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    walk over

    1. Bush starts to walk over to the pool table, but John stands up, calls to him

    2. David and Hamo picks up their bags, walk over to a shiny new Mercedes limo

    3. Joris gone? How can someone so very alive in every meaning of the word have just … gone? I walk over to the rail and stand stroking it, remembering Joris standing here kissing me

    4. Slowly at first, the students came out of their stupor and began to walk over to them, one by one

    5. As far as she was concerned she could walk over the village and subdue it by sheer intimidation

    6. ‘Sally, those kids of yours are priceless!’ he chuckled as we walk over to his car

    7. 'What did you call me?' I asked as we walk over to the counter

    8. The two detectives walk over to the ambulance crews and check the details and status of the two girls

    9. He decided to walk over and take a look

    10. “After one of these sessions, I sometimes walk over to the sea of Galilee

    11. After this we would be able to walk over the German positions and just mop up the prisoners as there would be hardly any resistance we who had fought on Gallipoli had heard all this before and had suffered the casualties for it

    12. on Gallipoli I don’t trust any Staff when they start talking about artillery and how we will have a walk over

    13. “With a bit of luck the Germans will be finished and we should be able to walk over and secure their trenches as per the plan then the second and corresponding waves will follow the first wave and as they pass through us we will consolidate our gains

    14. He was perplexed and overcome by a powerful urge to walk over to her, but his thoughts were broken by the slamming of a door

    15. Raven began to walk over to it but was called back by Abbott

    16. How could such knowledge be accepted by the millions of settlers? How could they walk over a field in the knowledge that no more than a kilometre beneath their feet were humans enslaved – albeit without conscious awareness of their predicament – by a computer

    17. ” Halon said, patting his friend’s shoulder then turning to walk over to the others, where a small fire had been lit

    18. So when I saw them hosing down the back of their ambulance at the Police Station’s morgue I thought that I should walk over to them and educate them regarding the Western Province rugby team, which I supported…them not, being ignorant of all things rugby

    19. As I walked over the rubble and carnage that once was a house, scrunching under my feet, I had a feeling I might just walk over my parents’ burnt bodies

    20. I climbed the catwalk over the bunker, lantern in hand, and a

    21. “I’ll just walk over there

    22. “Walk over there as though you’re just wandering about and wait for me behind it

    23. to walk over towards the Ticket depot when he heard a loud noise

    24. He watched her walk over to his chair

    25. We walk over unyielding ground toward the train tracks

    26. Afternoons and weekends, she could walk over to be with her father

    27. Luk 11:44 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are as graves which appear not, and the men that walk over them are not aware of them

    28. and you will walk over to her

    29. I’ll just walk over and tell them I’m with Rolling Stone doing a piece on the California club scene,” he said and started to stand

    30. We walk over to the George Washington statue where pictures cover a large bulletin board

    31. Having stabilized her balance, Monica began her walk over the dirt-laden area

    32. �Let's walk over to that hill whar we heered �em last night

    33. “Look put this under your dress and then they won't see that you got it, they'll think that Kate does and then you will slow walk over to the end point and then win for us”

    34. “What makes you think that Chris will just let me walk over there?” the whole game Chris had his eye on me like a hock

    35. He realized it was because he felt the urge to walk over and shake hands or something, and he chuckled at himself

    36. They dared not stop for more than overnight, the grass disappeared almost as fast as they could walk over it, and their cattle grew thin

    37. You can just see a great walnut tree to the left of the Walk over there, the top half of which is my home, so we are close neighbors

    38. could walk over it, and their cattle grew thin

    39. hesitation, walk over to crouch with them, quickly exchanging

    40. She was about to walk over and give him a much needed

    41. Frank was about to walk over and talk to Johnny some more when Somebody Important arrived

    42. You pick up the fuzzy mass and cradle him in your arms as you walk over the tiny hills in the lawn into the back of the house

    43. You walk over to one of the cows’ pins, open the door, bend under it, and squirt a little milk in your decaf

    44. The last thing is, don’t walk over the same ground as anyone else because the forest is fragile and if twenty-four feet pound the same spot that will make a track that lasts for months, and our enemies, if we had any, would be able to follow us

    45. You’re tempted to walk over to Andy and tell him to put a bullet in the little shit’s brain

    46. Helicopters fly overhead and strafe the ground with anti-mine fire before the hunters walk over it

    47. The present of the silver box was tucked into his pocket and his other present, a set of keys to the rear entrance of the club were in his hand as he turned from locking the door of the fake store to walk over to his car

    48. started to walk over to her but as I approached her table I saw that she was no

    49. Hap climbed the stairs to walk over to the desk with his

    50. me to teach me how to walk over the canal by faith alone

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