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    1. They didn’t know him like she did and would merely think of him as an unbeliever

    2. “The right moment? When is it ever the right moment to marry an unbeliever?” Rachel asked, her eyes blazing and her hands on her hips in a defiant stance

    3. denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever

    4. Why do you sit still as the unbeliever, Sitting upon your hands as those in the churches,

    5. It was a terrible void that shrank the impure soul and made an unwilling mind recoil in primal fear, a land that turned the unbeliever away

    6. Then comes the contrasting status of the unbeliever

    7. which reacts to the unbeliever to some of the ways He reacts to the believer: this

    8. Verses 14 and 15, this is the famous verse that focuses on the problem of the unbeliever who

    9. friend with an unbeliever

    10. of this new nature, I identify with an unbeliever, so I

    11. single unbeliever knows how to answer this question

    12. Yes, you might ask, but what about the unbeliever, he has success; he becomes wealthy without any restrictions being placed on his conscience?

    13. Even the successful unbeliever is such because God has need of him

    14. And so, he would have continued telling us his history, if Beatrice, the unbeliever, had not interrupted him:

    15. John says in another place in Revelation 21:8 that the cowardly, the unbeliever, the abominable, the murders, the sexually immoral, the sorcerers, the Idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with Fire and Brimstone, which is the second Death

    16. But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or an ungifted man enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all; 25

    17. It kept Steve happy and did not hurt Chris who was an unbeliever

    18. If the unbeliever can qualify as a superior civil servant, you should seriously question whether the roots of truth in your heart have not died from the lack of the living waters of combined spiritual communion and social service

    19. But when the willful unbeliever attacks you, do not hesitate to stand in vigorous defense of the truth which has saved and sanctified you

    20. ‘’Hey, I have to keep up with my reputation as a feminist libertine and immoral unbeliever, no?’’

    21. The unbeliever is that who does not consider the graces

    22. In other words, the coming of the Lord will overcome the unbeliever as a thief in the night, but the believer should understand events as they unfold and know that it means that the return of Jesus is

    23. Belial?(Satan) Or what part does a believer have with an unbeliever?

    24. It says for example, in 1 Corinthians 7, that if a believer is married to an unbeliever, that the unbeliever is sanctified, or blessed, by the faith of the believer - otherwise the children would be ungodly

    25. A sign to the unbeliever (Acts 2:6; 1Cor 14:22)

    26. You may place a believer and an unbeliever together, marry them, join them under one roof, but you cannot unite them any more into one piece

    27. believe: A man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever, even

    28. "Ah, but you are an unbeliever

    29. He seemed flustered, " Yes, I-I am an unbeliever where you lot are concerned, it's true, but being told that you were dead in a stranger's dream is very unsettling, no matter what path your beliefs may take

    30. "You know, I was like you, once: an unbeliever," she interrupted

    31. “Wretch that thou was!” he continued, “and persecutor! unbeliever in God, in his Prophet, and in his book! I give thanks unto the Lord that hath slain thee, and comforted mine eyes thereby

    32. Example his hate to women; he declared that Noah was unbeliever

    33. unbeliever who is blind and cannot see the sun at all

    34. Then, in this Fortress He mentioned to us the state of the near believer which results from his nearness to God and that of the unbeliever which comes from his disbelief and shunning

    35. The believer is distinguished from the unbeliever by his feeling towards his link with his Provider, whereas you see the unbeliever inattentive and oblivious of it in spite of its existence and its continuity

    36. it is better than the full age of the unbeliever and his life which is completely far from any benefit and it yields nothing other than offense and loss

    37. It serves: You, man! Look at the bad treatment of the opposer and his mean conduct, then notice his unhappiness in his life and what he suffers of distress and misery, thus you can perceive what distance entails of suffering for the far unbeliever and what harm and injury, it causes to people

    38. As for the unbeliever who has not attained any spiritual taste or any knowledge (witnessing of the mercy of his Provider), all what he will pass through in the other world is only an acquaintance

    39. Yet that acquaintance which is not associated with spiritual witnessing or tasting cannot release the spirit’s shame of its sins to help it approaching its Provider, and since the unbeliever has not rendered any favor previously in his life on which he can rely to help his spirit draw near to its Creator, therefore you find them shackled by their shame and engaged in their pain

    40. Finally, the Almighty revealed the fate of the unbeliever after death in case that he kept insisting on disbelief

    41. Then God wanted to show us that the unbeliever will never respond to the right or realize it if he keeps in his obduration and farness from God

    42. As for the unbeliever, as long as he keeps shunning his provider, he will keep indulging himself in lusts and will pass from bad state to worse one

    43. But God explained that the unbeliever cannot go behind God’s Will in and of his actions

    44. The unbeliever gets a spirit filled with vices and evil due to his shunning Al’lah

    45. The Almighty said “Proclaim to them” in order to tell us that the meanness of the unbeliever and his sorrow because of his omission in his lifetime in addition to the evil he has stored in his spirit will bring upon him anguish a great bitter regret and will cause him distress and unbearable spiritual suffering

    46. I do not think an unbeliever will understand the shout or conceive what is happening at that split second of time

    47. But I do think the unbeliever may hear something – like an odd undetectable sound, which could easily trigger the “cause” of missing loved ones

    48. That is, now you have nothing to do with the unbeliever since you have done your duty towards him and accomplished what you are charged with

    49. The verse denotes: “what a strange state this man is! What makes him unbeliever while all what is in the universe indicates its Creator’s and Existor’s mightiness? What is the thing that makes him turn away from his Provider while all what is in the universe yield to God’s favor and charity?”

    50. As for the word “morn”, it implies the state of the unbeliever to whom this life turns its bright face and let him enjoy its pleasures and treasure

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    Synonyme für "unbeliever"

    cynic dissenter atheist apostate agnostic heretic doubter