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    1. But there was a nice camp knife that would fend off small vermin the size of a mindune in her pack tied to that saddle

    2. Within two months they had weeded out the worst of vermin that had occupied that Hold and in the process gained the respect of the townspeople

    3. For long moments he seethed and went on fantasies of what should befall Enjteen, vermin control trainee might work

    4. disgust as the vermin scattered about the barn, and shooed

    5. appears to be infested with the vermin, and yet you do

    6. vandals and vermin had ensured that the furnishings had

    7. He was starting on the vermin net when Desa asked what that was for

    8. It was a leisure stroll through hand-carved tunnels occupied only by vermin and the dead

    9. The vermin pushed aside as he scrambled back into the hole

    10. If he remained patient and gave them ample time to make their rounds, they would leave him sparklingly spiffy and free of all unwanted vermin or other elements that could do him harm over time if not paid attention to and taken care of

    11. You have the loyalty of a bloodsucking vermin,

    12. In a way, it did feel like a small measure of justice that these two vermin had met brutal ends

    13. The Elf continued; “We must discover only the verity of three things---besides the nagging discordant changes in their command structures---from this particular collection of vermin: Do they pester only select systems; if so which ones? Are their conscripts abetting them willingly or are they truly abused into service? And most importantly: How many more gangs like this are there out there? I realize that last bit of data may be the most slippery to determine

    14. That was bad enough but then you had to put up with the lice rats and other vermin that infested the trenches the conditions really were terrible

    15. “What vermin as been looting our boys if it’s those German bastards they have made their worst enemy and I will not show any of them any mercy whatsoever”, and a vein started throbbing on the side of his temple

    16. Another cadet had the bad luck to have a fly land on his pillow during an inspection which meant that we were all “f communists and horribly filthy people of uncertain parentage, breeders flies and other vermin, but not to f worry because our filthy habits will be cured in short order time by Sergeant van der Merwe, by the grace of General Coetzee blah blah blah

    17. “I would rather be ripped apart by lions than gnawed to death by rats and vermin,” he said inconsequentially

    18. ‘Now then, you ugly vermin

    19. ‘As soon as we’ve rid ourselves of these vermin we’ll bring the iceberg back to Earth

    20. She saw a cloud of pestilence hanging around the woman’s cloak, tiny vermin screaming hatred and violence

    21. I looked around one more time, scrounging the darkness for a red blob of vampire hair, but all I could see was vermin, rats, stray cats and a whole animal kingdom of insects, my sign to get the hell out of there

    22. 20 And they found all the food that was in their stores, full of vermin and not fit to eat, and the famine prevailed throughout the land, and all the inhabitants of Egypt came and cried before Pharaoh, for the famine was heavy on them

    23. 24 And when the famine prevailed over your servants we opened our stores, and note all our produce was filled with vermin and was not fit for food

    24. underwear, watching TV and trying not to think about the vermin

    25. “You should shave him from the neck down when you shave his face, Nemia! He is probably infested with lice and ticks and vermin of every variety!

    26. “kulak bastards,’’ screaming Bloodsuckers!” They had sold themselves on the idea that the so-called “kulaks” were pariahs, untouchable, vermin

    27. “Why all the wars, disease, old age, hunger, selfishness, evil, exploitation of man by man, and the rot and vermin that are satiated with this? Why so many children who cry desperately? Why, while some feast, are others consumed by hunger and suffer the cruelty of begging and stealing just to stay alive? Why the thieves, including the big thieves who hide behind big business and government? Why the killers, both those who kill for pleasure and those who kill in the name of corrupt laws? Why so many concentration camps, so many jails, asylums, and mental institutions? Why so many physically and mentally handicapped? Why so many animals that cruelly devour each other? Why so many weapons? What is the reason for so many so-called natural disasters that kill innocent people and destroy their T H E L O V E S P I R I T S

    28. “I managed to spread an idea throughout their culture; the idea that everyone not of Sylvan or Serminak was so far beneath them, that to even breath the same air as outsiders was to associate with diseased vermin

    29. 20 And they found all the food that was in their stores full of vermin and not fit to eat and the famine prevailed throughout the land and all the inhabitants of Egypt came and cried before Pharaoh for the famine was heavy on them

    30. 24 And when the famine prevailed over your servants we opened our stores and note all our produce was filled with vermin and was not fit for food

    31. Cats are considered vermin in need of population control

    32. He considered The People of Morning to be nothing more than vermin, so I doubt he has any greater consideration for any of the new peoples who’ve emerged since then

    33. ‘I expertly guided our hunter to the prey and he has despatched one of the vermin protecting the girl, but there have been some minor complications, he somehow managed to get wounded in the fight and is delayed a little in his pursuit

    34. His scouts had returned with the good news that the last of the Tanarian dogs had ceased their retreat; the pursued stragglers had fallen back to a final position in the mountains with the rest of the vermin

    35. Still he would personally take great pleasure in exterminating these vermin; now that their nest had been completely contained their fate was surely sealed

    36. ‘I would be interested to find out where that vermin stole it from? That thieving rat has a lot to answer for

    37. "You came all the way here to warn me? Don’t tell me we have vermin?" Muller asked

    38. Petrarco, a grumpy gnome, very bad-dressed with singular apple green pants, fuchsia boots with yellow vest splashed with purple circles was striving to push the book up to the shore of the shelf so that it was the first thing that the young girl saw on coming and finally, Drefno, an American elf of exquisite manners and sumptuous gait, was dealing with removing the creeping vermin that could maraud for the area

    39. The chains draw tighter and bite deeply, as do the vermin and insects crawling all over you that you cannot see, nor could you even if you did have eyes

    40. I calmed myself, ruthlessly crushing down the rage, the solid conviction that it was my right to destroy these puny vermin if I so chose

    41. once hardly noticing that the straw was practically moving, it was so full of all sorts of vermin

    42. are not vermin, Henry

    43. “Never mind the vermin, Sheila, we’re late as it is

    44. ‘employed’ cats as vermin exterminators

    45. and by who ranchers considered these ‘big cats’ vermin and

    46. We have since rid ourselves of the vermin that infected our lives with their hate mongering and it is once again time to remember how we came to this place, to this time, to this bit of Main Street as the bowed and stooped heroes walk by, many for the last time

    47. Furthermore, ranchers considered these big cats vermin

    48. agriculture and settlements predators in the area became vermin;

    49. function was that of a ‘ratter’ or vermin hunter in England and

    50. They were employed as vermin exterminators, and

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