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    volunteered Beispielsätze


    1. "They were not volunteered

    2. "Well, you spend the night here with us then,” Sarah said, and Leonora did not protest, but volunteered to carry the sleeping child into the house

    3. It was also important that he be allowed to participate in the native society as much as he volunteered to, as all individuals did in their society

    4. Valotin and I volunteered for the job

    5. After a bit he raised his head and looked at Daniel, “Valotin and I are empty shells, that’s why we volunteered for this job

    6. As I stare at the banks of the wasteg slowly passing, I turn over in my mind why he should have volunteered for the job of escorting me to the Well

    7. She just got it working today and volunteered to be the first to run from it

    8. ’ Tilly volunteered, her eyes shining at the prospect of her new home

    9. Jorma had not volunteered for the crew

    10. The young man frequently volunteered to help out at the smithy,

    11. equally fulsome in their thanks, and politely volunteered to assist

    12. assumed that the driver had volunteered to direct them himself

    13. Harry, hadn't said two words regarding the invitation, nor of his benefactor's having volunteered him; he simply smiled and asked, “When shall I be ready to join you?”

    14. Having got through the audition without a problem, I volunteered to help with props for the show they were rehearsing – ‘Showboat’

    15. Publicly the Kassikan tested those who volunteered but had not confirmed any as being the ‘real’ Yingolian

    16. He had volunteered a lot more than he should have in the conversation, but he had just finished a grueling day of studying the desert, if anything he was helping his credibility by describing something of the planet he knew

    17. Titania instantly volunteered to tutor him in that regard, and Hipolyta just rolled her eyes

    18. ditch, how Jack volunteered to be a workhorse to pull everyone to the Impenetrable Cavern, how Matt stood up to Queen Oizys, how Andrew could always come up with a clever plan, they remembered how Matt helped save

    19. Miss Sarah Bunker volunteered to sponsor the Theater Society on the condition that her students would be instrumental in any productions set for performance

    20. “We made it,” Desa said, and with that volunteered to fill Alan’s cup

    21. Paul Benoit had volunteered to take the road

    22. "Then it could have been from anywhere," she volunteered

    23. When they were done, Lingkhan and Chian volunteered to come share a cup with them and lead them to the nearest tap

    24. The class volunteered their answers freely without

    25. “No mother-ship detected in the sectors already investigated, Captain,” Elenir volunteered from the science station as she rose and crossed to her nav post, transferring the sensor and scanner data to her own station

    26. No-one else volunteered to say anything so he sent everybody he did not need back to seating area two

    27. Kate Butcher volunteered to carry his rope even though she already carried one

    28. ” volunteered Fletcher, “I’ve got to get this over and done with before I have too long to think about how deep that crevasse is

    29. They stood silently looking at the beauty and then Elizabeth said, “I remember one of my neighbors telling me that locals had volunteered to maintain the premises but had to give up a couple of years ago

    30. “Listen lads we have been asked to put a recce patrol on tonight by Brigade the patrol will tell us what Johnny Turk is up to and it would seem from what the CSM has told me you four have volunteered”, we saw the grin on the CSMs face as this was revealed to us

    31. “It will be an eight man patrol so you will have some others with you who have no doubt volunteered as well and Lieutenant Smith will lead the raid

    32. “Now listen lads and you didn’t hear this from me but I know that the Lieutenant hasn’t been here long and he’s still a bit wet but he needs to learn the ropes and that’s why I volunteered you lot

    33. However our platoon had been volunteered to accompany the Battalion transport which was going via Southampton-Le Havre so once again after a trip on the G

    34. “So yours truly and one more silly sod have been volunteered to go out and get some and I thought I’m not going out there without a bloody good shot with me hence why you volunteered

    35. I looked at him as if he were mad knowing that he had volunteered me because I certainly hadn’t and I said

    36. Grant volunteered that he had not thought of this, but being reminded of the condition would not change the words of

    37. volunteered not only to join the Confederate cause, but also to

    38. “No I’m only joking I did it because I owed you for the number of times I volunteered you

    39. She whispered in his ear, “Khan and Millicent volunteered here

    40. Was he angry that she hadn’t volunteered? Of course, there was no reason to refuse

    41. Monique had volunteered to infiltrate the compound, although she expected the refusal

    42. “Name’s After,” I volunteered, offering to shake his hand

    43. If you do not know the difference between tactical and strategic, but let me give you an example that an Army Colonel once gave me: “It seems that a young soldier had decided that paratrooper’s wings had a special effect on the ladies, and thus he volunteered for the elite Army Parachute Battalion

    44. Those skills were taught by SAP COIN and not at the College, so the many lads who never volunteered for SAP COIN were only half trained in my view, but it was their own choice to only be half trained

    45. you would be surprised how many terrorist's actually volunteered information without the need for unpleasantness

    46. In the winter of 1988, just after or before the Strydom incident, I volunteered for the SAP COIN Counter-Insurgence Course and soon found myself at their premier training establishment called Maleoskop which is in Eastern Transvaal

    47. A few months later, when he needed a lift in Pretoria, I volunteered to pick him up in old ROMEO 4

    48. I immediately volunteered for the next border duty trip and kept on going until the war stopped

    49. These are Bloodhounds types, mixed with Dobermans, and the course I volunteered for, having had enough adventures in the Flying Squad already

    50. The Polish brigade, with its high percentage of Jewish soldiers, volunteered for all kinds of missions

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