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vicissitudes Beispielsätze
1. The multiplex has yet to arrive in North Devon, but the old Odeons and ABC's have fallen prey to the vicissitudes of consumer choice all the same
2. They’re both of an age that has shared the vicissitudes of the Three Day Week, the Winter of Discontent and New Labour's protracted birth pangs amid Thatcher's dose of social realism, but the horizons on view throughout their shared histories have been very different
3. finding that, despite of the vicissitudes, the
4. Its elasticity is grounded on the assumption that our society is a living organism subject to the vicissitudes of enlightened opinions, changing social and moral values and evolving standards of decency
5. Because of this as well as other vicissitudes, their domestication stretched out over a much longer period of time
6. vicissitudes of life in the face, who after the storm, they tangle between morality and their own interests, they are confused and stray, their inner conflict, lead to rapid aging, forehead wrinkles now early
7. The vicissitudes of life in the inner man, is optimistic person, this person only
8. Characterizes the vicissitudes in the inner man is gentleman's gentleman, so before the storm, they did not produce any
9. In spite of adventuring through roads paved with dangers, risks and vicissitudes of all sorts, they left behind an ample and rich Spanish cultural legacy in a different part of the world, previously foreign to their Iberian manners, beliefs and customs
10. everlasting joys after the vicissitudes of the
11. vicissitudes of government, before Warren return to his hotel
12. Athos to a people thirsting for it, in spite of their present vicissitudes
13. Their poignant story that pictured the vicissitudes of life affected Suresh for days on end
14. On Human Symbiosis and the Vicissitudes of
15. Rather than abandon those ideals, most students will adapt them to the vicissitudes of
16. As a reaction to the vicissitudes of technical trading, Wall Street developed an
17. He knows how frustrating can be the vicissitudes of a storytelling arc
18. I did not know where I was and where was I heading for; my road was engulfed with the darkness of sorrows and vicissitudes
19. We embrace this doctrine because it seems logical: it explains the vicissitudes of our present existence as the patterns and choices we ourselves made in other lives
20. The feature of faith is it rescues us from going insane by helping us to face the vicissitudes of life with religious hope
21. Why, his parents stunted his growth to begin with, and with my denying him the wifely hype, he went wayward in the end and then, how the vicissitudes of life victimized him
22. If the vicissitudes of life push women into the vice-like grip of madam-pimp-police nexus of the flesh trade, then it’s the outcries of the moralists against legalizing prostitution that ensure their sexual slavery in abominable conditions; maybe, if only paid sex were to have a legal tag, then surely it would entail as fair deal as possible for these hapless women
23. Oh, why it didn’t occur to me before I destroyed all that money? If only we learn from nature; won’t all trees brave the vagaries of weather to bear their fruits to serve the species? But ravaged by the vicissitudes of life, how I had lost the opportunity to bestow the bounty to the needy; even otherwise, man is inexorably distancing himself more and more from the nature by dwelling in excuse me for the well-worn phrase, the concrete jungles
24. Be that as it may, while the Semitic religions are faith driven, the sanaatana dharma is philosophical in its orientation, and that enables the Hindus to probe the vicissitudes of life not bound by any scriptural dogma
25. The Italian footballer, dejected as he was in the wake of the penalty goof that cost his country the World Cup, reportedly turned to Buddhism for solace for he felt that the Christian dogma had no philosophical inputs in it to face of the vicissitudes of life
26. Thus, it can be said that the Musalmans are the victims of a mind-set conditioned by the proclivities of their prophet, vicissitudes of his life, attitudes of his detractors and the credulity of his followers, which the mechanism of their umma perpetuates
27. Those who profess an ethic of self-responsibility often accept personal credit for the vicissitudes of chance and circumstance, feeling, regardless if advantageous circumstances came their way, even luck is a product of a virtuous work ethic
28. vicissitudes of the moment that is
29. I could not help reflecting on the strange vicissitudes of human life, and death, which levelled all distinctions between men of high and low degree
30. � The "No" meaning perspectives that we learn when young and can continue to learn through the vicissitudes of� life, can freeze us nearly solid, transfix us in the past with little or no idea of the actions, the "Yes," that will bring us into the present and take us into the future
31. And Conseil, in his serene voice, described for the third time the various vicissitudes of our story
32. It was now for more than the middle span of our allotted years that he had passed through the thousand vicissitudes of existence and, being of a wary ascendancy and self a man of rare forecast, he had enjoined his heart to repress all motions of a rising choler and, by intercepting them with the readiest precaution, foster within his breast that plenitude of sufferance which base minds jeer at, rash judgers scorn and all find tolerable and but tolerable
33. I feel myself, however, constrained in spirit to lift aside a small bit of the private curtain, just to show how Mrs Pawkie comported herself in the progressive vicissitudes of our prosperity, in the act and doing of which I do not wish to throw any slight on her feminine qualities; for, to speak of her as she deserves at my hand, she has been a most excellent wife, and a decent woman, and had aye a ruth and ready hand for the needful
34. It was nevertheless in the very forefront of the defence with men and money; but the very rumours reached it circuitously—from abroad even, so much was it cut off from the rest of the Republic, not only by natural obstacles, but also by the vicissitudes of the war
35. Such vicissitudes had Tess passed through since that time that for a moment she could not remember where she had met him; and then it flashed upon her that he was the pedestrian who had joined in the club-dance at Marlott—the passing stranger who had come she knew not whence, had danced with others but not with her, and slightingly left her, and gone on his way with his friends
36. The cold sunlight of this spring evening peered invidiously upon the crocks and kettles, upon the bunches of dried herbs shivering in the breeze, upon the brass handles of the dresser, upon the wicker-cradle they had all been rocked in, and upon the well-rubbed clock-case, all of which gave out the reproachful gleam of indoor articles abandoned to the vicissitudes of a roofless exposure for which they were never made
37. Vicissitudes of a Persian in the
38. Old provincial society had its share of this subtle movement: had not only its striking downfalls, its brilliant young professional dandies who ended by living up an entry with a drab and six children for their establishment, but also those less marked vicissitudes which are constantly shifting the boundaries of social intercourse, and begetting new consciousness of interdependence
39. Criminal they might be, yet they seem’d to have master’d the World’s Vicissitudes, each in his own Way, nor did they seem lacking in Wit and Understanding—tho’ these they chose to apply to Lives of Crime
40. The Vicissitudes of her Early Life had endu’d her with a curious Notion of God, deriv’d in part from her Quaker Mistress, in part from her deprav’d Master (who’d fancied little Girls), and in part from the young Thieves and Chimney Sweeps with whom she’d cavorted before I met her
41. I wish I were not sworn to Truth above Modesty and could afford to be coy! For, tho’ I wish neither to inflame nor to disgust by writing of my Life with all its Vicissitudes, yet I must assume—or I would not have chosen this perilous Profession of Scribbler—that describing Vice is oft’ the best Guarantee of future Virtue, whilst describing Virtue is no Guarantee against the Pow’rs of Vice!
42. The stability of Studebaker’s earnings could not be held by any convincing logic to demonstrate that this company enjoyed a special and permanent immunity from the vicissitudes to which most of its competitors had shown themselves subject
43. Both investment and speculation must meet the test of the future; they are subject to its vicissitudes and are judged by its verdict
44. He thus finds himself … vitally concerned with the ability of the company to meet the vicissitudes of the future
45. He thus finds himself in the same position as the holder of any other kind of bond, vitally concerned with the ability of the company to meet the vicissitudes of the future
46. viewed as a “laboratory test” of investment standards, involving degrees of stress not to be expected in the ordinary vicissitudes of the future
47. The technique of comparative analysis may lessen some of the hazards of his work, but it can never exempt him from the vicissitudes of the future or the stubborness of the stock market itself or the consequences of his own failure—often unavoidable—to learn all the important facts
48. Only a small percentage of all preferred issues are so strongly entrenched as to maintain an unquestioned investment status through all vicissitudes
49. How many readers have any idea of the repeated vicissitudes of the 8% bonds of Czechoslovakia, since they were first offered in this country in 1922 at 96½? They advanced to 112 in 1928, declined to 67 3/4 in 1932, recovered to 106 in 1936, collapsed to 6 in 1939, recovered (unbelievably) to 117 in 1946, fell promptly to 35 in 1948, and sold as low as 8 in 1970!
50. —which justifies them in placing a large part of their resources in one medium and holding on to this commitment through all vicissitudes, despite numerous temptations to sell out at apparently high prices along the way