Verwenden Sie „valueless“ in einem Satz
valueless Beispielsätze
1. Art Stupefaction conceals an inherent baseness common to affected styles and manners that is often lost on the casual observer, captivated as many of them are by erratic forms for their own sake without giving considered thought to their (social) implications; radical ―art‖ forms whose intended meaning, if any, are often unclear, its premises anti-social, tasteless, adolescent, absurd, valueless and immoral
2. forced to choose, when one of the two choices has become valueless to you?”
3. successes to be as valueless as throws of the dice in some game of chance
4. Your advice is valueless
5. While it had been agreed in Cabinet that the generous State remuneration that they all received, plus even more generous expenses, would soon replenish their depleted coffers, many realised that the farms and land to which they had helped themselves earlier were now largely valueless
6. Such being the case, it is valueless and affirms no fact, and therefore we do not heed or take into consideration what it warns us of, while we listen carefully to the absolute and serious speech and take our precautions to face the troubles it cautions us of
7. Such being the case, these words are valueless and do not affirm any facts
8. Because of this, hunting has become valueless in our time, whereas it was not so in the time of our Envoy (cpth)
9. These Gods of Gold transmute valueless digits into monetary garments woven from the endless threads of debt sold over and over again
10. Thus, if you have not realized the Godly Omnipotence, your uttering the word 'the Omnipotent' is considered valueless, when this word will soon slip away if you see a sword directed to you
11. "Would you like to look it over? I can't find anything missing except a bundle of old and valueless photographs
12. In fact the physical characteristics by which some physicians profess to detect the presence of negro blood are held by other authorities to be valueless
13. The instant it is expedient and convenient not to own any property: humans easily and instantly absolve themselves of that ownership and throw away that property as useless, valueless waste
14. Anything that does not gratify you becomes useless, worthless and valueless
15. The result of people treating their own bodies as machines, treating other people as machines, treating living organisms as valueless hindrances to the spread of technology and civilization, treating ecosystems as dumping grounds for industrial waste and pollution
16. predecessors, and its client nations prove vain, useless and valueless at the time of great decision
17. It also gave them the gift of perspective, because knowledge is valueless without it
18. Elinor saw, and pitied her for, the neglect of abilities which education might have rendered so respectable; but she saw, with less tenderness of feeling, the thorough want of delicacy, of rectitude, and integrity of mind, which her attentions, her assiduities, her flatteries at the Park betrayed; and she could have no lasting satisfaction in the company of a person who joined insincerity with ignorance; whose want of instruction prevented their meeting in conversation on terms of equality, and whose conduct toward others made every shew of attention and deference towards herself perfectly valueless
19. The slums and the wretched dwellings now occupied by the working classes - the miserable, uncomfortable, jerry-built "villas" occupied by the lower middle classes and by "business" people, will be left empty and valueless upon the hands of their rack renting landlords, who will very soon voluntarily offer to hand them and the ground they stand upon
20. He was now known to be a man of skill; it was observed that he gathered herbs, and the blossoms of wild-flowers, and dug up roots, and plucked off twigs from the forest-trees, like one acquainted with hidden virtues in what was valueless to common eyes
21. The Confederates, he told them, had retaken Atlanta after Sherman marched out, but it was a valueless prize as Sherman had burned it completely
22. They no longer seemed quite so valueless, but to steal from C
23. (If the contract were to expire here, the option would be valueless)
24. The bond of a business without assets or earning power would be every whit as valueless as the stock of such an enterprise
25. , that the “interest was covered” more than eleven times) is valueless or misleading
26. It is the most important because the sole practical value of our laborious study of the past lies in the clue it may offer to the future; it is the least satisfactory because this clue is never thoroughly reliable and it frequently turns out to be quite valueless
27. Restricted earnings are seldom valueless to owners, but they often must be discounted heavily
28. A life was given for a life, with no assertion that one was priceless and the other comparatively valueless
29. On the view of characters being of real importance for classification, only in so far as they reveal descent, we can clearly understand why analogical or adaptive characters, although of the utmost importance to the welfare of the being, are almost valueless to the systematist
30. they will preserve at any rate some faithful traits by which one may guess what may have lain hidden in the heart of some raw youth of that troubled time—a knowledge not altogether valueless since from raw youths are made up the generations
31. Then he was free and fearless, and innumerable possibilities lay ready to open before him; now he felt himself caught in the meshes of a stupid, empty, valueless, frivolous life, out of which he saw no means of extricating himself even if he wished to, which he hardly did
32. The one is priceless, the others not only have no value, but are worse than valueless, for they deceive and pervert taste
33. But we have attempted to include every Greek temple known to have had pediment-figures or sculptured metopes or frieze, and have thus, for the sake of completeness, registered some examples which are valueless for the main question