Verwenden Sie „unexpectedly“ in einem Satz
unexpectedly Beispielsätze
1. ‘Mrs Wynell … who hates you sufficiently to try to make it appear that you shot Mrs Sadler?’ the Inspector asked unexpectedly
2. There was something nasty going round, can’t remember what it was now, but he caught it and died very quickly and totally unexpectedly
3. ‘Do you have anything you want to ask me?’ he said unexpectedly
4. ’ Drens said unexpectedly
5. Wiesse shows an unexpectedly tender side while introducing me to the birds
6. John looked at this beautiful woman and unexpectedly realized that he could actually see himself with her
7. ’ Berndt said unexpectedly
8. Rayne unexpectedly felt a prickly sensation on the back of her neck
9. As Rayne sat there watching the dancing colors, a dream, or maybe memory, unexpectedly broke and all the information she was seeking suddenly flowed into her mind
10. Unexpectedly Alexei was enveloped in the strange odor he had noticed before; and he was having some very erotic thoughts
11. 28 August : S & D called unexpectedly
12. S & D … that’s Sheila & Don … she says they called unexpectedly … does that mean that they are now in England? Surely if they had been on a visit from Italy she would have known in advance
13. The small group unexpectedly changed direction and went to house on the second level below Miner’s Hold
14. The stone cobbles were unexpectedly
15. unexpectedly and cannot be started
16. RS called unexpectedly with her little boy – James is nearly ten now and greeted me with a big hug, calling me Granny B and asking me what I did when I was his age
17. Unexpectedly, Bram excused himself from the other two for a
18. He stepped into the great room, weary of the road, and Belle greeted him, embraced him unexpectedly and informed him that that was from Great-grandmama
19. Unexpectedly one afternoon late in July, Jason asked if his father was ever going to move back with them
20. Unexpectedly this afternoon the captain showed up at her door
21. But rather unexpectedly, the powerful hammer of Rag’nerack did – though it was held in the frail hands of a now shrunken, and ancient looking Dona’Cora
22. “See what?” I asked, as I jumped up a little in the tattered wicker chair I was sitting on, having been startled by the sound of a voice that had so unexpectedly shattered the silence of the moment
23. Unexpectedly, the long tale helped allay her dread of discovery
24. But now he had been taken away from her so suddenly, so unexpectedly – how was she to cope with life without him? The feeling of loss left her tired to the point of death
25. “Negative, sir,” stated the computer unexpectedly, “The fire could not be sustained once the atmosphere within the aft section has been exhausted
26. Much to Chris’ relief, it turned out that Fletcher had succeeded in freeing up the shuttle bay door mechanism before he had been so unexpectedly murdered
27. It had come out so unexpectedly
28. A few years later, when Papa wasn’t nearly old enough but when Misha was long past her prime, he died unexpectedly
29. He had captivated her, occupied her thoughts, and had unexpectedly begun to enter her dreams
30. Sadly, for Jonathan Hawes, Sylvia died unexpectedly four
31. Sylvia died unexpectedly in
32. They were a childless couple for 18 years of marriage when unexpectedly Roger showed up when I was 17
33. He looked shocked, then looked at Greaseball, then back at me, and then he unexpectedly laughed
34. “Morning, Edna,” she called in an unexpectedly deep voice - the years of smoking having taken their toll
35. The man cried out and McKee jumped as his face was unexpectedly drenched in a warm liquid
36. Carolyn had just turned the pony around to ride back, when it unexpectedly reared up into the air, throwing Carolyn to the ground
37. But instead of rescuing him, the helicopter circled overhead once, then unexpectedly disappeared out to sea, leaving him alone with the waves and the fast sinking inflatable
38. We were accustomed to killing terrorists wherever we could find them and quite unexpectedly sometimes
39. Making food unexpectedly for more people that what they normally needed made us suspicious
40. Darkburst gasped when the carvings unexpectedly merged to become a view of Brockenhurst Forest
41. Unexpectedly Brock's claw tore through the skin on Grey's neck and they watched in horror as the old badger plummeted backwards into the raging torrent below
42. Breathlessly stretching out a paw, he touched the object, and as he did, thoughts of his sister unexpectedly sprang into his mind, causing an involuntary shudder to run down his spine
43. Then a deep silence unexpectedly dropped across the forest
44. Darkburst could see the tension building in the rat's body, but even so, was taken completely by surprise when the rodent unexpectedly launched itself at him
45. When Darkburst nodded, yes, the badger unexpectedly burst into activity
46. He staggered slightly, the bright moonlight blinking out as his world was unexpectedly filled with a whirling blackness
47. Unexpectedly the giant taproot trembled and both badgers looked towards the roof
48. Rooten bumped into Thesa when the boar unexpectedly stopped
49. A sharp sorrow unexpectedly touched his heart and he felt close to panic
50. Unexpectedly he found himself filled with a new determination