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    1. Jewish leaders called the speech “a step backward” and were disappointed by the Vatican’s anti-Semitism, believing that this speech will cause some Jews to close dialogue with the Catholic Church

    2. It wasn’t us that did that, it was the Heavenly Vatican actually

    3. Ava wondered why there was still a Vatican if they thought they were in Heaven? She guessed it was because of the ‘just like real life but perfect’ mantra and the fact that the heaven of a devout Catholic would not be perfect without a Vatican

    4. She wondered, “Why would the Vatican send that letter? Kelvin’s mother was a Baptist

    5. “That was sent by the Vatican,” he replied

    6. “We have sources in the Vatican intelligence community,” he said

    7. Her skin shines like marble in a Vatican courtyard

    8. Herold came to the only logical conclusion: she must sell Her painting to the Vatican for one billion dollars for charity

    9. I have since seen such things in Vatican artworks depicting Saints having visions of Heavenly Hosts

    10. It was dangerous and taboo to visit the Vatican

    11. I believe that was around the time that Italy, under Garibaldi and Mazzini, became a modern nation and deprived the Vatican of their Papal States

    12. The crisis facing the Catholic Church (today) was foreshadowed by the Second Vatican Council that sought to ―integrate modern human experience with Christian Dogma‖ in an effort to promote a better understanding of the Scriptures

    13. It’s truly and astonishing airport in a city-state like the Vatican

    14. The Knights Templar had travelled across Europe and sailed to Scotland, escaping a death ordered by the Vatican in Rome

    15. Roger and Josie wanted their children to see Rome and the Vatican

    16. The Catholic Church through either the USCCB or the Vatican should step-in and either have ‘Catholic’ removed from the group’s name and/or remove the nun or the ‘recognition’ of the nun’s religious Order as a part of the Church!

    17. And at the gates of the Vatican, tens of

    18. also past the New Gardens was the Vatican

    19. I"m here at the Vatican with someone you

    20. (only 300 yds are in Vatican) used for

    21. And at the gates of the Vatican, tens

    22. Today, the only remnant of the temporal power of the Papacy is Vatican City in Rome

    23. A letter from Bishop Higbold to Pope Hadrian (recently discovered in the Vatican library) suggests that Alcuin visited England in the fall of 793 or the spring of 794, returning to Germany after a few months

    24. I'm-a-sure that the Pope fell off his throne and I'm not-a talkin' about the one in the Vatican

    25. Church, but, of course, the Vatican didn’t recognize her as a priest

    26. live in a palace still in Rome, called the Vatican

    27. Hypocrites! The king of the Vatican

    28. And the hiding of conflicting religious information below the Vatican

    29. The Vatican stirs things up

    30. He also hated the decision of the Vatican to allow Mass to be said in national languages particularly in English, favouring the Latin version that he knew off by heart

    31. How they loved the Bay of Naples, the Isle of Capri, and the fascinating Pompeii, culminating with a visit to Rome and the Vatican itself

    32. There was as story yesterday about the Vatican sending someone to investigate, apparently he’s there now

    33. A pleading from the Vatican

    34. The Fuhrer used the Vatican City as his example; it is a State within a City, within a country

    35. The men represent major corporations, the Vatican, Swiss banks, major newspaper chains and arms dealers who literally decide and dictate our lives

    36. At half past one in the morning in Vatican City, Italy, Cardinal Paul Kovacs woke with a

    37. “I have a new collection commissioned by the Pope performed by the Vatican choir

    38. Vatican contingent and held the rank in the ‘Swiss Guard’

    39. I’m not suggesting the closing down of Vatican City and having a moving garage sale, but this preoccupation with the affordability of coupling might be a bit 94

    40. You could argue that I am not qualified to offer suggestions on church matters since I am not part of the clergy and I don’t live in the Vatican, but over the years, priests and sisters have advised the married! Indeed, I am part of the church since the people – even the lay members – all participate

    41. He was hiding in the Vatican Embassy there

    42. “The Vatican, whose information network should never be underestimated, has apparently learned about that Mary-Magdalene and her son and is said to be preparing a delegation to visit her in Warsaw

    43. “I am sure that the Vatican wishes no more than us to see such religious turmoil being created

    44. Jack hid as best he could his displeasure: they were busy enough as it was without having to contend with some commission of inquiry from the Vatican

    45. “The Vatican? What’s that?”

    46. Vatican there are manuscripts which prove the heresy

    47. Obviously the significance of any possible connection with Rome is that Rome is where the Vatican is located and

    48. The telephone call he had just received from the Vatican had also done nothing to appease his mood

    49. ‘’Know also that I just received one hour ago a call from the Vatican concerning this scandal

    50. ‘’The Vatican is sending inquisitors to Los Angeles, Your Eminence?’’ Gasped one of the bishops, making Manning nod his head grimly

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