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    wayside Beispielsätze


    1. deep in the memory of years lost by the wayside

    2. “A wise decision my Queen,” Tarak laughed and then cleared his throat; “Now, as to this Duncan Wayside; he has a reputation of being his own man

    3. “Commander to the Bridge, Commander Wayside to the Bridge,” came over the intercom

    4. past are not correct and have fallen by the wayside,

    5. It all went by the wayside though

    6. Somehow Crissy was not going to be left by the wayside – she wanted in on the action

    7. As he released the tresses, they fell against my back like drops from a waterfall settles on wayside bushes

    8. The train took us past rows of poplars that stood like sentries on the wayside lanes and grass covered canal banks as we moved towards the Somme River

    9. Along the now disused trail between Daiquiri and Siboney, overcoats and blankets were rotting by the wayside, and some of the “boys” told the ragged pacificos of this discarded treasure which was useless to the army

    10. As one sitting along the wayside, they are in no wise cast off

    11. There were no signs indicating it was a restaurant, but when they stepped through the door, Colling saw that it was apparently an old wayside inn

    12. We’ve been moving product throughout the entire state, we’ve recruited some smart young niggas that have proved that they’re willing to put in the work, and our enemies have fallen to the wayside

    13. 5 The proud have hid a snare for me, and cords; they have spread a net by the wayside; they have set gins for me

    14. She had had pen friends before, but they had all fallen by the wayside, as might have been expected from children of that age

    15. And children's play by the wayside,

    16. drove on, leaving her screaming by the wayside

    17. Forthwith, I started to research that new topic (velomobiles fell by the wayside)

    18. watched his career and dreams fall by the wayside as he turned to

    19. Jesus teaching is some fell by the wayside and the birds ate them, this means the devil came and took the Word of God out of their hearts, lest they would believe and be saved

    20. I would long ago have been cast by the wayside if I hadn’t been permitted to make mistakes

    21. I venture to say that, if you found me out by the wayside, attacked by robbers, you would unhesitatingly rush to my rescue

    22. And if the current relationship is not up to standard it will go by the wayside

    23. Friendships are being tested and many are going by the wayside

    24. In a lukewarm relationship the parties are generally not willing to put in the effort, and so they go by the wayside

    25. 2 "A sower went forth to sow, and it came to pass as he sowed that some seed fell by the wayside to be trodden underfoot and devoured by the birds of heaven

    26. The seed which fell by the wayside represents those who do not understand the gospel teaching

    27. The seed which fell by the wayside on hardened ground represents those who have heard but little of the gospel, along with those who are indifferent to the message, and who have hardened their hearts

    28. The birds of the sky that snatched away the seed which fell by the wayside represent one's habits of life, the temptation of evil, and the desires of the flesh

    29. I don"t feel right discussing the circumstances of his death, here online especially in relation to this topic but a soldier fell by the wayside and will never be forgotten

    30. WORD and these are they by the wayside, where the

    31. This is he that received seed by the wayside

    32. Whether it is rocky ground, thorns, or even the wayside, I see different aspects of the same man, different emotional and physical properties that man, either of himself or through his environment, has been placed in him thru this world of attitudes and viewpoints

    33. As long as man lives in his flesh, and caters to it, and allows its selfish desires to be attended too, we therefore are living under the rules of the flesh, and this will always fall under one of the categories of wayside, stony, or thorny ground

    34. companies fell by the wayside

    35. Some were sowed or fell by the wayside, some on stony ground, some among thorns, and he who is among good ground is he who hears and understands, evolves, or changes from an acorn to a tree that bears fruit and produces, some a hundredfold, some sixty and some thirty

    36. How many people had died as part of the process? Of that she wasn’t exactly sure, but all deaths were meant to be in this surreal game of reality chess that saw all its pawns, and most major players, fall by the wayside, until just the queen remained supreme

    37. Ahead lay the city of Ballin, the city that the wounded soldier by the wayside had mentioned, and down the road to the right lay … who knew? The sign said 'Outork 5', and Saddlebrook decided that since this was the only exit on this stretch of road before he reached Ballin, he might as well check it out

    38. "Probably not, but, and it is an enormous elephant sized BUT, we need to be very on the ball because even though they are on the path to where we're heading, they might fall off and when that happens, others can go too and we don’t want to be the ones that fell by the wayside

    39. populated mostly by fanatical suicide cults who would attack travellers on the wayside

    40. This is not something that sort of happened by a wayside

    41. Something would have allowed you to let it fall by the wayside so you could begin to see the true immensity of what was happening—that a gathering was taking place to celebrate your approaching death and re-birth

    42. That is, without she falling by the wayside as a victim of seduction in the meantime

    43. It is true that along the way, there will be pitfalls and some will fall by the wayside but there is hope for every one as we extend our hands in helping these individuals to rise up from their fall, repent and start anew

    44. When I find a new pet, you will be tossed by the wayside

    45. There had been a heavy dew, and the moss along the wayside was soaked with it, and the leaves of the slender young beeches sparkled with it, and the bracken bending over the path on either side left its wetness on my dress as I passed

    46. But because these truths are so unpleasant; this proven wisdom has been cast by the wayside and ignored, and laughed-at, and sneered-at, and ignored

    47. I hesitated to move forward as I took in the sight of my carefully prepared pack laying discarded to the wayside as if but so much trash

    48. I had thought of her on several occasions, but I had figured that she would be dead by now after being worked to death and then thrown into a wayside ditch somewhere to rot among the weeds

    49. Her high heels had gone by the wayside as she had needed the bullets housed within each heel

    50. But when Ingrid glided into the room, wearing a purple Victorian dress with black gloves and flowered hat, all creature discomforts fell by the wayside

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