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    very secret

    1. They knew his every secret and dream

    2. 'This is a very, very serious and a very, very secret

    3. He was gracious with his replies but very secretive and I had to ask him the same question several times trying various angles

    4. He told me later that he couldn’t believe the doge had agreed to show me the very secret building

    5. Hansen were very secretive about their “private accounts” and that I ran the risk of being fired if I did not back off

    6. Everyone who is unequal to his own task, such as I, must seek a faithful friend, upon whose counsel she can rely, and in whom she can have such confidence that she will lay open to him every secret of her heart

    7. would sit on this brown couch and explain every secret of the universe to one another

    8. Every secret they tucked in the trunk

    9. Last Friday while we talked, in a very entertaining chat, I took advantage of the opportunity to ask him, very secretly, his interest in literature and poetry, and he confessed openly in my own face that he is not fan of literature, verses, poetry, or anything that has to do with romantic prose

    10. He seemed to be a very secretive man, and could be in more than one place at a time

    11. It is a very, very secret society but you will love it Tel, I promise you will

    12. Our mission was very secretive and the technology we installed on our ships allowed us to shield our ship from vision, or so we thought

    13. Every secret you fail to share with your comrades in battle could send one of them to their deaths

    14. I remember each word he spoke, not every secret is meant to see the light

    15. He’s been very secretive about his condition

    16. we are doing is not only very, very secret – but, probably in the realm of illegal, and maybe it

    17. Some, are very secretive about their goals

    18. body and clean this up! Tell his family, Ali had to leave unexpectedly on a ‘very secret mission’

    19. confidence in his ability to keep it very quiet and very secret

    20. Sphere of Influence and it was a very secret, very powerful, very sneaky

    21. Shoop’s hide-out was very secret indeed

    22. Now, what sort of question is this? Are they going to unfold every secret of their lives tonight? Uncensored

    23. He was as well the successor of Nancy Laplante as the head of the Athena Section, the special and very secret British office in charge of managing the technological and historical data imported from the future by Nancy in 1940

    24. “When she does stuff like this, she is very secretive about it

    25. However, he also knew that by taking the job, he had made a lifetime commitment and that he had to be very secretive about what he did for them

    26. Sharing the very secrets of their soul, admissions came easy, not

    27. Here every secret can be betrayed by a confidant turned eye witness, paid informant, or celebrity rewarded

    28. Is that the infinitely reiterated and only mystery behind and for every secret law to

    29. Celestial Room (the holiest part of the Temple to a Mormon) was very secret

    30. She's very secretive, but I would guess it has something to do with being referred to as a Witch Hunter," Liz sighed heavily

    31. She was very secretive about a lot of things, now that I think about it

    32. At the time, I was unaware of the situation and George himself was very secretive where these two women were concerned

    33. Through the practice and tradition and custom of the confessional, the Church came to know more about every nefarious plot, every underhanded dealings, every secret crime, every secret sin, crime, evil… than the great Kings did

    34. Everything is kept very secret

    35. They do not have the advantage of listing in detail: every secret crime and sin their elders ever committed

    36. Do you know if after they died: they finally found a chance to wallow in every secret vice, secret hate, secret envy, secret lust and secret addiction which they hid from you and even themselves, while they were still alive?

    37. Witnessing in North Korea is generally very secretive

    38. Raskolnikov saw signs of a certain awkwardness in him, as though he had been thrown out of his reckoning or caught in something very secret

    39. But, in short, it is very manifest that he had one alone whom he made mistress of his will, to whom he commended himself very frequently and very secretly, for he prided himself on being a reticent knight

    40. Every secret fear that Madeline had ever had about her own flaws (she was obviously too quick to anger, often too quick to judge, overly interested in clothes, spent far too much money on shoes, thought she was cute and funny when perhaps she was just annoying and tacky) was now at the forefront of her mind

    41. He met his visitor with an apparently genial and good‐tempered air, and it was only after a few minutes that Raskolnikov saw signs of a certain awkwardness in him, as though he had been thrown out of his reckoning or caught in something very secret

    42. He’d kept the discovery secret because he’d wanted to follow it up alone

    43. 'So there they are, with nothing applying to them and no worries, very secret and hidden under the earth in the cistern waters, going around and about

    44. So there they are, with nothing applying to them and no worries, very secret and hidden under the earth in the cistern waters

    45. ’ She told me that it was incumbent upon me to keep very secret anything having to do with Gladys being in Marilyn’s life

    46. He met his visitor with an apparently genial and good-tempered air, and it was only after a few minutes that Raskolnikov saw signs of a certain awkwardness in him, as though he had been thrown out of his reckoning or caught in something very secret

    47. In fear and trembling I hastened to tell him every secret to pacify him, that he might see that I had not deceived him and let me off alive

    48. Finally De Griers waved his hand, and disappeared from view; and by evening it became known that he had left the hotel, after holding a very secret and important conference with Mlle

    49. He declared that he had seen Rogojin return to the house last night, accompanied by a friend, and that both had gone upstairs very secretly and cautiously

    50. When a young man enters a profession, and particularly the profession of architecture, if perchance he gets an original idea, or a little knowledge, he at once becomes very secretive, tries to keep it all to himself for fear some one else will benefit by it, and marks all his drawings “The property of

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