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    Verwenden Sie „unprecedented“ in einem Satz

    unprecedented Beispielsätze


    1. So, that was my reward for the hard, specialized and unpaid work of one and a half month: The guru talked to me for ten whole minutes (something unprecedented within the five years in total I have attended Janus), he advised me to wear more modern clothes and nicer glasses, and he made clear that men avoid me because of my high intelligence and strong personality

    2. So, I corrected and sent them an old story of mine titled “Escape from the Tower of Eons”, and it was included in the issue of March! Certainly, this isn't a terrific success, but it is an unprecedented victory for me! I am on cloud nine!

    3. If mankind embarks on this unprecedented journey communal spirit (e

    4. But even after such unprecedented success he still felt the

    5. “Now, at that time, there was an unprecedented level of

    6. Livingson, your education with this institution has been unprecedented, wouldn't you agree?” the headmaster opened

    7. His family and friends were in such a state of sudden and complete awe at being present for this unexpected display of unprecedented passion from their Harry, that not a whisper of sound came from the assembled audience

    8. Massive solar activity on an unprecedented scale

    9. Nathaniel had heard theories that the unprecedented level of cold was brought about by the fact that there were no longer any factories left in the world

    10. But what was he keeping from her? Why had the Elders birthed such an unprecedented amount of Chosen in this land? Whatever the answers, she knew it was more than a coincidence that her lost love, Prince Adros, also dwelt in this world

    11. His ability to heal was unprecedented in the known history of the universe

    12. well the situation is just so unprecedented, so new under the One---this truly is a New Age

    13. Although, now, calling it a device seemed to demean its true nature; this was now an entity far beyond any AI in existence, on an unprecedented high evolutionary curve

    14. The wormhole collapsed after an unprecedented two and a half minutes – for a remote connection

    15. The reasons were obvious: one advertiser had spent an unprecedented amount to promote its product

    16. It had been a sudden, violent death, and unprecedented in their knowledge

    17. against the Unity in her unprecedented action had been the first major victory for the Federation in

    18. Such a gathering was unprecedented, she understood

    19. America‘s relative decline as the world‘s eminent global leader is not unprecedented when understood by the parallel decline of many (Great) Nations

    20. Twentieth Century Science and Technology have ushered unprecedented changes in our way of life in ways unimaginable to our

    21. The alarming increase in anti-social behavior, especially in our inner cities, is, by every historical standard, unprecedented

    22. Per Capita Income, however much it has increased among (native) segments of our population, has been barely able to keep pace with the rapid rise in immigration whose recent emigrants are living on the (economic) fringe in unprecedented numbers

    23. Moral self-righteousness, characteristic of the sixties mindset, elevated traditional inter-generational rivalries to unprecedented levels whose dire consequences continue to reverberate throughout our society today

    24. These (changing) attitudes gave rise to unprecedented consumer debt that (subsequently) skyrocketed through the ceiling; not to mention a ―misery‖ index that gauges our material insecurity

    25. Until such a time Science invents a time machine capable of transporting vast populations to the Wellsian corners of time and space, our Justices would be well-advised to correctly consider the direction our society has taken and the incomparable nature of crime in today‘s environment marked by an unprecedented increase in youthful offenders whose

    26. Anyhow, unprecedented powers had been granted to these groups: they were no longer burdened by the necessity of observing the civil rights of citizens suspected of treason

    27. I can honestly say that such an unprecedented work as I am engaged in currently, will prove to have earth-shattering effects and verily change our world forever

    28. And then they zipped off with an unprecedented feeling of acceleration, like being swept by an angel indeed, Hilderich thought

    29. Unprecedented flooding on the eastern seaboard of Australia, wild fires over in the west and more cyclones predicted in coming months

    30. “NERC notes that the “pace and aggressiveness” of issuing so many rules at once is unprecedented

    31. After their family succeeded in riding out an unprecedented storm, it is largely left to them to repopulate the world in some manner

    32. Why? If this unprecedented restructuring of the intelligence and investigatory branches had been seriously investigated, Assistant Attorney General Jamie Gorelich, the reputed architect of that wall, would have been sitting on the other side of the panel

    33. “To be such a complicated, mysterious piece of biological machinery, and more amazing still, to have the capacity to analyze that machinery! That is a special thing, unprecedented in all of evolutionary history

    34. That resolve was unprecedented in military history and supplied contemporaneous Allied forces in Europe as well

    35. his mind about whether or not President Shinra’s unprecedented

    36. Oil, coal and gas have given this country a quality of life unprecedented in history

    37. But they can be muzzled … We must give full weight to the claim that nothing but science, and science globally applied, and therefore unprecedented Government controls, can produce full bellies and medical care for the whole human race: nothing, in short, but a world Welfare State

    38. This goes beyond tainting water supplies; this is about worldwide control on an unprecedented scale

    39. A new phase in Sci–Coll, in Scientism and Collectivism, where the State will finally reclaim its ancient royal status—but on an unprecedented scale of domination, unlike anything history has ever witnessed

    40. "This is unprecedented

    41. unprecedented search of the B

    42. Uronians never intended to interfere in human affairs and only come to Earth now to offer assistance at a time when humans face unprecedented challenges

    43. To have achieved both marks him as a man of almost unprecedented personal

    44. I knew before I cast that the behavior of the power field was already unprecedented, and that casting into it was very dangerous

    45. “But this circle of Healers is unprecedented

    46. It was one thing to deal with the haze, unprecedented for any

    47. This respect for her privacy was unprecedented

    48. are being subjected to unprecedented attacks

    49. the result of the advance publicity was unprecedented

    50. As most citizens see it, the unprecedented technological improvements of the last two hundred years were not caused or furthered by the economic policies of the age

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    Synonyme für "unprecedented"

    unprecedented unique singular extraordinary remarkable phenomenal exceptional