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    verifiable Beispielsätze


    1. It is a real verifiable map of your own inner world

    2. In short then: Showing evidence of the Bible’s supernatural design, the proven accuracy of the many facts within our means to accurately analyse, then we should also be able to rely on the information for which we have no verifiable answer

    3. If it is scientifically verifiable that the same supernatural design qualities are found in both the Old and New Testaments, would both then not need to be considered as originating from the same source and that both would be equally true, valid and important? Can we find any linkage between the New and Old Testaments that would confirm that they are meant to go together and that would reveal additional information not visible when considering only the Old Testament in isolation?

    4. In many people’s minds the Christian Bible - and by that we refer to the Hebrew and Aramaic texts in the Old Testament and the Greek in the New Testament - is just another religious book, containing mythical information that is not verifiable, and questionable tales that are considered by many to be untrustworthy flights of fantasy

    5. With this track record of absolute accuracy, how should we approach information that is provided in the Bible with regards to events that will only happen in the future or information about the Creation account? Should these be treated differently? Are we supposed to apply our own interpretation of information contained in the Bible for which we are unable to provide verifiable evidence? Especially when we know that for all cases in which we are able to collect data, the Bible’s accuracy is proven to be 100% true

    6. measurement, or what is actually perceived by the senses, is the only authentic basis for knowledge and that all other perceptual concepts or ideas must be considered problematic unless verifiable

    7. The disarmament had to be immediate, complete and verifiable, and cooperation unconditional on the part of Iraq

    8. But I can’t really see why passage of a law enforcing the mechanism would be necessary, if verifiable, nonpartisan auditing procedures are put in place and agreed upon

    9. In more recent history many of the “best guesses” of belief seemed not to have held up very well, before the challenge of science’s verifiable postulations

    10. What is not verifiable by everyone is the fact that humanity carries within itself an

    11. They had many remarkable successes and were able to provide verifiable information about the chosen targets

    12. the history of our Order and here is the verifiable data on the four children of the

    13. And indeed he did, but he thought in opposites, in dichotomies, seeking verifiable facts, passing down to his sons the notion that facts are only waiting to be discovered

    14. suggestions put forth by verifiable hard facts nor the desire to

    15. that the deduction was based upon hard verifiable facts

    16. The best assurance of quality is verifiable experience as related by actual patients, which brings the conversation back to the urgent need for readily available customer satisfaction indexes in all industries

    17. A real-life, verifiable fact, that

    18. tant corner of the scrolls! The corner had a verifiable essay on it,

    19. the radioactive isotopes have a verifiable rate of decay

    20. was about to go public with verifiable proof the United States government

    21. The account of Judaism is a true, authentic, and verifiable historical FACT

    22. The account of Islam is a true, authentic, and verifiable historical FACT

    23. Hell, he couldn’t find it again, and he had the most important corner of the scrolls! The corner had a verifiable essay on it, paragraph upon paragraph

    24. “Let me add, only verifiable funds and no offshore banking crap

    25. that it symbolizes and models serve as decisive and verifiable proof of the truth

    26. This represents the verifiable span of time the Roman Empire and Eurasia were openly ruled by Christianity and the Vatican (560 CE) until the

    27. Thereby, 1440 serves as a redundant and verifiable symbolic reference to the year

    28. Its in Chapter 11 and the verse number is 36, a verifiable symbol for 666, and the sum of the digits in the verse and chapter numbers equal 11 (1+1+3+6)

    29. the other mountains of data, this knowledge and its verifiable math decisively and irrefutably prove

    30. (5761/2001), are the verifiable roots and causes of the current world civilization as led and

    31. Like the New Testament, the Quran is rife with verifiable error that proves it is the

    32. To encapsulate and protect with a verifiable signature that

    33. These are the verifiable marks and signatures of those who truly and unequivocally

    34. Seven Seals–Seven verifiable signatures of the Creator

    35. relies on verifiable patterns and aspects within our universe and its many realities

    36. There is simply no other group of ten prominent and verifiable authoritative concepts associated

    37. Testimony–Symbolizes the delivery of verifiable knowledge as evidence and wise counsel

    38. conclusion is overwhelming and verifiable, hence the two tables of Testimony (evidence)

    39. This verifiable evidence has been both misrepresented and misinterpreted by all three so-

    40. Because of this verifiable symbolic

    41. truthfully reflect the verifiable nature of Her Spirit(s) and has nothing to do with physical bodies or

    42. a veneer of authenticity by hitching them onto older and historically verifiable texts and traditions

    43. Throughout this book, I present verifiable proof that ancient sages and prophets

    44. They were all based on a very specific and ultimately verifiable

    45. narratives, and associated history incorporate a very long-term and verifiable sting operation against

    46. One goal of my writing is to demonstrate the results of my research, which proves the verifiable

    47. This chapter presents an overview of the verifiable structure, functionality, and relationships of

    48. related sources to prove their verifiable purposes, relationships, meaning, and synchronized

    49. that their inter-intra-functionality is a purposeful and verifiable feature of this ancient spiritual-

    50. utilizing identifiable objects and concepts that were verifiable through science and natural

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    Synonyme für "verifiable"

    confirmable falsifiable verifiable