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    1. She whips me with a towel, knocking the brim of my hat halfway off my head

    2. A towel thwaps against the back of my head

    3. ” Sam ended the call and used the rougher towel to stimulate his skin before dressing

    4. “If you hand me that towel, I’m going to shank you,” he says, this time slower

    5. Hand me the towel!”

    6. “But if you hand me that towel,” he says, “I’ll kill you

    7. A towel fluttered from a peg on the open post of the kitchen roof in the light breeze

    8. Use a towel to dry This mixture can also be sprayed around the dog’s bedding area and around the entrances to the house as mentioned in step 1

    9. Using the tea towel, I try to get the thing to budge, but to no avail

    10. ‘What is it?’ he asked, rubbing a towel roughly over his hair

    11. He’s still rubbing his hair with the towel though it is plain that his thoughts are working on my suggestion

    12. ‘Do you honestly think it is a good idea, Mum?’ he asked, throwing the towel on the bed … I pick it up quickly … when will he learn that wet towels and beds don’t mix!

    13. ’ I replied, hanging the towel over the radiator to dry

    14. Bath the little dog in this bath, and wrap it up with a bath towel

    15. I’ll never forget the time he decided to spray paint the kitchen walls … I’d left a basket of clean washing in there … fortunately there was a fairly substantial towel on the top of the basket which took the brunt of the paint but I could have killed him when I found out

    16. I was allowed to keep the towel

    17. I remembered to check that I had the towel wrapped around my still naked lower half

    18. Dressed in my soiled and tatty towel and shirt, I guessed that I must look like a comic book version of a shipwrecked mariner

    19. In my rush to get to it before it stops, starkers except for a towel round my hair, I nearly trip up on the bath mat

    20. Although the towel was thicker and more tightly woven than the hessian sack in my last prison, I could still make out shades and shifts of light

    21. I held onto the towel so that it did not slip from my head and did my best to stand up

    22. Once out of the shower, Robbie helped me to towel off and then dress while the other guard kept me carefully in his sights

    23. Without unfolding the message, I stuffed it into my trouser pocket, and then, frantically, I rubbed the mirror down with my towel, smearing a thin layer of wax everywhere

    24. "You waste food that way," Elond told her and tried to mop some up with a towel

    25. Towel: If you are using a nice, clean towel, you will have good health and family happiness; if it is worn out and dirty, it means the opposite

    26. “Thanks guys, I’ll need a basin of water and a towel,” she said to no one in particular

    27. She put them in a breadbasket and covered them with a towel, and handed them to him

    28. I preferred to lay under my towel within the safety of the shore, enjoying an ice cream and watching my uncle struggle with his wet suit before he curved into the sea like a dolphin only to reappear sometime later and regale me with stories of seals, gentle basking sharks, forests of stunning pink corals and walls of bright coloured jewel anemones he said he saw on his dives

    29. The next thing I remember was being swept up into the arms of my aunt and being carried onto the sand where she wrapped me in a towel and rubbed me dry

    30. A towel, some soap and that is about all I am going to manage

    31. By late afternoon, I am more than ready to throw in the towel but Berndt drives us on

    32. Him in his bathing shorts, scratching his belly, engrossed in his book and me stretched out on a towel in the shade

    33. She had her head turned to the side as she was rubbing her hair with the towel

    34. After the doctor cut the cord and cleaned and medicated his eyes, Daniel wrapped the baby in a large towel and then in a blanket

    35. Right, that’s all that lot done, now wipe your hands on the towel and – oh, that’s the phone ringing

    36. By the time that he did make the connection he was sinking to the floor and losing consciousness, his head and shoulders wrapped in an old bath towel that his step-mother had thrown over his head as she struck to soak up the inevitable streams of blood

    37. With a quick ‘thanks’ she hangs the tea towel up and rushes off to join the men

    38. By the time that he found her the poor girl was completely cried out and she crumpled like a damp towel in his hands, lifeless and almost comatose

    39. After about twenty minutes she landed in a sweat; grabbing her towel, she wiped her face and was suddenly aware that Tarak’s warriors were watching her with new interest

    40. Clothed in my dressing gown with a towel round my head, I stand at the fridge contemplating food

    41. He dried himself off and wrapped the towel about him

    42. After cleaning up he towel dried

    43. “Who’s that?” Cordra asked, wiping her hands on a towel and coming to the table

    44. bath towel that his step-mother had thrown over his head as she

    45. cried out and she crumpled like a damp towel in his hands, lifeless

    46. The girl appears wrapped in a bath towel with her hair piled up in a hand towel

    47. Quickly grabbing her toiletries and a towel, she dashed into the bathroom

    48. Vastly relieved, she quickly and quietly slipped into the room, put her damp towel to hang over the back of a chair and turned out the light before sliding under the covers careful not to disturb him

    49. After ten minutes under the jet stream of the electric shower, Alex dries himself, wraps a towel around his waist and returns to the bedroom

    50. The towel was rough against her skin, she rubbed hard as though to wipe away the memory of the morning

    1. The big man turned an eye towards me as he toweled his chin

    2. They went to the bathroom, toweled off and put on dry garments

    3. Then she saw this fact confirmed as he unclasped his chiton , turned his back away, and toweled off the beads of water clinging to his upper torso

    4. Sitting up again; she toweled my eyes and then washed my hair

    5. Scram hopped from the pool, and toweled himself dry

    6. I got in the shower, took a long shower, got out and toweled off, combed my hair with a tortoise shell comb there, kept the towel wrapped around me, and went back to the

    7. Then she got out, toweled off, put on her pajamas,

    8. She bathed, washed her hair and toweled it dry

    9. she toweled her hair dry

    10. Feeling like a new man, he stepped out of the shower and toweled himself dry

    11. She toweled herself and pulled on her shorts and sat, her eyes chemical-red and fuzzy

    12. As she toweled herself dry after taking a shower, Priya looked at herself in the mirror of her bathroom

    13. Filling the bathtub that Michel had just emptied, Nancy took a quick bath, toweled herself dry and put on a simple dress over a shirt, all in less than fifteen minutes

    14. I’ll have to use it in my novel,” she said as she rose and toweled off his splooge

    15. ‘Why not,’ she said, as they toweled each other, ‘I will prepare some coffee for us

    16. Finally finished with his shower, he toweled off the water and then wrapped another dry towel around his waist

    17. He removed his breathing mask and toweled the sweat from his brow

    18. After I toweled off, I slipped on a pair of shorts and a tank top, then piled my hair on top of my head

    19. When he returned to the warm cave his father had constructed, Joe toweled his hair dry, unpacked his banjo, and pulled a chair up in front of the woodstove

    20. She toweled off with yards of Egyptian cotton, then stepped out of the stall and stood naked in front of the full-length mirror

    21. I toweled off with a man-size bath sheet and threw on my favorite pj’s—blue flannel with clouds

    22. She toweled the sweat off her face

    23. I toweled myself off with one of Yuki’s giant terry cloth bath jobbies and then I wiped the condensation off the mirror

    24. As much as I toweled off, powdered with talc, and blotted with witch hazel, my shirts and underclothes always retained a film of moisture

    25. She finished her coffee and toweled herself off with a huge soft yellow towel that went well with her dark tan

    1. She wakes and screams when she realizes what the little droplets are and grabs my T-shirt, toweling at her ear canal and long dark hair

    2. Drain marachino cherries thoroughly, Place on paper toweling

    3. Toweling off was beyond my capabilities, sitting on the bed while he dressed me took all my remaining energy

    4. had nothing on but a hotel toweling bath robe

    5. She then proceeded into quickly wiping clean her helmet and toweling off the worst of the sulfur coating Nancy’s suit

    6. ‘Hey!’ Stephi was toweling her hair

    7. She stilled for a moment before she grabbed her toweling robe and answered the door

    8. and toweling off, Scott realized he had left his pajamas in his suitcase

    9. She was now toweling off in

    10. ” She washed her hands at the sink and ripped off a piece of paper toweling

    11. Wrap your hair in a toweling turban and leave it to absorb the moisture

    12. Her short hair had been washed and received a vigorous toweling but it was still slightly humid

    13. Murphy came out of the bathroom still toweling his hands dry

    14. ” She was toweling her hair dry and sat gently in the chair by the fire, “Thank you for

    1. Have you got towels?"

    2. ‘Do you honestly think it is a good idea, Mum?’ he asked, throwing the towel on the bed … I pick it up quickly … when will he learn that wet towels and beds don’t mix!

    3. I’ve put fresh towels out for you

    4. Already there was a fair bit of activity in the streets – people wandering around in what she could only assume was special holiday attire for men of brightly coloured shorts and tops, some women in absurdly brief skirts, others in long muslin affairs that wouldn’t look out of place on Errd, most of them carrying bags of towels and dragging small noisy children laden with buckets and spades

    5. There was a bench on one wall, with a pitcher and basin on it, along with some towels and fuzzy, colorful wool blankets

    6. There are some clean towels in the little cupboard by shower

    7. White linen hand towels hung within ready grasp and a dish with hand-cut marbled soap sat also in close reach

    8. On the wall near at hand, on either side of the doorway were cabineted sink-basins, each with its own knobbed valve and tap, and again accessorized by the hand towels and dishes of hand-cut soap

    9. The floor is wet and there are two tea towels, sodden and dripping, hanging over the rail on the kitchen range

    10. I wiped my face with the brown paper towels and looked in the mirror, still

    11. the necessities: a shower, towels, soap, perfume and, of course, a mirror

    12. Her thoughts racing almost wildly, she turned the water on in the shower, made certain there were no towels in the bathroom, and stepped naked under the falling water

    13. From the cabins we took a nice windowed bookcase, a beautifully crafted wood dresser, a large sturdy trunk, a world globe, game boards, books, clothes, shoes, pistols and sabers, towels, blankets, pillows, soaps, lanterns, lantern oil, matches, a clock, pocket watches, writing paper, pens, ink, and wine skins

    14. He picked up a powerful cleaning solution and some paper towels

    15. “How long have you been standing there?” Helen came fully into the room she was carrying a bowl and some towels she replied

    16. When she had finished wiping the blood away, she wrapped some towels around his arms to prevent further blood loss

    17. He felt the urge to hug her back, to wrap his arms around her and enclose them both in their own microcosm, but the thick towels restricted his movement

    18. Recovering to a barn, Cruzel led the girl inside and provided her with a tub, hot water, warm towels and clean clothes, pretty clothes, ladylike clothes

    19. Drain cherries and set on paper towels to dry

    20. My heart starting to beat faster, I looked all over the room again, lifting the pillows, the bed quilt cover, the towels that were lying over the chair

    21. The other nurses joined her bringing me hot chocolate and cookies and towels to dry myself as much as possible

    22. Jackie waited with towels as we exited the pool and little Natasha had a gorgeous smile and a plate piled high with cookies

    23. She passed me a few sheets of the paper towels but they were hard and scratchy and made my face look worse

    24. Her mother Pola sat at her bedside crying and putting wet towels on her forehead and nape

    25. As soon as the women had cleaned the rooms and brought clean towels and sheets from the other apartments, the wounded were brought in

    26. ’ Laid over the back of her stool was a collection of hand towels, and the basket beside her, Beth was willing to bet, was filled with condoms

    27. Once the kid is complete out, you use the clean towels to wipe the mucus

    28. Wear your gloves and dry the teats with dry towels

    29. At the entrance to the back rooms, an employee distributed condoms, towels, soap, body lotions – and crack

    30. It was littered with vodka bottles, clothing, rumpled sheets, wet towels and spilling-over ashtrays

    31. The boys all jumped up and took towels and hot water to themselves

    32. She brought large Turkish towels that she placed over the coverlet, then signaled that he should lay her down

    33. ” His voice is muffled by the paper towels

    34. She rolled off a wad of paper towels and soaked them with cold water

    35. Line a sieve with cheesecloth or paper towels and suspend it over a bowl

    36. His wife was behind him, and offered me some coffee and breakfast while she prepared the guest room with fresh towels and sheets

    37. Then she looked at the thick towels and

    38. washcloths and wrapped the biggest of the towels around her tiny

    39. on one of the thick fluffy towels

    40. tossed one of the big towels provided by the hotel onto the hot

    41. several towels in boiling water, then put them in a plastic bag, and

    42. “It's stopped raining,” she said, following him to the porch where two robes and towels hung across the banister

    43. He pulled the towels from the porch rail

    44. collection of towels was slowly building and Gail came

    45. more towels, please!” Louis is a typical young kid who nor-

    46. The resort and lodging guidebooks even rated the number and quality of bath towels and washcloths, the way the beds were made up, and what perks came with your stay

    47. minutes and then pat dry on paper towels

    48. towels with her clean hand, hobbled back to the toilet

    49. pee cup on top of the paper towels, and hobbled yet

    50. Transfer sausage with a slotted spoon to paper towels to

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