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    1. It became a bit of a Friday night game and every time the police moved in he would turn into an open veldt between two narrow poles and escape

    2. The rest we brought with but soon learned you needed almost nothing in the veldt for it had to be carried with you

    3. Normally they leave the bodies in the open when they kill a person, but there are many witnesses such as big game hunters who say that they have seen and also experienced themselves how elephants would attempt to “cover” humans with branches and leaves, who are merely sleeping in the veldt

    4. The area towards Port Nolloth and the surrounding veldt had been searched but nothing found, and for the missing couple to turn up so close to the main road to the north, was completely unexpected

    5. It took four days to reach their final destination, a ranch of several thousand acres deep in the veldt of the Orange Free State

    6. evening, with the back drop of blackened trees and smouldering veldt, an entire

    7. Once the lion had trotted off across the veldt, Anto pressed the gas on the Land Rover and took us to the place where water buffalo were known to gather

    8. So; how could a slower, less powerful scavenger with poor eyesight, smell and hearing, compete and survive during the seasonal drought of the African Veldt? The drying up of vegetation, waterholes, the migrating herds gone

    9. Instead of thinking and acting like the dominant species on the African Veldt, which they were and still are… they became brainless cowards, preyed upon by the predators of the Veldt

    10. They began robbing from predators, stealing their food; they became hated by all the predators of the African veldt as a bunch of dirty skulking thieves and cowards

    11. They were hated and despised by all the animals of the African Veldt

    12. A human can live for 2 weeks in the Veldt from the marrow found in the thigh bone of an African antelope

    13. Every single tribe of apes which discovered this trick of one-sided Splitness was chased out of the Garden of Eden that was once the African Veldt, the velvet soft land of paradise where they discovered and committed the first sin of human knowledge: how to split things apart by using tools, how to use tools

    14. How many millions of years did Volcanoes set the grasses of the Veldt on fire? How many millions of years did out ancestors recreate this sound with joy and approval? Happy in the knowledge that dead roasted bodies of burnt animals would soon be waiting for them to eat and feast upon

    15. The African Veldt hasn’t changed appreciably in millions of years

    16. They have all changed beyond recognition; except the african veldt

    17. Because the African Veldt being in the tropics escaped the effects of the Ice-Ages? Because this eco-system is the original dominant eco-system of the earth …? Because it exports species, lifestyles and adaptations but never imports them? Why? The size of its animals has become smaller: but then again… so has the size of all mammals over the earth

    18. The African Veldt has remained the most savage and competitive ecosystem on Earth for mammals

    19. Mammals in the African veldt experience more catastrophic population reductions, faster, more often, than anywhere else on Earth

    20. Science has documented this unique phenomenon on the African Veldt

    21. This dynamic still exists today on the African Veldt

    22. If our ancestors did live in the African Veldt one thing is certain: none of them stayed there

    23. The regenerative nature of the Veldt is so strong that it wipes away annually all evidence of the previous year’s carnage

    24. Hearths may well have existed on the Veldt, and there is no scientific way of determining whether there were hearths, unless you dig up the soil and try to find carbon deposits that were washed into the soil and dissipated by the rains each year

    25. There are no cancer-causing carbon-pits called hearths found in the African Veldt

    26. Instead of socializing first, they had to re-tool their flints, their sharp stone cutting tools, their heavier tools, their killing implements, their defensive implements, and God knows what other things they used as an advantage to survive in the African Veldt

    27. Where in Africa did the trees disappear and not return? The east side of Africa: the African Veldt

    28. That is…unless you are high up in a tree and down on the ground is a fight between two huge monsters, two lions, or saber tooth tigers, or elephants or whatever, battling it out in a fight to the death… Then all of the animals of the veldt stop and stare at the spectacle of violence and bloodshed, then everyone stops to see who will win and who will lose

    29. Wouldn’t their example be even more powerful since they were genetically designed to hunt apes in trees? And are rightly feared by all apes; far more than the other four predators in the veldt? Why are all loners feared and hated by human societies? Because they are instinctively reminded of the lone hunters who once killed them for millions years? The simple answer is; that our ancestors evolved out of trees, before they used examples of the dominant species on the ground around them, to create a new social model with

    30. What have we learned in 100,000 years? What have we learned in 4 million years? Ever since we left the African Veldt: we have only learned from our tools

    31. Have we learned how to live better as human animals since we came out of the veldt? Have we learned anything in 100,000 years how to live better as human animals?

    32. Why? Because the peer examples of the African Veldt had already taught us: that the most important thing in surviving and escaping death and extinction, was the decisive advantage African predators had

    33. Is this coincidental? Or is it because we are so intelligent? We copied the animals of the African Veldt so precisely that our history is an exact re-enactment of the social dynamics of those animals

    34. The only difference between Animals living in the African Veldt and the elite class of humans is tools

    35. Why did aboriginal Africans never colonize the Veldt? It had more animals

    36. The animals of the Veldt are still too wild to be tamed

    37. In Africa on the veldt: our ancestors began eating animal protein simply because there was so much of it

    38. But on the African veldt, there is too much animal protein to be processed by only the usual carrion eaters

    39. This hell of hate and evil cunning of the African Veldt was a garden of e-vel sin for these wicked foul undead things: The ‘i’ in the word evil is pronounced exactly as the ‘e’ in the world Veldt

    40. The evil of the African Veldt was where they could wallow in aiding and abetting of the worst evil there is: where animals killed and ate each other, committing the evil of killing a living animal for its flesh and eating that dead flesh

    41. All the other sin-filled living creatures in the African veldt aided the undead in this casting out of the only good animal on earth: the gulf of Aden: the evil energy of Nature aided and abetted the undead evil filth who cast these two innocent naked creatures out, naked of all evil… out of the Garden of evil dens of lions and hyenas, out of the plains of the millions of grazing animals, the plains of the Eaten, where the eaters and the eaten committed their sins over and over for hundreds of millions of years

    42. This comes from our monkey ancestry… when for hundred of millions of years: our monkey ancestors looked down from their trees at huge evil monsters filled with hate, the killing saber-toothed tigers and cave bears and mammoths and elephants and lions fought each other and battled for supremacy in the African Veldt and the African plains and jungles

    43. And indeed that moment did arrive while he was on a short tour of the low veldt land in the

    44. Can I compete with an African veldt? Can I give a bath and scrub the children as efficiently or quickly as the automatic scrub bath can? I cannot

    45. ‘Made it from a veldt into a forest and put Rima there instead of lions?’

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    Synonyme für "veldt"

    veld veldt