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    trail of dust Beispielsätze

    trail of dust

    1. The car careered towards the gate, forcing the guard at the last minute to flip up his metal barrier for fear of smashing his beloved outpost and then they were gone in a trail of dust; the Aston could definitely shift

    2. And they started along the road, leaving a trail of dust and light,

    3. After everyone said their goodbyes one last time, Paul stayed by his mother’s side, and the two of them watched the trail of dust behind his father’s truck became continually thinner – until it eventually disappeared

    4. trail of dust from the gravel road

    5. I turned around, but the cabbie had left our bags on the front step and a trail of dust in his wake

    6. But in making this movement, as she leant back in her chair, she saw in the distance, right on the line of the horizon, the old diligence, the "Hirondelle," that was slowly descending the hill of Leux, dragging after it a long trail of dust

    7. The trail of dust still hung in the air between her and the blackboard, dry-tasting

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