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    tobacco plant Beispielsätze

    tobacco plant

    1. I have never even heard of any tobacco plantation that was improved and cultivated by the capital of merchants who resided in Great Britain; and our tobacco colonies send us home no such wealthy planters as we see frequently arrive from our sugar islands

    2. Our tobacco planters, accordingly, have shewn the same fear of the superabundance of tobacco, which the proprietors of the old vineyards in France have of the superabundance of wine

    3. The profits of a sugar plantation in any of our West Indian colonies, are generally much greater than those of any other cultivation that is known either in Europe or America ; and the profits of a tobacco plantation, though inferior to those of sugar, are superior to those of corn, as has already been observed

    4. The produce of tobacco, in consequcnce of a market so much more extensive than any which it has hitherto enjoyed, might, and probably would, by this time have been so much increased as to reduce the profits of a tobacco plantation to their natural level with those of a corn plantation, which it is supposed they are still somewhat above

    5. Cotton and tobacco plantations were already less profitable than in the past, and slavery depended more and more on an internal American slave trade now that the international one was banned

    6. work on tobacco plantations

    7. the way that she held tobacco plants everyone could see that she had

    8. tobacco plants sprouted fast, along with all the unwanted grass and

    9. rapidly cultivated and the green lines of young tobacco plants were

    10. that the infant grew as fast as the young tobacco plants

    11. Only the tobacco plants lived carelessly, growing quickly, straightening

    12. Had he ever questioned the ability of this congregation to afford his services, his doubts were dispelled upon seeing this beautiful oasis in the middle of such a vast countryside; money here literally grew on tobacco plants as it had for generations

    13. “An enigma,” Sadie says puzzled and looks at Felicity and the symbol on his necklace that strangely looks like a tobacco plant

    14. Gazing out both sides of the car, the only thing Paul could see was acre after acre of two-foot high, dark green tobacco plants

    15. Cotton farms with no cotton, tobacco plantations with weedy crops that would be difficult to sell, let alone contribute substantially to the country’s economy as they used

    16. The tobacco plants springing forth

    17. "It's excellent," I said, "but it's not from the tobacco plant

    18. But, sir, I forewarn gentlemen of the Southern country—I do beseech them, with a sincerity which no man can have a right to question—to beware how they transfer the theatre of war from the rocks and snows of Canada to the sandhills, the rice-fields, the tobacco plantations of the Southern States

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