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    warn of

    1. That’s why they gave him this house, with it’s bright May morning English countryside vista shining onto white-washed walls; a security monitoring system to warn of any approaching threat

    2. His real worry, his father had told them, was that the animals that managed to straggle back would be enough to warn of the “catastrophe” that had occurred

    3. ‘Where are the scanners and probes and instruments that would automatically warn of approaching danger?’ The answer was simple; he didn't think he'd need those sort of things, how was he to know they'd end up in a place like this?

    4. The public perception of natural phenomena softens into acceptance of whatever theory, whatever “what if” alarm is sounded to warn of the newest imaginary catastrophe

    5. There are a number of writers today that warn of Democratic

    6. She has systems that warn of rocks and shallows, and in an emergency she can be operated by the helmsman alone, though you could not bring her to dock without at least twelve good crew

    7. Joshua and Caleb would keep to their northern flank to warn of the whereabouts of any scouting parties that might have been sent out by their newly found larger enemy seeking to contact the troop of soldiers that should have been on Myserrah’s southern flank

    8. Joshua and Caleb would keep to their northern flank to warn of the whereabouts of any

    9. warn of my arrival and immediately regretted it

    10. would suffer no distraction save to warn off errant animals that ventured too close or shift around to Sam‘s face when the occasional moan escaped his throat

    11. It was used to indicate the lunch hour and it was used to warn of a base emergency such as a fire, or a crashed airplane

    12. I circled around them, staring into each of their faces to warn of my presence

    13. The captains soon had their men organised and we marched off to the cheers of those left behind, we skirted around Teotihuacan and headed south, we stopped on a hill overlooking the narrow defile that was to be our killing field, I sent out scouts to warn of the enemies approach and also posted sentries, then we settled in for the night

    14. There'd be a silent alarm to warn of a break-in and a panic button hidden under each desk, which they could trip if they were in danger

    15. Then, the engine whistled three times to warn of its departure and slowly its wheels began to turn, becoming faster and faster until the train disappeared from view

    16. and (4) has a non-delegable duty to eliminate or warn of the danger

    17. warn of violent weather before it happens

    18. "They want to warn off all the abolitionists in the area and to do that they need a public spectacle

    19. Instruments then warn of any object in

    20. Although through science, we are slowly gaining the upper hand through control, prevention and intervention with new remedies, resources, medicines, ideas and concepts, and the improved ability to pre-warn of impending disasters and diseases and advanced strategies to immunize against these

    21. warn of any dangers of the drink, or for that matter, sports drinks in general

    22. Did God just forget to warn of the awful place some are always preaching about?

    23. He conveys the Spirit, by His command, upon whomever He wills of His servants, to warn of the Day of Encounter

    24. Thus We inspired you with an Arabic Quran, that you may warn the Central City and whoever is around it, and to warn of the Day of Assembly, of which there is no doubt; a group in the Garden, and a group in the Furnace

    25. Farebrother should have taken pains rather to warn off than to obtain his interest, showed an unusual delicacy and generosity, which Lydgate's nature was keenly alive to

    26. We had four castles then, and watchtowers on the hills to warn of the coming of our enemies

    27. This sort of novice error can be avoided by remembering that a bullish market crowd forms only when the market chart is obviously showing a strong and durable upward trend and the market tabulations described in Chapter 6 warn of potential overvaluation

    28. However, it must be stressed again that low option prices are not a predictor of the future price direction of the underlying instrument, they only warn of increased volatility

    29. To buy it or to sell it was equally hazardous; the analyst could warn of the hazard, but he could have no idea of the limits of its rise or fall

    30. Dips below 20 warn of oversold conditions that could foreshadow a bounce

    31. Moves above 80 warn of overbought conditions that could foreshadow a decline

    32. Unlike reversal patterns, which warn of a pending change in price direction, continuation patterns offer a chance to either establish new positions or add to existing positions in the direction the market is already moving

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