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    villa Beispielsätze


    1. "Oh she let me know she was worth aluminum, I knew she could put up that camp with her left hand, she talked about putting up a whole plank villa

    2. If she couldn't have her villa on the Carribean beach, this was certainly the next best thing

    3. The pavilion was almost her villa in miniature

    4. A villa sits in the moonlight a hundred yards inland and up a hill from the surf, which rhythmically pounds the white sand

    5. It's the year 2423 by my clock and I'm still living here in this villa, still spending most of my time out here on the verandah


    7. This looked very much like the place where Morg had his villa

    8. She loved him and wanted him to know, but they were getting much closer to his villa and the appointment with those androids

    9. I am too tired to reply, hunched over my gg’s head, automatically following Wiesse as he picks his way through street after street and, at long last, through the gates of his villa

    10. ‘You … mother … being here at the villa … there was a garden, I think …’ I frown with the concentration of remembering

    11. His gg settled, the three of us make our way into the villa, Gilla chattering fifty to the dozen

    12. I watch as she leaves the room, wondering if she has been looking through my stuff and aware in the same thought that I now see the staff here at the villa in a totally different light

    13. By the time we get back to the villa the sun is dipping towards the horizon and the air is chill

    14. One of the few occasions I had been permitted to set foot outside the villa and I had been carefully cloaked so as not to reveal anything to anyone watching, I suppose … I’d rebelled at that, argued as only a stroppy teenager can but Wiesse had got his way in the end

    15. ‘The idea is that she and Caderl will live at the villa … though I don’t think that is the best scheme

    16. ‘But I’ve got to go somewhere and Wiesse’s villa is the nearest thing I have to a home

    17. ‘I’m sure you can, but is Wiesse’s villa the place to do it, that is the question?’

    18. ‘Lintze, Berndt very sensibly suggests that you stay here in my villa for the time being

    19. ’ Gilla said, whirling round and dashing back to the villa

    20. We stroll across to the villa, me in a delighted daze having Berndt back with me

    21. The villa stood alone

    22. All too soon, I am whisked out of the villa to where a wagon is waiting

    23. 'I have lived in the villa with Mr

    24. The room is pretty well a replica of a bathroom in a Roman villa – as re-created by one of the TV archaeology-for-the-masses programmes I used to watch

    25. Coming through the back lane to the villa, I found the missing photograph on the ground

    26. Wiesse meets us at the gate as we return to the villa

    27. The delicious smell of wood smoke was the first thing I became aware of those early Sophian mornings and I used to think it came with the perfume from the wisteria that lingers around the charcoal soot-streaked ovens near our villa, but after talking with Theo I began to associate it with his recollection of the blaze in the forest on the mountainside

    28. He was more Ava's friend, thru Glenelle Mason, but he had been to the villa and talked shop

    29. Except for its single story, the ground it covered was about the same as Pani's villa

    30. Armed with her father’s old address book, and after many disappointing telephone calls to old friends and distant relations, Annie eventually tracked down an ancient great-aunt who owned a crumbling Victorian villa that had been converted into bedsits

    31. The villa had seen better days, having matured over more than a century of irregular neglect into its current state of generally poor repair

    32. And when they married Aunt Agnes gave them the villa as a wedding present

    33. “The separation only became official three days ago,” she said, “But I’ve moved out of the villa so I guess it is functionally complete

    34. Access to the grounds of the villa is via a pair of wrought iron gates which look very impressive but to be honest the place is slightly run down in the way that Mediterranean properties tend to be – I don’t know if it is the heat or just a cultural difference but they don’t take the pride in their properties that the English do

    35. While the décor of this dungeon might be more like Alan’s home in the vale on Kassidor than her villa in the Caribbean, the atmosphere in the vale was more like the Caribbean than this dungeon

    36. com provides me with a brilliant map of Naples … the Villa dei Mille, where the Embassy was … and still is for that matter … is in one of the older quarters of the city so it is likely that the area hasn’t changed much in the last fifty odd years

    37. crumbling Victorian villa that had been converted into bedsits

    38. Jock Cascarino’s silver Lexus is parked by the kerb outside a Victorian villa at the foot of Old Sticklepath Hill, an old terrace that has seen better days

    39. Even as she shouts her distress at being without her administrator privileges, she recognizes the Helmet Room and knows that her med panel, her villa on the Caribbean beach and all the powers of the Afterlife are irretrievably gone

    40. She did get to tell him more details of her brief life on Earth and her long years as an angel and about her villa in the Caribbean, the thing she missed the most in the Yakhan

    41. Alex is with Rezarta in the family villa in Albania, watching her as she is spoon fed soup and porridge

    42. Enid asked to see the photographs of our villa

    43. Thom had moved to her villa and her life had been complete

    44. With that she went back to the villa and the reunification was accomplished

    45. It was a pleasant universe, a small villa on a warm tropical beach

    46. A man of fortune, for example, may either spend his revenue in a profuse and sumptuous table, and in maintaining a great number of menial servants, and a multitude of dogs and horses; or, contenting himself with a frugal table, and few attendants, he may lay out the greater part of it in adorning his house or his country villa, in useful or ornamental buildings, in useful or ornamental furniture, in collecting books, statues, pictures ; or in things more frivolous, jewels, baubles, ingenious trinkets of different kinds; or, what is most trifling of all, in amassing a great wardrobe of fine clothes, like the favourite and minister of a great prince who died a few years ago

    47. A magnificent high-road cannot be made through a desert country, where there is little or no commerce, or merely because it happens to lead to the country villa of the intendant of the province, or to that of some great lord, to whom the intendant finds it convenient to make his court

    48. When they released me I had to go to a rehab facility by the name of Country Villa, La Sierra

    49. Major Harris brought Ferguson a stack of white gloves for the waiters to wear: he informed the master sergeant that he had borrowed them from the servants’ quarters at the Countess’ villa

    50. Major Harris was nowhere to be seen, and Colling later learned his commanding officer had hosted a Christmas dinner at his mistress’ villa for the officers of the battalion

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