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    Verwenden Sie „vegetate“ in einem Satz

    vegetate Beispielsätze


    1. He was working even more than usual, if that was at all possible and so when he was home we rarely did anything other than vegetate on the couch

    2. And but while here to vegetate designed

    3. She could afford the time to vegetate

    4. It inspires us either to be active or non-active tools… either to work or vegetate in some vacuous, mindless, non-active, non-thinking, non-feeling, nonphysical way

    5. in the world, and to do something better than vegetate with the animals that

    6. Since the Orleans railway has invaded the region of the Salpetriere, the ancient, narrow streets which adjoin the moats Saint-Victor and the Jardin des Plantes tremble, as they are violently traversed three or four times each day by those currents of coach fiacres and omnibuses which, in a given time, crowd back the houses to the right and the left; for there are things which are odd when said that are rigorously exact; and just as it is true to say that in large cities the sun makes the southern fronts of houses to vegetate and grow, it is certain that the frequent passage of vehicles enlarges streets

    7. This was the fact in every instance where the husk of the seeds was obviously attached to the cotyledons, and in the few instances where the plants appeared to vegetate with but one cotyledon, it is probable that it arose from a bulb or some portion of the old plant, in which life had not been extinguished, during the past winter, which was made more probable by the fact that several of the leaves arose obviously from bulbs

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    Synonyme für "vegetate"

    vege out vegetate