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    vernal Beispielsätze


    1. Finding my first seed did not grow, which I easily imagined was by the drought, I sought for a moister piece of ground to make another trial in, and I dug up a piece of ground near my new bower, and sowed the rest of my seed in February, a little before the vernal equinox; and this having the rainy months of March and April to water it, sprung up very pleasantly, and yielded a very good crop; but having part of the seed left only, and not daring to sow all that I had, I had but a small quantity at last, my whole crop not amounting to above half a peck of each kind

    2. They wrote that the major monuments of Egypt are located in places on the ground that match the positions of various stars and constellations in the sky when the vernal equinox occurred in different epochs of time

    3. They claim that the Sphinx represents the constellation Leo and faced it when it rose at the vernal equinox around 25,000 years ago

    4. the time of vernal equinox changes slowly with the centuries, and

    5. If the sun was in Taurus at vernal equinox when the constellation was

    6. This date in 1970 was also the time of the spring/ vernal equinox

    7. The vernal equinox occurs around M arch 21 and marks the beginning of the spring season in the

    8. Second, Mars is intimately connected with the vernal equinox and the efflorescence of nature; he gave his name to March, which was the first month of the pre-Julian Roman calendar

    9. But a vernal storm descended: Robespierre was expelled from

    10. The spring (or vernal) equinox is that time in the year when the Sun in its apparent path across the sky (in fact the Earth travels around the Sun) crosses the celestial equator from south to north and the days and nights are of equal time/ length

    11. Vincent, the boy’s name, had already been changed by the Cossacks into Vesenny (vernal) and into Vesenya by the peasants and soldiers

    12. Spite of this frigid winter night in the boisterous Atlantic, spite of my wet feet and wetter jacket, there was yet, it then seemed to me, many a pleasant haven in store; and meads and glades so eternally vernal, that the grass shot up by the spring, untrodden, unwilted, remains at midsummer

    13. Oh, grassy glades! oh, ever vernal endless landscapes in the soul; in ye,—though long parched by the dead drought of the earthy life,—in ye, men yet may roll, like young horses in new morning clover; and for some few fleeting moments, feel the cool dew of the life immortal on them

    14. Vincent, the boy’s name, had already been changed by the Cossacks into Vesénny (vernal) and into Vesénya by the peasants and soldiers

    15. The greater quantity of species observed by me may, besides, render this journal a sort of vernal Flora of the neighbourhood of Philadelphia; and many species found by me are not to be met in the Flora Philadelphica of Dr

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    Synonyme für "vernal"

    vernal young youthful