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    Verwenden Sie „usefulness“ in einem Satz

    usefulness Beispielsätze


    1. We possess a great deal of knowledge, mental power, and capacities, which have never been drawn forth from the realm of the subconscious into objective usefulness; anyone who has watched the effect of Meditation upon the beginner will substantiate this statement

    2. If he stayed with the native women he's served his usefulness as bait by now

    3. Why has this particular process of chemical interaction been walking around so long, centuries past any usefulness

    4. usefulness of the credit card

    5. Usefulness It is an important thing that you are useful

    6. She was only awoken at the end of their shifts; when their usefulness expired, or when they went mad

    7. The captain dropped the revolver to the ground, its usefulness over

    8. By then, he’d have a true measure of her usefulness as guide

    9. “Didn’t bank on my usefulness, did you? That should show you not to be so hasty to judge

    10. The Elf pointed out the functions of each of the controls, the properties and general arrangement of the panels and monitors, their usefulness and a few tricks of the trade as it were to their more arcane applications

    11. them, without examining them for veracity or usefulness

    12. Once the ball has been chipped onto the green, the seven iron’s usefulness is pretty much over, unless the golfer has incredible courage and wants to use the seven iron as a putter

    13. A person who breaks the law, irrespective of the validity or purposefulness or usefulness of that law

    14. As a plain wooden baton did the same work in hitting a suspect on the head I just could not see its usefulness

    15. Adriano was somewhat uncertain about the usefulness of Japanese infantry equipment for in-house-

    16. I should ask him about the usefulness of glory

    17. Immortality hadn’t really proven its usefulness, and was about to put to the test, not as a solid battlefield advantage which I’m sure every fighting man would be interested in, but as a way to ensure the plan worked and I lived through it

    18. Was she an outsider? Did she have a part to play in this plan, or was her usefulness as a Stibmit, now over

    19. She'd been a requirement to summons the great Wyverns, was that the extent of her usefulness? Odin rolled off the mud bank that surrounding the pond

    20. He’d stick around, as long as the Pilgrim proved his usefulness

    21. She believed that her death might have some usefulness

    22. Old bricks fell away from what was left of buildings long past usefulness

    23. “proletariat,” its usefulness as a tool for achieving power ended, at the bottom of the heap as always

    24. sed in terms of social consciousness and usefulness

    25. Words have their limited usefulness, but we put no limits to

    26. his usefulness as a peace officer and member of the RCMP”

    27. decreased the bayonet’s usefulness, and as early as the American Civil War in 1861 the bayonet

    28. opposed to it without weakening its frame, or abridging its usefulness in the judgement of those who are attached to it,” Madison said,

    29. value one judgment over the others for its consistency, affability, usefulness, history, or some

    30. A theory measured by correspondence, coherence, and usefulness is, all

    31. It is much part of the learning around setting it up, considering its usefulness, function and purpose

    32. 10 Again, we see that tolerance was predicated upon its usefulness to the state

    33. stressing the usefulness of his 700 to 1,500 workers to the state

    34. General usefulness: * One star: Unfortunately even general usefulness here is a

    35. ● General Usefulness * One Star: Unfortunately even general usefulness here is a

    36. “We should also review our entire inventory with an eye to each item’s usefulness on campaign

    37. “Serious questions may also be raised concerning the propriety or usefulness of

    38. Eugene Wigner (the 1963 Nobel Laureate for Physics) exclaims in disbelief, ‘The enormous usefulness of mathematics in the natural sciences is something bordering on the mysterious and there is no rational explanation for it

    39. the point of usefulness, it is usually

    40. Belief systems have their period of usefulness for individuals but rarely do they apply to others simply because there are so many different belief systems, social mores, and family traditions

    41. Over the years following awakening, each structure is compared to empirical reality and updated for usefulness

    42. His usefulness to the cause was quickly waning and he was becoming a liability

    43. pupil increases in usefulness, more and more of the work is put into his

    44. usefulness as channels of the Master' s force

    45. It is because of the probability of his increased usefulness that he is admitted to Initiation, and at the ceremony he

    46. of his character, and help to determine the extent of his usefulness in the

    47. genuine relic, and the fact that the people are deluded in their belief does not affect its usefulness, since their devotion is genuine, and that is the important thing

    48. to the first sub-ray of the Seventh; so it will not be regarded principally from the point of view of its devotional effect, but rather from that of its usefulness in connection with the great Deva evolution

    49. Bridget and Joe were already contemplating a move as their status had improved and the house in a sense had begun to outlive its usefulness

    50. And from that hour the servant began to mend and was eventually restored to his normal health and usefulness

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    usefulness utility gain service use advantage application edge