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    train for

    1. Detaching the tongue is a heavy job by itself, carrying it along while the kedas turn around was a strain for the three of them

    2. ‘Somewhere between here and Bristol? I assume he’s going to be relying on the train for transport?’

    3. Palming the Eyes is a simple exercise but perhaps it is the most valuable of all in the relief of eyestrain for, as I said at the beginning of this chapter, one of the primary causes of eyestrain is tension

    4. Gran did – Gran talked a lot about how she had married Grandpa just before he went off to train for the army during the war, Uncle Alf had been conceived virtually immediately, I gather, and Mum was the result of leave Grandpa had just before he went off to fight in Italy

    5. When Harry boarded the train for Great Malvern and his Entrance Examinations, he was accompanied by Mr

    6. A stay-over in a charming Dover Inn and they were again on a train for Redditch

    7. When at last all provisions for the property and estate were concluded, they boarded the train for Tahoe and did not look back

    8. She's lived on the planet all her life, I've tried to train for it

    9. train for a day, he knows

    10. ” Things started to break up now so that the second leave detachment could pack their kit ready to catch the transport that would take them to the train for home

    11. Officers and correspondents dashed off to their quarters to pack, dress, and catch the 11 o’clock train for war

    12. “I’d love to, but perhaps a bit later,” I answered, “We will be on the train for quite some time

    13. Knowing he wasn’t up to the ten hour drive back up to Scotland in his present state, he checked on-line and booked a ticket on the sleeper train for himself and his bike

    14. She watched him board a train for Saint Denis

    15. Beginning immediately with the reason for their meeting, Elizabeth explained that she had identity papers and travel authorizations for Vienna, and that the following day, they would all leave by train for Czechoslovakia, then across into Austria

    16. Whilst there are people coming forward to train for diaconate and readership, there is not enough to go round, assuming a status quo model

    17. He described how he had made his way across France and Germany to Munich, where he took a train for Warsaw

    18. Cowboys, Indians, and Yankee aristocrats volunteered for the Rough Riders, sparing the military the need to train for horse and rifle

    19. train for 2-6 months and have an earning potential of $100,000 or more per year

    20. “You have to train for hours every day,” she lectured

    21. “The next train for Pravik should come through in about half an hour,” he said

    22. They were nearly inseparable, until Norm was chosen to train for Special Forces

    23. choose to cross-train for this very reason

    24. The next day they took the train for Stuttgart, Germany, to pick up the car that they had ordered while they were still in the United States: a Mercedes-Benz, reputed in those days to be very reliable and moderately priced

    25. Each train for the next two weeks was already booked to

    26. Strain for the far, pause, draw to strength again

    27. of radiation energy It evolves into a ‘wave train ’ The wave train formation

    28. to effectively train for fat loss

    29. “That must have been a strain for all of you

    30. The conductor had already begun slowing down the train for

    31. Dru said most Fey get training as soon as they come into their magic (usually when they reach puberty) and train for decades before they are able to really control it

    32. I might believe that I could run a marathon, but without having that vision I would never train for it

    33. When King Olav announced a few years later that he was looking for young men to train for his guard, I eagerly traveled to Bergendal and joined the guard

    34. Still another use of the treadmill for runners is to use them to train for faster speeds, say, if you are angling to enter in your local 5K run

    35. Cardio is not the most efficient way to train for fat loss

    36. It was a connecting train for BOMBAY

    37. Going into a stationer's to buy a time-table, she found the next fast train for Paddington didn't start for over an hour

    38. Wemyss could hardly give his _Times_ the proper attention in the train for thinking of it

    39. Most of them were riding a train for the first time and there was a festive atmosphere among the passengers

    40. I stood in the middle of the field ready to train for something, but I didn't know what

    41. I shall be rattling around on the train for at least eight hours

    42. ticket for his mother to Irkutsk in Siberia and ran into a bit of luck as a train for Irkutsk was set to leave that afternoon

    43. When they are called in for feeding times each day, and go to a stall, this makes it easier to train for coming in and not running away

    44. The train for the return journey would leave at two

    45. You can practice and train for years, but if you want to play any other specialized sport, you need to train and practice for years all over again with the same difficulties of learning an entirely new set of coordination skills

    46. And a single magnetic line along the suture of the tunnel beneath the train produces a varying magnetic field along the tunnel at every point, which produces a potential difference along the track that moves the train forward, or backward in case of a return journey

    47. he was one of the guards Emily was helping train for the Cavalry

    48. she needed time to train for speed skating

    49. that I dedicated to train for it

    50. I reached Kissinger by phone Monday, June 29, 2015, as he traveled on the Amtrak train for a meeting in Washington, D

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