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    trooper Beispielsätze


    1. He was a state trooper called out there to investigate a high occurrence of young prostitutes being raped and murdered

    2. A trooper sits behind the wheel in each car with the windows rolled up and air conditioners running

    3. John rolls down his window and the trooper waddles over

    4. Trooper 2 turns and walks back to his car, talks into his shoulder-held microphone

    5. He hands the trooper his Driver’s License and Press credentials

    6. The trooper squints his eyes, holds the cards at arms length, reads them

    7. The trooper waits, takes another toke

    8. He lurches at the Trooper, pushes him and grabs his gun simultaneously, points it at his chest

    9. The Trooper brings the joint up for another toke, just as John shoots him twice in the chest

    10. The trooper staggers backward, feels of his chest, holds up his fingers to show no blood, looks at John with a mocking grin

    11. Trooper 2 speaks into his shoulder-held microphone

    12. ‘Very much so, his hedges were always properly laid, even if he had to swear like a trooper at the younger men to achieve a proper result

    13. What's going on? The sonic war against me is getting more and more unbearable day by day and I just can't stand it any more! For some strange reason, I am surrounded by all kinds of noise pollution: Every morning, at 7:30 am, my father gets out to the yard and keeps himself busy with meaningless tinkering and hammering at pieces of wood or metal for hours! When I return from work at 4:00 in the afternoon and lie in bed so as to have a brief nap, dad goes upstairs, to Alice's half-built penthouse, and starts hammering at stuff again till 5:30 that I leave for the gym! He doesn't really repair anything, he just enjoys the noise! The yard and the penthouse are full of rusty tools, old dilapidated furniture and all kinds of junk dad finds on the road and carries home! I often complain about the noise and the piggery but he never listens; on the contrary, he swears like a trooper!

    14. But you are here tonight, so I shall be a brave little trooper

    15. That dastardly old trooper of a first husband

    16. “I have just been to see Rosie with Mabel e have aid our goodbyes I do hope she recovers as she is such a trooper

    17. A real trooper, she never stopped to rest

    18. He smoked like a trooper, even though he was in the last stages of cancer

    19. * For our American readers, imagine a State Trooper with a loaded M60 machine gun in an armoured vehicle aimed at you during a routine roadblock for DUI

    20. One trooper fired at him but missed and he ran off into a room

    21. The Lead trooper screamed out ‘move, move, and move!’

    22. “The trooper was curious about my marquee

    23. Once on the highway Bruce activated the dancing headlights, hoping to catch the attention of a trooper

    24. In short order, he attracted a New Jersey state trooper who pulled him over

    25. trooper pulled in front of him, and they all proceeded to Stroudsburg with police escort

    26. You let a stray child come here among them for a fortnight and never took any notice of her--a child that swore like a trooper I'm told

    27. They were busted by a blond, blue-eyed Mormon state trooper

    28. Despite evading responsibility’s being only a misdemeanor for which a summons “served” by mail was appropriate, a trooper, recognizing Mike’s name, as a “local bad guy”, took it upon himself to drive to the condo where he broke through a locked door when no one answered his knock and shout, and found Mike in deep sleep in the bedroom

    29. No tests were performed at Backus Hospital where Mike was taken around 5 AM after being beaten by Trooper Olsen and Burns

    30. Worse for Mike, he and the first trooper scuffled in the living room

    31. Trooper Burns handcuffed Mike behind his back, kicked him to the floor despite Mike’s protest that he had a broken hip, and then excessively pepper sprayed him

    32. The EMT who accompanied the ambulance told them that Trooper Burns had excessively pepper sprayed Mike’s face and eyes and that she had used wash clothes to ameliorate the condition at Mike’s condo

    33. Furthermore, the state trooper took an obviously staged photo of Mike’s sneaker and assorted rusted beer cans which had been along the road for years in front of a post

    34. Dixie was a very brave trooper

    35. The lead trooper suddenly dropped back to report, “A single rider in a hurry moving away from us, my captain

    36. Dismissing the trooper with a wave of his hand, the captain turned to his aide, remarking, “Would it be your observation that someone has been observing us and has beat a hasty retreat when we picked up the pace of our march?”

    37. Dismissing the trooper with a wave of his hand, the captain turned to his aide, remarking,

    38. The decision overruled a federal appeals court ruling that the random boarding of a vessel by a Customs officer and a state trooper violated the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable searches and seizures

    39. Xavier was a trooper

    40. The first face peering in the window was a State Trooper with his flat topped straw and his face reflected shock as he took in my nearly naked, and tied form

    41. It was strange that a mercenary trooper should so freely ride into the court of a lord of commerce

    42. “You’re not only a trooper, but a punctual trooper," Carol offered

    43. She had been quite the trooper

    44. Behind me Washington State Trooper was fast approaching

    45. The Missouri State Trooper slowed down and then parked his

    46. The Missouri State Trooper rolled up his window, and then

    47. with the party animals and the other with the trooper

    48. Trooper Wylie tried to pry the door open, without any luck

    49. The trooper gently placed Robert into the hands of

    50. There’s a nasty state trooper who’s on my case

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