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    trouser pocket

    1. He’s holding me far too close to conceal how he feels successfully … unless he has something large in his trouser pocket which I don’t know about

    2. Without unfolding the message, I stuffed it into my trouser pocket, and then, frantically, I rubbed the mirror down with my towel, smearing a thin layer of wax everywhere

    3. He seemed to be taking much longer about his duties this morning while I felt as though I had a piece of phosphorus in my trouser pocket

    4. I lay on the cot with my back to the door and fished the piece of paper out of my trouser pocket

    5. He pulled me closer to him with his left arm, while fishing a piece of paper out of his trouser pocket with his right

    6. Reluctantly, Iain stowed his letter in his trouser pocket and, smiling in a friendly fashion, led the way to the car

    7. Wandering slowly through the concourse trying to kill time before takeoff I tried to give the impression of being a seasoned traveller with my hold-all draped casually over my shoulder whilst clutching a boarding pass to the land of mystery and imagination in my trouser pocket

    8. I closed my eyes and tried to look forward to this unexpected visit to the city of cities but just as Prometheus opened up with some hot tips on the nightspots of Sophia, I was brought to my senses by a sensuous vibration from deep within my trouser pocket

    9. 'I'm very fortunate there's such a growing interest in art history - I'm a busy girl,' she gave Adrian a filthy look for jingling coins in his trouser pocket

    10. The football boys have gone home with team bonds much as they ever were, but Leona’s new sound engineering protégé has a beer mat with a phone number tucked into his trouser pocket

    11. And all the rest of your money in your left trouser pocket

    12. He felt for a pack of cigarettes and was pleased to find them still in his trouser pocket

    13. his trouser pocket with exaggerated, sulky

    14. While his possession of the American timepiece could prove to be a problem, he kept it off his wrist and in his trouser pocket, as much to keep it from being confiscated by a militiaman as to conceal it

    15. He took a pristine handkerchief from his trouser pocket and blew his nose noisily

    16. He rifled through Harry’s trouser pockets and pulled out a fold of fifties

    17. his trouser pocket and slid it through a gap above the container

    18. pipe was resting in my right trouser pocket

    19. Jonathan slid the notepaper into his trouser pocket and sat at the other end

    20. Olivera picked up the suit and began to push it into the carrier bag; a piece of paper fell out of one of the trouser pockets

    21. his trouser pocket, looked at it and said ’I’ll give you exactly two minutes, if he's

    22. Kandowere appeared instead, telling his master that the gardener was on the cho (loo) and that he, Kandowere would put things right immediately and in an instant he had the downed pot’s cache of gems, which was in a draw string pouch made of a bulls scrotum, safely in his soiled trouser pocket

    23. He removed his trouser pockets and wrapped them around his hands

    24. “I’m ok” he said, pushing his hands deep in his trouser pockets

    25. Than pulled out a wallet from his trouser pocket

    26. I separated a thousand and put them in my trouser pocket and secured the rest with a rubber band and into the inside pocket of my jacket

    27. I sat with Ananya’s family at one of the outdoor tables, my trouser pockets

    28. And isn't it pleasant, Fanny went on thinking, how young men bring out lots of silver coins from their trouser pockets, and look at them, instead of having just so many in a purse?

    29. He found his wallet in his trouser pocket, opened it, and saw the family picture of him with Kate and little Oscar, in happier times

    30. The tune of `He's a jolly good fellow' was still buzzing in his head; he thrust his hands deep down in his trouser pockets, and began to polka round the room, humming softly:

    31. The man with the scar laughed again, the same unpleasant, mirthless laugh, and thrusting his hand into his trouser pocket

    32. (He feels his trouser pocket) Poor mamma's panacea

    33. Holmes sat motionless by the fire, his hands buried deep in his trouser pockets, his chin sunk upon his breast, his eyes fixed upon the glowing embers

    34. I found an odd vesta or two in my trouser pockets and struck a light

    35. I fetched them out of my trouser pocket and gave

    36. But in the end he lugged a dirty canvas bag out of the depths of his trouser pocket, and counted out six shillings and sixpence into Toad's paw

    37. I turned the pages and I recognized the brickwork of a Birkenhead backyard and Pat standing there with his hand thrust into his trouser pocket, looking stylish and confident in his American suit

    38. El Sid began to walk away with his hands, as always, thrust into his trouser pockets

    39. First he poured whiskey from the big bottle into a half-pint bottle, which he stuck in his trouser pocket

    40. He took his hands from his trouser pockets

    41. He took some gold pieces from his trouser pocket and put them on the dish for her

    42. He put his watch into his waistcoat pocket, and his purse—with all that was left of the hundred and eighty roubles he had taken for his journey, and for the incidental expenses of his fortnight’s stay with his cousin—and then he placed into his trouser pocket his cigarette-case and electric cigarette-lighter, and two clean handkerchiefs into his coat pockets, and went out of the room, leaving as usual the mess and confusion which he had made to be cleared up by Stephen, an old man of over fifty

    43. With his hands in the trouser pockets of his green uniform he ran on with a satisfied air, skipping first to one and then to the other side of the carriage, sometimes catching hold of the window-frame and hanging on by it, poking his head in at the window, and throwing farewell kisses to Mr

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