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    wealthy man

    1. Sixteen aluminums made Ava's soulmate a wealthy man, rich enough to satisfy someone from a planet still in the dregs of an energy age

    2. prosperous and wealthy man of the East he suffered a terrible destruction in

    3. ‘You’re a wealthy man – there must have been

    4. your status as a wealthy man

    5. The rich man’s daughter fell in love with one of the squatters, and another squatter tried to frame the wealthy man for murder

    6. He was transforming himself into the powerful and wealthy man who was the Central American representative of a group of North American investors

    7. You would be a wealthy man if you had a buck for every kid who lost her cherry in there

    8. For example, there was a wealthy man in the time of the Buddha who did not enjoy his wealth

    9. Ellen, who was really the best, married a wealthy man she didn‘t love, at Grace‘s prodding, and got a divorce

    10. John Henry was a wealthy man, but he had never had very good health

    11. Why a wealthy man with such a wonderful wife should’ve renounced his family life and embraced sanyas, never mind, his son landing up in gaol! Was it possible that his wife died in some road accident? And did that break his heart to renounce the world? What could have made Suresh a spoilt brat?

    12. He had all the trappings today of a very wealthy man…but did he still have his soul?…He realised how far apart he and his wife had drifted

    13. You have a good life; you’re a wealthy man and live in a fine house with a lovely wife and a famous son

    14. His skills and that of his work force were in high demand and soon Sam was a wealthy man

    15. Sam had a squeaky clean record and showed up as quite a wealthy man

    16. If you help us become a full member of the Federation, you will retire a wealthy man

    17. He thought about if she were alive; how the two of them would get married and he would become a wealthy man

    18. Thomas is a wealthy man the workers are part of his

    19. Look at any wealthy man and you will see a history of concentrated effort in one area

    20. After all, Spalding was not a wealthy man from what I gather, so she would have nothing to lose from divorcing him

    21. “I was once a very wealthy man,” he continued, voice empty of inflection

    22. ‘But you are such a wealthy man, why do you need money?’ the beleaguered treasurer asked

    23. The son of a wealthy man decided that living in his

    24. Joseph of Arimathea was also a wealthy man who also found the wealth did little good, he received pilate’s permission to remove the body of Jesus from the Cross

    25. to marry a wealthy man who lived near Bath

    26. The wealthy man hurried to apply the sheikh’s direction without hesitation, and so stood in the required position with his eyes closed, preparing for take-off at the edge of the mosque’s pond, and all the time in a state of great pleasure and happiness

    27. After all, as a member of the landed gentry he was surely a wealthy man

    28. Secondly, he ordered two days of imprisonment for the wealthy man since he had accumulated more wealth than required

    29. But a wealthy man feels it as well, though

    30. He was not what the City would call a wealthy man, but if you went out say to Ealing, said the solicitor, he would be called wealthy

    31. But Ian Travis was a very wealthy man

    32. Living in a tent wasn’t exactly what he’d had in mind, but a job was a job and this one was going to make him a wealthy man if he could complete it on time

    33. wealthy man to have several wives

    34. He could then call himself Incredibly Wealthy Man

    35. I was a wealthy man, with a family and a place to call my home, if I wanted it

    36. In a very short space of time, Boronov became a wealthy man

    37. I remember her aunt very well, Biddy Henshawe; she married a very wealthy man

    38. She was one of the town’s prominent women, the daughter of a wealthy man and the sister of the leading wool merchant, and she prized that status

    39. But why was Caris, the daughter of a wealthy man, working like an apprentice in the kitchen of a side-street medicine woman? While Caris made up the mixture, Gwenda recalled that her friend had always been intrigued by illness and cures

    40. Jinx had been working a summer job as a waitress at a country club when she met a wealthy man with a grand and engaging personality

    41. His advertising promises ‘You will marry a wealthy man

    42. And, actually, wouldn’t a wealthy man be more inclined to date someone who was introduced to him by a friend?”

    43. Everywhere there were mingled the luxury of the wealthy man of taste and the careless untidiness of the bachelor

    44. Gerald had changed from a wealthy man to a man who was wondering how he would feed his family and his negroes through the winter

    45. Already a wealthy man, Jobs insisted on taking a cash salary of $1 per year

    46. She was the daughter of a wealthy man who owned tire factories in Sao Paulo, Brazil

    47. No, Ki-hoon is a wealthy man, part of the 1%, because he has never stopped learning, never stopped growing, never stopped investing in himself

    48. That was the moment I became a wealthy man

    49. Formerly all pecuniary questions, especially requests for money to which, as an extremely wealthy man, he was very exposed, produced in him a state of hopeless agitation and perplexity

    50. But when he beheld the wealthy manufacturer Madeleine going to low mass at seven o'clock, he perceived in him a possible candidate, and resolved to outdo him; he took a Jesuit confessor, and went to high mass and to vespers

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