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    urinary Beispielsätze


    1. urinary bladder and his kidneys

    2. The Web site indicates cats with urinary tract infections need to drink a lot of water, adding that with their inquisitive nature, cats are more likely to drink out of bowls placed in odd spots around the home

    3. Laxative soothes and protects membranes in the gut, mouth and urinary system

    4. Excellent for the lymphatic and urinary system

    5. rooms to treat Sharon for urinary tract infections to have her urinary catheter removed and visits to the neurosurgeon to make sure the

    6. Elder Leaves: Used in Urinary Troubles and Infections and as Treatment for a Cold

    7. developed a urinary tract infection and was taken to the

    8. He needed his urinary tract to be operated on because he complained

    9. The sad part of it was that the baby delivered promptly after I catheterized her full urinary bladder (more than a liter of urine)

    10. A urethral caruncle is a tender patch that can develop at the urinary opening

    11. Your partner’s urinary opening is just above her vaginal opening, so I’m sure that you can see that a urethral caruncle is going to be something that is really not going to help her enjoy sex! A doctor should, obviously, be consulted to help with this issue

    12. I’d recently developed some urinary problems which required invasive hospital diagnostic tests to find out what was wrong

    13. Sometimes, as in the case of a urinary tract infection,

    14. out any problems like UTI Urinary Tract Infection

    15. Once completely naked, save for his socks and T-shirt, Michel first fitted a urinary tube to his penis, then put on an adult diaper, carefully routing the urinary tube so that its end stuck out of the top edge of the diaper

    16. Still keeping his torso and head out of the spacesuit shell, he quickly connected his urinary tube and inner garment electrical and water tube connectors to the appropriate ports inside the pressurized shell, then slipped his arms inside the suit’s sleeves and entered his torso and head in the hard shell of the suit

    17. Urinary incontinence can also cause problems in the family

    18. Burke DG, Smith-Palmer T Holt LE, Head B, Chilibeck PD The effect of 7 days of creatine suppelmentation on 24-hour urinary

    19. N-Acetylcysteine supplementation may increase the urinary loss of zinc

    20. prevent the candida overgrowth, diarrhea and urinary tract infections that can result from antibiotic therapy

    21. therapy for urinary tract infections (UTI), and compounds similar to betaine are known to enhance the growth of

    22. Thus, betaine supplementation should not be used during active urinary tract infects or in

    23. The most widely published health benefits of cranberries is the treatment for urinary tract

    24. These are mainly used in the treatment of abdominal colic, biliary colic (spasm of the bile duct), renal colic (spasm of the urinary tract) and menstrual pains (dysmenorrhoea)

    25. Types of stomas include an ileostomy, made in the small intestine; a urostomy, which connects to the urinary tract; and a colostomy, connecting to the large bowel of colon

    26. ear infections, urinary tract infection, yeast infection, athlete’s foot, cold sores, HIV,

    27. The links between allergy and ear infections, urinary tract infections in children, and yeast vaginitis in women have been documented

    28. urinary oxalate increases the risk of stone formation

    29. Increased levels of urinary calcium also increases the risk of stone formation

    30. Salt increases urinary calcium excretion in stone formers

    31. Lemonade was far more effective in modifying these urinary parameters than

    32. Sugar has also been reported to increase urinary oxalate, and in some reports, urinary calcium

    33. suggesting that the increase in urinary calcium caused by caffeine consumption may be

    34. The resulting decrease in urinary

    35. oxalate actually reduces the risk of stone formation, and the reduction in urinary oxalate

    36. appears to outweigh the increase in urinary calcium

    37. taken without food will increase urinary calcium, thus increasing the risk of forming

    38. Calcium citrate has been shown to increase urinary citrate in stone

    39. formers, which may act as protection against an increase in urinary calcium resulting

    40. Although the increase in urinary

    41. Using a protocol established years ago in the Journal of Urology, 24-hour urinary

    42. with elevated urinary oxalate may require much higher amounts, and therefore require

    43. in urinary oxalate levels should reduce the risk of stone formation

    44. levels of urinary oxalate

    45. Two trials from Thailand reported that eating pumpkin seeds reduces urinary risk factors for forming kidney stones

    46. Boron supplementation has been reported to reduce urinary loss of calcium and magnesium in some, but not all, preliminary research

    47. choice for empiric therapy of urinary tract infection

    48. Which of the following is the most common causative organism of urinary tract infection in a young, sexually active woman?

    49. Nephrolithiasis, known as kidney stones, is a common disease characterized by the formation of crystalline aggregates anywhere along the urinary tract

    50. · Patients with anterior cerebral artery lesions will show contralateral leg weakness, gait disturbances, and urinary incontinence

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