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    together with Beispielsätze

    together with

    1. Grandchildren bond us together with our past and give us hope for the future

    2. They were hooked together with a four-strap double-cross at the shoulders since there wouldn't be room for a long-rope in the city

    3. the Moor together with the proprietor of the taverna assisted the older gentleman to a

    4. An English word must be learned together with other words at the same time

    5. "So you shouldn't have sold it to her," he said, putting it together with the edict from the Kassikan

    6. “And being assembled together with them, He commanded them

    7. Leonora couldn't guess, and Ruby couldn't tell her, exactly what was in the large, oddly shaped crate, but it took four hands and two backs to maneuver it out of the truck and into the garage of the grateful recipient, who gave them each an extra cash bonus as he rubbed his hands together with unseemly delight

    8. Maggie hands out a list of rehearsal dates – greeted by groans from one or two as the reality of the work required hits - together with a copy of the script

    9. Therefore, as soon as I quit Janus, I enrolled in a local school of folk dances, together with my sister

    10. Mum visited Venice in the summer of 1980, together with Alice and met my father on his ship

    11. So, I suddenly found myself in a small, green flivver, which could hardly speed at 40 klm per hour, together with a stranger

    12. It takes me a few moments to remember: My sister Chryssa reacted exactly in the same way when she visited us the other day, together with her husband and her baby boy! What's the matter with all hens and they don't want me to touch their brood? Are they afraid or what?

    13. Since last Wednesday I have been in Mandy's cottage in Amarynthos, on the island of Euboea, together with her parents and grandparents

    14. I have no other alternative but run all the way to Vouliagmenis Avenue together with her, wait for the bus to Glyfada and finally end up in a colourless cafeteria of the common run

    15. Together with the suited American, the two guards lifted and carried me, trussed like a roasting bird, and carefully laid my body in a metal box underneath the flat bed back of the lorry

    16. Because it was ice, it was stuck together with something more than its gravity

    17. Verification: In the evening Alice invites me to watch an adventure film on video, together with her children and her new boyfriend

    18. This evening my cousin Chryssa paid us a visit together with George, her husband

    19. together with God, even in the absence of elders

    20. Paul wrote, “We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain” ( 2 Corinthians

    21. This passage teaches that all the members of the body of Christ should work together with each other, having the same care and concern for one another, with each member using his

    22. The lower floors looked to be holding older marble together with the synthetic stone shell

    23. All of a sudden I was tossed into the air, landed against bookshelves and I collapsed on the floor together with some heavy volumes, while Arion was already aiming his weapon at me

    24. I turn it in my hands, trying to work out how it would fit together with the others … again, I wonder whether it has made a difference to the degeneration I have seen everywhere on Errd

    25. I get the feeling that he probably did this to ever visitor he saw – he was pretty ancient and not altogether with it, from what I could see

    26. He also had two sets of doting grandparents together with a host of happy aunts, contented uncles and aspirational cousins

    27. Every journalist and commentator in the world of newspapers, television and radio, together with every member of the chattering classes and everyone who was anyone in the established elite, were all talking about the soon to be published paper

    28. Together with Sir John and his cabinet colleagues, the great politician swept through the corridors of power and into the office where the two doctors of spin were pretending to type away furiously at blank computer screens

    29. together with someone who does not hold the same hobbies or interests is the feeling

    30. “Whoever can do the most amazing thing on our royal television, whoever can show the most ingenuity and talent, will win the hand of our grand-daughter in marriage together with half of our personal estates and investments as a dowry

    31. I'm no hero, of that there is no doubt, I could never stand alone but then, together with the village, single-minded, I was convinced we had a chance

    32. His main file server now sat in the living room, together with various and sundry stereo and television appliances

    33. Safe and sound on the outside and aided by the proceeds from Danny’s own bank account, together with funds received from an unwitting, Canadian ice hockey player, Annie and her great-aunt employed the services of a very expensive legal practice in the heart of Manchester’s business district

    34. At the end of the meeting, I hand in the forms together with my cheque for the two deposits, dragging my enthusiastic pair off home again

    35. Together with his wife he planned a great party, to which he invited

    36. sets of doting grandparents together with a host of happy aunts,

    37. television and radio, together with every member of the chattering

    38. Together with Sir John

    39. On Dad’s instructions, we’d sold the house and invested the money in the Trust Fund, then Mum had moved into one of the flats and we had let the other out on a long term tenancy, the idea being that the interest from the Trust Fund together with the rent on the second flat would give Mum some money to play with in addition to whatever she could earn

    40. win the hand of our grand-daughter in marriage together with half

    41. rucksack and together with the Chinese style vase all of Annie’s

    42. Together with the reassuring

    43. together with good management of farms, so that there’s nothing to

    44. come across before, together with a large bowl of apples and pears

    45. Together with the children, the two young

    46. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, or Ecstasy in other words, and Ketamine together with some traces of amphetamine

    47. "Although there has been no official announcement, early indications from hospital staff suggest that the girls had taken a cocktail of Ecstasy and other drugs together with substantial amounts of alcohol

    48. grazing in the fields on either side, together with what appeared to be

    49. Billy's body is telling him that he needs something with starch and carbohydrates, so he selects the least offensive option; tuna and cucumber, together with a packet of salt and vinegar crisps

    50. before the War, together with being a decorated war hero, meant that

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