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    1. Me Elijah and Johnny were on one of the makeshift piers unloading what Johnny informed us was an old trawler that had just docked

    2. Finally, the commander had in his possession the FBI Trawler Operations Manual and Orders, left behind on one of the trawlers

    3. He slammed on the brakes just as a fishing trawler was washed over the wall and

    4. Coast Guard cutter Hamilton confronted a Russian trawler fishing in American waters, gave chase, and boarded the vessel 170 miles West of Alaska in Russian territory

    5. In the distance, a small white and black trawler floated along the tall ball points

    6. Eight of them left the trawler to have their lunch and four more stepped

    7. "Mate, Me, the captain of this trawler," the man with green eyes and a bald head spoke

    8. "You can come onto my fishing trawler, my very own Vickedge," he waved his cap at the plain

    9. It turned out to be a Russian trawler

    10. Five days later, the ‘Africa Belle’ would meet the ‘Muezzin’ – a large fishing trawler, out of the

    11. Now today, he would meet with Farah, who was staying with the owner of the fishing trawler

    12. discussed, now they would head out of the harbor in Rakkim’s trawler, into the Gulf, where they

    13. the small boat with the outboard motor had been tied-up, trailing the trawler

    14. trawler finally slipped beneath the waters of the Mediterranean

    15. The ‘mysterious disappearance’ of the trawler, ‘Muezzin’, would appear in the Benghazi

    16. At the CIA Annex, the story of the trawler would draw some recognition from Flynn, and

    17. The two Japanese officers froze for a moment, watching the nearest Chinese trawler, now less than a hundred meters away, as it plowed resolutely straight at them

    18. The trawler, its bow severely damaged, was nonetheless able to back out after the collision, with its crew starting to put their rescue raft in the water and with another trawler already approaching to assist it

    19. As soon as the second trawler was done rescuing the crew of the first trawler, it also headed towards the islet, launching four more rubber boats loaded with supplies and ammunition for the islet occupation force

    20. The helmsman of the fishing trawler SEA BOUNTY, alone in the tiny and obscure bridge of his boat, was having a hard time not falling asleep, exhausted by the long days of work spent in a stormy sea

    21. Despite the desperate attempts of the yacht’s helmsman to avoid the collision, the bow of the fishing trawler smashed through the wooden hull of the PACIFIC DREAMS at the level of its aft deck

    22. The shock was also fatal to the fishing trawler, with its wooden bow crushed and letting in massive amounts of water

    23. The 34 occupants of the yacht and the eleven fishermen aboard the trawler suddenly woke up in total obscurity to find themselves on quickly sinking ships

    24. Thankfully, the rowboat from the trawler quickly got side by side with the yacht’s bow deck and started pulling aboard the persons still on the yacht

    25. The captain of the trawler made his men row hard once the transfer of survivors was completed, wanting to pull as far as possible from the sinking boats before they could suck him down

    26. As the yacht and the trawler disappeared under the waves, barely visible in the dark night, the captain of the trawler activated the small blinking light of his life vest, imitated by his sailors

    27. The radio response from the XB-50 made the trawler captain shout with joy

    28. On his part, the captain of the fishing trawler announced glumly that one of his fishermen was also missing

    29. Their joy was however short-lived, with the captain of the trawler swearing in his beard as he looked at the sea around them

    30. them as they were leaving Melbourne on a stolen fishing trawler

    31. I don’t think he is on the trawler - he is

    32. Watson and Hayes rowed on quietly towards the trawler

    33. layout of this trawler

    34. At the same moment the large stern fishing trawler TRITON arrived at its destination of latitude N 480 55’ 21’’ and longitude W 70 1’ 53’’ in the Atlantic Ocean off the western European coast

    35. In the meantime I will steer a course that a fishing trawler would normally cover in these waters

    36. The Dove was slowly hoisted, still covered by the large canvas tarp, and very carefully swung out past the stern bulkhead of the trawler

    37. ” The ships engines restarted and the men felt the vibrations through the deck plates as the trawler moved off from the drop point

    38. She responded, “The fishing trawler Triton dead in the water

    39. At that moment a timer in the submersible, that the trawler Triton had deployed, released a small flotation device that trailed a sensing wire as it rose toward the ocean surface due to buoyancy

    40. fishing trawler and Roy loves boats and water, you know, and they were down at the

    41. to hear that while he had been a trawler man in New Zealand he had been responsible for

    42. And incidentally, years later when I was working on a trawler in the Gulf of Carpentaria,

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