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    vacating Beispielsätze


    1. ‘I’ve given my landlord notice that I’ll be vacating the house and that it will be left empty for a few weeks as a result

    2. He tipped Mike off to the fact that he needed more space, so he was vacating unit 6 and taking units 7 and 8, knocking down the wall between them

    3. of vacating the world of pain

    4. and told him he was vacating

    5. attention by obvious behavior that one is vacating the area bearing

    6. Captain Steel enquired about their plans for the cargo in the vault and vacating the ship

    7. News spread of a serious gas leak as fire crews positioned their engines restricting traffic and police took control of the hotel, systematically moving their heavy team through the two lower levels of accommodation, vacating rooms, occupying corridors and sealing off all lifts and stairways

    8. People stared vacating large buildings in view of MFP warning

    9. ter says you are willingly vacating the location and you understand

    10. On demand, iNstant Transcendence is a transitory suffocation-defying, fantASy anti-gravity ride with the temporary vacating exhilaration of exotic places, never staying, falling back, reeled by cultural behavior ruling the symmetry breaks and anomalous transformations domesticating us to the brochured expectation of being liberated without lifting a finger to stop the slave train of consciousness chained to iT's sole purpose: ilikenment

    11. no point vacating the seat

    12. This letter says you are willingly vacating the location and you understand now, but never before knew, that your father had wrongfully homesteaded on that land

    13. They made their way at length in among some pleasant trees that stood a little distance from the road, and there vacating Rocinante's saddle and Dapple's pack-saddle, they stretched themselves on the green grass and made their supper off Sancho's stores, and he making a powerful and flexible whip out of Dapple's halter and headstall retreated about twenty paces from his master among some beech trees

    14. Maria suddenly spotted another car vacating a spot and she turned, closing in on it

    15. If the above supposition proves correct, the organs of communication which pass through the osculi, can hardly be in common, but must rather connect the animals by simple contact only, otherwise these parts would be broken when the animal changes its place by vacating the inferior part of the tube

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