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    travelling bag Beispielsätze

    travelling bag

    1. I walked back into the bedroom and grabbed my travelling bag off the bed and released the handle of the suitcase with my other hand

    2. She'd splashed out and bought him a small suitcase, too, when she found out all he had was the one travelling bag, the overnighter he used for the occasional week of training somewhere

    3. rolled up sleeping mat in front of his travelling bags

    4. “Goodbye,” Meagan waved as she saw Marco bend to pick up their travelling bags and then they exited the house and out into the bright sunlight

    5. Maria then picked up the travelling bag that had been sitting at the foot of the stairs for a couple weeks in case of the sudden current occurrence

    6. She shook her head and pulled up the handle of one of her suitcase and placing the strap of the travelling bag over her shoulder

    7. She called it going on pilgrimage, and took a travelling bag containing her hair brush and a favourite doll

    8. Running home, he began by locking himself in, getting out his travelling bag, and feverishly beginning to pack

    9. After going half a verst my feet began to feel cold, and I remembered that in the car I had taken off my woollen socks, and had put them in my travelling bag

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