Verwenden Sie „volatilize“ in einem Satz
volatilize Beispielsätze
1. A man who wants to fly away, volatilize and doesn’t want to be disturbed in the process
2. No person will dispute the heat acquired by a cannon, or even a musket, after repeated discharges; and this heat must volatilize or destroy a great portion of the moisture combined with the powder, assist its speedy inflammation, and perhaps add to its power, by causing a more perfect combustion of the inflammable parts of the gunpowder
3. If collected in a lens of sufficient magnitude, they might volatilize a space equal to the state of New-York in a moment of time! As all bodies possess a limited capacity for heat, does it not follow that there must be some outlet to its perpetual accession to our globe, or the earth would soon become so highly ignited as to glow with the fulgour of a meteor? And may not this outlet be found in the above described compounds? which serve as conductors of the surplus of heat from the earth to the higher regions of the air, where on being freed by displosion, from the grosser matters incumbering it, it finds a rapid passage to its great archetype and parent, the SUN
4. The heat adequate to such projectile force as would carry a body from the moon's surface beyond the sphere of her attraction, would volatilize the matter of meteoric stones in a moment; hence they would not be projected from the Lunarian crater in solid masses, but in elastic vapour