titanium tubing

    3. "That was bought with eleven of his sixteen aluminums, that was his eighth inch of titanium tubing

    4. There was an entry that said in addition to the dozens of irons and nickels melting out of a piece of Brazilian dinnerware, there would be one or two chromiums or a vanadium, sometimes even a titanium or even tungsten

    5. What if it was structural parts of the ship that might be high in titanium? "You see my point

    6. At the core of the limb, where bone should have been, was a fat, titanium nub, a simple, physical connection with a single, half-flange

    7. The places on her torso where the artificial limbs attached were pink ovals, lumpy with contracted fibers and at the center of it all was the titanium bone and the expected set of ports for the neural interface processors that did the fantastically complicated and nuanced task of translating between machine language and the language of the human neurological system

    8. "We could build missiles again, we have to use crystal instead of titanium, but we could do that," the unnamed one admitted, "If this visitor proves hostile we may have to do that to defend ourselves

    9. She sat there at their stylish titanium sculpture of a kitchen table glowering at him as she ordered him out of the house

    10. ‘Well, he’s got class … him and Chas are obvious out of the top drawer … but then they’re here, digging for titanium … it doesn’t add up

    11. The men continued digging for the titanium; Chrissie heard vague comments from them occasionally suggesting that the results were less than exciting

    12. ‘They appeared to show that there was a small quantity of titanium on the site

    13. He’d chewed at the unwelcome news that the titanium was an illusion whilst lying in bed trying to sleep

    14. Again, he had gone over in his head the report he had seen … deducting the wishful thinking and pre-planted ideas of titanium

    15. "Ten hundred thousand," Nidon said, which meant they were titanium

    16. “Excuse me Captain?” Dena, standing at her side had noticed that the Elf's claws had extended and gripped the arms of her chair so fiercely there were puncture marks in the titanium frame

    17. stronger than titanium and they need very

    18. He carried some strange device, arch-curved titanium to a green glowing point

    19. Torbin tapped it with a titanium fingertip, and then tentatively took the

    20. Serious kit: Kevlar and titanium construction with an integrated cooling system (he wasn’t going to bear unnecessary discomfort on a warm June day)

    21. Other metallic nodules formed around the boy’s neck; the material of his pyjamas becoming a titanium shell

    22. It was electric blue and had pink Tinker Bell fairy lights in the headlights, pink titanium end stops on the bars and valve caps

    23. raised titanium, pointed in a rush

    24. Rocky dropped titanium, and grabbed a

    25. What does this have in common with the human bone? To be honest, not much, but of interest is the following: Note the melting point of Titanium at 1670 °C, well above that of mild steel

    26. The titanium hip replacement remains unblemished

    27. Now for the big question: If the melting point of titanium is 1670°C, why are the bones still present and not burned to ash? Could it be that the melting point of bone is so high that even the cremation oven will not be able to withstand such high temperatures? I think the evidence speaks for itself

    28. All around her, covetous miser that she is, she gazes greedily upon the barrels of oil, the tons of gold, the mountains of iron, titanium, and zinc; all the massive treasure of her dark domain

    29. The retired titanium machinist who came in right after me, and was my buddy the 9 days, had a cell phone

    30. I told one of the other patients that I thought that guy over there (retired titanium machinist) is a Secret Service agent

    31. The thing that stands out the most is when the retired titanium machinst was sitting in a chair at my sewing machine on my first day to work in Arlington

    32. 14 - when the retired titanium machinist was playing chess, one of my friends picked up his phone and hit redial, put it down quickly and said "United States Secret Service!"

    33. He was a titanium

    34. The job was as a titanium machinist

    35. He opened his hand to her, and suddenly held a dragon-sized gold ring bound in a fine network of titanium for strength, and set with the most massive fire-brilliant cut diamond anyone there had ever seen, not excluding Grakonexikaldoron, though it was small enough against the rest of the ring to seem delicate in appearance

    36. You join in drumming the table with your fists on the brushed titanium white tables

    37. Its skin was pale white with rosy cheeks, and silver titanium hair the glittered in the sun

    38. When she lifts her dress and shows the audience her tiny, tight, teen-aged twat tied together with titanium twine is when she finally shocks everyone

    39. The titanium alloy chamber has buckled, warped, and rusted into what might make good paint pigments

    40. Their examinations of the devices would continue to prove useless as each one had a casing of titanium combined with a radiated form of a lead compound

    41. and Emotions of Titanium

    42. Lezura was familiar with acril-iorn armor; titanium plates of armor equipped with veins acrilium to reduce the weight on the user’s body

    43. The thick titanium alloy hull of the TEEN TEAM was however tough enough to stop most of them

    44. It was made of titanium alloy, had a quartz movement powered by a battery connected to mini solar panels incorporated to the wrist strap, and had multiple dials and moving crowns actually designed for use by combat pilots

    45. The lil bomber glanced at his titanium fossil watch

    46. Enzo hooks his titanium bo staff over the middle row and

    47. His titanium bo staff that was just pressed against the

    48. Grips his titanium bo

    49. Enzo releases his titanium bo staff and slams it into the

    50. Titanium is another

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    Synonyme für "titanium"

    atomic number 22 ti titanium