Verwenden Sie „useful“ in einem Satz
useful Beispielsätze
1. Kayaks were only useful in the harbor and lagoons most of the time
2. Chile Paste is an Asian hot item and is useful in controlling many insects
3. If something is found essential or very useful to make our life comfortable and we can afford it, then by all means get it
4. A small container would be useful to have in the kitchen area for this purpose
5. It gives useful information on healthcare, financial concessions and latest top news and announcements useful for senior citizens
6. Articles useful to senior citizens on various topics are available as linkages
7. There are useful tips on matters related to health
8. This site gives useful information for senior citizens on a large number of topics
9. This is a site giving information on elder care links but also gives useful information for seniors on legal, financial and health matters
10. Jesus, how I wish I could've been a bit more useful to him
11. If you want to be useful, you can put the kettle on while I bring this lot in
12. Theo hated every minute, but if he could get any useful piece of information he had to do it
13. Keeping you company is great, but I hope I can be more useful than that
14. "You were useful studying the planet in the past
15. She had always been a master of bottling up anger, an emotional handicap that found its only useful outlet in the pain and revenge of the roller derby
16. It was useful to be paranoid in her position, and to trust no one
17. The optical scope on the geosynchronous was still useful in the mean time, so she was able to watch the proceedings from above
18. Moreover, she is always trying to sabotage me in various stupid ways: She steals my back up floppy discs and accuses me of losing them, yet I see them as soon as she opens her drawer; she refuses to show me some useful things on the computer; she gives me to type the wrong texts and then she says I am the one who doesn't work right; she drops hints I am illiterate and I don't know the computer program, and so on
19. It was like a love of dogs, of some farmyard animal, loved while useful, loved while sitting by the fire on a cold evening, one ear cocked for the intruding fox, but not a love enduring or warm when the cold winds of survival blow
20. It would be pleasant having company and yes, practical assistance might be useful
21. "It would be very useful back home
22. ‘No, me neither … but I daresay our friend Gerisse has some useful associates who wouldn’t flinch at such activity … especially if he’s dabbling in the criminal underworld, as would appear to be the case
23. Almonds are also high in vitamin E, a nutrient which helps to Their superior antioxidant content means walnuts are useful improve the condition and appearance of your skin
24. While there is nothing wrong with having usually catch up with them at the clubhouse later and their fruit and sipping on energy drinks, skip the water on the first advice has been pretty useful
25. for disability purposes, but found them useful when hiking the
26. ‘I think Iain might be useful too – he has organisational skills from what I can see
27. The heart may give a useful message to the head
28. Keep writing “What is my life purpose?” The heart may give a useful message to the head
29. Look at the useful things you could buy
30. His business would always be that, everyone else was either useful or not in that sense
31. She had been only moderately useful to him
32. Useful enough that he let her be around, acceptable enough that he would give her a quickie when he had the time
33. To be useful and effective to the skin and body, vitamin C should be in the form of L-
34. So this exercise is as useful as it is simple to perform
35. In this exercise the chest is allowed to expand fully during deep breathing, and it also removes stiffness of the neck and shoulders and so is a useful exercise with which to follow the Shoulderstand described in chapter four
36. She had no idea why they were suddenly starting to be useful, but with a fresh packet of fags laying open on the kitchen table, with the kitchen cleaned, with something smelling lovely bubbling away on the cooker and with a head that was hosting a motorway maintenance crew, she didn't feel inclined to argue
37. They had come up with something that was as useful as a phone, but could only be recharged by sunlight and had an eyepiece for a screen
38. Margaret had found a new calling, and once again felt useful
39. 'Do you think so? It always looks like a lot of stuff but they come in useful for the rites
40. In the living room he installed a fifty-six inch television monitor and was able to interact with online services in super-sized mode, which he found particularly useful when inspecting the assets and attributes of various potential brides from far flung lands such as the Czech Republic, the Ukraine and the Philippines
41. She suggested he be short and concise, and give her a gift, something useful from her prospective
42. When we talked earlier in the week about what to do with the furniture, she was very practical and said to take anything that would be useful here and, with the exception of a few antiques and items which originally came from my parents’ house, sell the rest
43. I always found it useful when Rob came home after a day on the hills – it limited the range of the mud! I had them put in about twenty years ago but had to replace the shower unit a couple of years ago, so that is quite modern
44. There are endless ways to use gratitude, but here are a few that should be useful relating to fear:
45. Let‘s say you want to feel confident on command (useful as you head into that job interview)
46. The stuff in the shed, mainly garden implements, along with some car-related bits and pieces in the garage, can stay put – the tenants might find them useful
47. idea why they were suddenly starting to be useful, but with a fresh
48. Engaging the conscious mind in the process is useful,
49. In that, BeH has proved to be a really useful resource, something you definitely want in your bookmarks bar
50. sometimes a useful trick