The opportunity to enjoy them, spend time with them, teach them your values and beliefs, play with them, show them how much you love them, that opportunity is happening
If your parents noticed you were hanging out with kids that maybe didn’t have the same values your
The physical, social and spiritual needs of the children were to be met by the entire community with values inculcated by the elders
The advent of constant media influence and increased mobility make it so that the morals and values of family groups are not passed down as unchanged as they once were
It is our purpose to observe the contrasting values, and to decide for ourselves what is wanted in our physical experience
So how do we avoid sublimating the word of God into the existing framework of our values and interests and not accommodate it to that?
We looked at our self esteem, beliefs, values, strengths and life purpose
How does this fit with your core values?
If core values, beliefs, strengths, enthusiasm and everything else we discussed were the ingredients of a cake, then spirit would be the ingredient than holds them all together
and elected representatives, values open to change
For this reason it is practiced in the higher stages of Yoga for its spiritual values for spiritual purity is closely linked to physical purity
I cannot mention the Yogamudra twice in this book without telling you of the spiritual values it confers
Miss Jones, as the last of her line, lived a quiet and shrouded life that was bounded by the tightness of good old-fashioned values and good old-fashioned friends
All of the political parties identified with her recent struggle, praising her for her actions, and she was held up as a paragon of good old fashioned and traditional values by the true blues of the political firmament
Explain how to access Viewstate values of this page in the next page?
values, valid even today
And today you great men pass on these values to
values by the true blues of the political firmament
Values That Supply the Being:
following two letters cover 7 essential values and vices (altogether
The worthwhile thing to know here is: The Holy Bible is a figurative system of varying values
binary pattern that used letters of the alphabet for numerical values, the words were
The sound can be represented by electrons instead of air, it has pressure, flow and restriction values in it’s equations just like air
Everything God has is available to whoever wants and values it
He was amazed, and turning to the vizir said: “What do you say? Should I not give the princess to one who values her so highly?”
But the relative values of those two different species of food, bread and butcher's meat, are very different in the different periods of agriculture
˜ Of the variations in the Proportion between the respective Values of that sort of Produce which always affords Rent, and of that which sometimes does, and sometimes does not, afford Rent
In the whole progress of improvement, it might, therefore, be expected there should be only one variation in the comparative values of those two different sorts of produce
Variations in the Proportion between the respective Values of Gold and Silver
The great quantity of silver sent annually to the East Indies reduces, he supposes, the quantities of those metals which remain in Europe to the proportion of one to fourteen or fifteen, the proportion of their values
The proportion between their values, he seems to think, must necessarily be the same as that between their quantities, and would therefore be as one to twenty-two, were it not for this greater exportation of silver
But the ordinary proportion between the respective values of two commodities is not necessarily the same as that between the quantities of them which are commonly in the market
But it’s true she values water highly
which they produced basic values still actual
recruitment by promoting the real values, some other
forgot long time ago the values of the Christianity, as
Let us imagine a scale on which the values are
of the metal pieces of which it is composed, but to include in its signification some obscure reference to the goods which can be had in exchange for them, the wealth or revenue which it in this case denotes, is equal only to one of the two values which are thus intimated somewhat ambiguously by the same word, and to the latter more properly than to the former, to the money's worth more properly than to the money
His weekly revenue is certainly not equal both to the guinea and to what can be purchased with it, but only to one or other of those two equal values, and to the latter more properly than to the former, to the guinea's worth rather than to the guinea
The whole revenue of all of them taken together is evidently not equal to both the money and the consumable goods, but only to one or other of those two values, and to the latter more properly than to the former
There would have been two values instead of one
highlight of the values
By altering the rate, on the contrary, the proportion between those two values is necessarily altered
the prestigious homes of auction with values that
The different quantities of productive labour which it may put into motion, and the different values which it may add to the annual produce of the land and labour of the society, according as it is employed in one or other of those different ways, never enter into his thoughts
Mary Standard was a good woman who had been brought up with the normal set of values in her society that had been passed down from generation to generation
Her mind was saying that she needed to find someone who shared the same values and upbringing as her for her marriage to work
Your brand reflects who you are as a company & the values & principals 518 that drive your biz decisions
These ideals of supremacy, survival of the fittest, ignoring the weak and poor, these are the kind of values that have brought us all here
They’re the kind of values that made you grow up without a father, in a shitty district that you can't afford to leave
; and the proportion between the market price of bank and that of current money is kept at all times very near the proportion between their intrinsic values
Children also develop values and moral character by being part of a larger group – the group supports us, and we also become a support to others, strengthening ourselves as well as our community
Teach them to have strong values and beliefs that they can focus on when in trouble – through church relationships and activities, and other community groups
People hold strong opinions about the values of their own purposes and the purposes of others
Those commodities of America are new values, new equivalents, introduced into Hungary and Poland, to be exchanged there for the surplus produce of these countries
The monk explained that the mantra had many intrinsic values
The values of concrete strength are greatly influenced by the features of tester machines, conditions of test, and form of specimens
where К and m - factors which values
- at specified types of coarse and fine aggregates with given values of their density;
It is about fulfilling one’s life purpose, which normally encompasses learning lessons in values and wisdom
experiences, beliefs, values and assumptions that affect
I was humbled, knowing the grandparents took time to teach our children the true values
Not only did Panin have to focus on the words of the original Greek texts, but also on their arrangements, positions, numeric values, the syllables they contained and the letters that they consisted of
-- The Numeric Values of the Bible writer‘s names are:
The sum of these Numeric Values is 7,931 and can also be expressed as (721x11), while the sum of the factors of 7, 11, and 103 is 121 (11x11)
The names of the books and their numeric values conform to specific design specifications that become evident in the number 11 that forms the foundation for its design
The value of 11 would no longer be valid for looking at the numerical structure, with which the placement of books in the Bible and numeric values, with regards to the authors, was designed
He would also not only need to anticipate the language involved in the construction of the Bible, but even the values associated with the letters of the alphabets
Would God be God if he did not keep his Word? Throughout the Bible we see that God values his Name in everything he does, even above himself
There is one thing that God values more than his name: that is his Word
It consists of only 4 letters which raises the statistical chances of finding it in the Torah at varying skip values
They would then specify upper and lower limits for the skip intervals (which could include both positive and negative values) that the computer needs to use when searching for the term or phrase
Although some sceptics of this phenomenon have found similar patterns in secular books, their results were within statistically expected values
After about 10-11 seconds, the picture becomes less speculative, since particle energies drop to values that can be attained in particle physics experiments
altogether unequal, and, in most cases, is both the one and the other; the former, though in some respects unequal, different slaves being of different values, is in no respect arbitrary
He values the human will to execute decisions, with absolute resolution - whether they are right or wrong
She convinced him that he was suffering from old-fashioned values and that it was time they were bashed
What did they know? Outdated values
had the same values as he did
values, ideals and interests it’s just not fair
She pretended that her values had changed and that their
of changed values and her lack of action, there was always a reason
years? Bored and wanting someone with different values who is
It is women that have moved on though they are more in charge of their own destiny now and the old values that we used to hold as sacred are worthless now when you are faced with the possibility of losing your loved one
I, more or less, tried to impose my values on him
I learned when I started to college that the lifestyles, values and habits of poor people are often different from those of middle class
minimal of wear and tear values
The official White House website claims: „His story is the American story – values from the heartland, a middle-class upbringing in a strong family…" This piece of fluff could not be further from the truth, i
professors teaching out and out hatred of Western values, culminating in hatred of America
He began discussing something Jimmy had remembered once learning in a science lesson, about values of energy
Because Grandma and Grandpa will leave behind more than just their kin, their possessions, and that gravestone called Grandpa’s chicken coop… they will leave behind the glue that will hold this family together — the values and the lessons that we all grew up learning — that love is superior, that family is mighty, and that without a doubt, we were put here, not for ourselves, but for each other
A man in my position values that
Its elasticity is grounded on the assumption that our society is a living organism subject to the vicissitudes of enlightened opinions, changing social and moral values and evolving standards of decency
As our (collective) body of shared values continue to diminish under the dynamic influence of multiculturalism and where the evolution of self-contained communities, especially in our inner cities, continues mapping their (own) chartered course, such events must inevitably give rise to expanding pockets of diverse groups who, as a rule, feel more at ease in their (own) ethnic environments perceived to be culturally and socially sympathetic to their needs contrasted by ‖homogenous‖ groups who, increasingly threatened by ―foreign‖ values that provide little, if any meaning, seek refuge of their own
If one allows that worldly values are the off-springs of worldly customs, (alone); that is to say, restricted to non-spiritual matters, and that eternal values are necessarily eternal in meaning; neither limited by space nor time, which would otherwise render them meaningless and incomprehensive in form; universal or eternal Values must necessarily embrace all existence, including the ―Material‖ that (always) was, is and will become, without exception; the expression or starting point of God‘s own Creation, in His own Image consonant with His own laws or (Eternal Values), whose impressions have been (indelibly) stamped on all things potentially eternal
The Soviet Empire‘s pre-meditated attempt (and subsequent failure) at eliminating all vestiges of God from the hearts and minds of its oppressed subjects offers some glimmer of hope in America‘s own internal struggles with anti-religious forces who, in a similar manner, are avidly seeking to promote a Secularist Agenda by advancing legislation aimed at removing religious symbols and displays from public forums and driving them underground where it is hoped such forms will one day be lost on future generations otherwise lacking the necessary (spiritual) predicates and values formerly derived by enlightened examples that, for centuries, provided structure and moral sustenance and meaning to religious thought
They require the mutual support and interaction of its churches, schools and other (community) organizations to (properly) reinforce that society‘s customary values necessary for the functioning of a well-ordered society
Operating in a free and open environment has historically encouraged Americans to consider the merit(s) and values of competing arguments by weighing the credibility of each in a manner that allows an individual to form accurate impressions and render sound judgments
What is generally referred to as National Sentiment is a composite of all the essential features (or values) embodied in a society‘s political and social institutions reflecting the consonant viewpoints embraced by every member of that society as well as its single-minded regard for its traditional customs and practices