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unswerving Beispielsätze
1. senior, and that he had a reputation for unswerving, even over-
2. He describes it as a frame of mind “in which nothing definite is thought, planned, striven for, desired, or expected, which aims in no particular direction and yet knows itself capable alike of the possible and the impossible, so unswerving is its power…” [183] The author quotes his teacher as saying, “The right art is purposeless, aimless! The more obstinately you try to learn how to shoot the arrow for the sake of hitting the goal, the less you will succeed in the one and the further the other will recede
3. If there was any cop at all who would pursue Mike with unswerving relentlessness, it was Edgar and that was just what the situation needed
4. Chardonnay had worked on the farm for years, a model member of the brood who had worked her way steadily up the ranks through hard work, dedication and an unswerving obedience to the rules of the roost
5. returning her unswerving gaze
6. She caught his eyes and held them in her unswerving gaze
7. Truthfulness and unswerving faith in the law of Karma, independent of the
8. As he thought about her and her unswerving trust, he determined that he would
9. You will be charmed by his unswerving devotion
10. 3 To Jesus, mortal life had dealt its hardest, cruelest, and bitterest blows; and this man met these ministrations of despair with faith, courage, and the unswerving determination to do his Father's will
11. The UK’s support for America’s fight against international terrorism had been unswerving, but that fight was increasingly being perceived as a war again the Muslim world
12. “We shall certainly be asking for your total and unswerving support, as you have had ours so far
13. unswerving consistency of a holy life whose
14. by total and unswerving devotion
15. such total and unswerving contemplation
16. “And the man who serves me with the yog of unswerving devo-
17. Sir Peter de Trent had been with the family for many years and was employed for his administrative ability and unswerving loyalty
18. Your strength is determined by your mental attitude; if this attitude is one of success and is permanently held with an unswerving purpose, you will attract to you from the invisible domain the things you silently demand
19. The right way was his way; and though he seemed by his direct, unswerving methods to succeed in living mentally in a great calm, and though after the fevers of her father's set this was to her immensely restful, was it really a good thing? Didn't it cut one off from growth? Didn't it shut one in an isolation? Wasn't it, frankly, rather like death? Besides, she had doubts as to whether it were true that there was only one way of looking at a thing, and couldn't quite believe that his way was invariably the right way
20. ” Fusan continued his unswerving stare
21. Once more I say the suspicion in my mind that some imprudence of mine has engendered these lawless thoughts in thee, is what causes me most distress and what I desire most to punish with my own hands, for were any other instrument of punishment employed my error might become perhaps more widely known; but before I do so, in my death I mean to inflict death, and take with me one that will fully satisfy my longing for the revenge I hope for and have; for I shall see, wheresoever it may be that I go, the penalty awarded by inflexible, unswerving justice on him who has placed me in a position so desperate
22. He was staring back at her, unswerving
23. None of this would have happened without Ronald Reagan’s unswerving lifelong belief in freedom and America’s exceptionalism
24. Then, too, my father is not a person whose orders may be infringed with impunity; protected as he is by his high position and firmly established reputation for talent and unswerving integrity, no one could oppose him; he is all-powerful even with the king; he would crush you at a word
25. He comes home from school, kneels on the kitchen floor, and forms airplane after airplane with unswerving, almost frightening devotion, evaluating different wingtips, tails, noses, mostly seeming to love the praxis of it, the transformation of something flat into something that can fly
26. In fact he is laying down the pen for good, and this graceful Merci is addressed to the public in grateful acknowledgment of the constant enthusiasm with which it has for so many years greeted his unswerving loyalty to true Russian thought
27. Despite his plain face, uncouth demeanour, and fault of stuttering, Peter was a man of unswerving principles and of the most extraordinary good sense