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    wedding party

    1. and the wedding party, mad dogs, of course,

    2. He walked without hearing the beat of their wings, rather, to him, came the sounds of a long-ago wedding party and remembered words of hope he had offered the young bride and her groom

    3. “I want you to know something before you leave: that night at the wedding party, after you left, I went with Raul out of the tent, trying to stop him from blowing the whistle on you, but he went anyhow

    4. The wedding party was only beginning beyond the balcony, background noise

    5. and chatter of the post-wedding party in the courtyard

    6. The wedding party stays at the “Doubletree by Hilton, Chicago,”

    7. ” The week before we arrived in Amman, terrorists had detonated bombs in five local hotels killing scores including a wedding party

    8. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him like their lives depended on it, and so it was a pair of minutes later that they first noticed the roar of millions of elven voices shouting approval, and that everyone else in the wedding party was pulling flowers of every variety from out of thin air and tossing them upon the pair and that the pile was up to Mark’s knees, and that Theramin was waiting patiently with a huge grin on his face, and that the orchestra was now playing a joyous and lively refrain, and that the ribbons overhead were dancing almost frantically to the tempo in beautiful abstract patterns

    9. Since there was no room for it on the moss, it was Translocated by a team of Stone Islands wizards to Crescent Lake in First Valley, close to where the rest of the immediate wedding party would locate Mark and Talia’s new home

    10. But to have done it where and when she did, in a deliberate attempt to disrupt the ceremony at a very large and important wedding, makes it an offense against everyone in the wedding party, everyone who helped with the wedding preparations, and all of The High People in general

    11. “That concludes the presentation of gifts, with the exception of the home we others of the immediate wedding party will build in First Valley

    12. the wedding party, and it rocked even more precariously

    13. This upcoming party must be the wedding party of the Lamb! Jesus brought me to this room, a very special room He said, as it was where His marriage supper will be held!

    14. For the boutonnières, simple is best, especially since they will be worn by the men in your wedding party

    15. In some instances, the entire wedding party was involved in a

    16. The six bridesmaids dressed in their finest flight suits made an unusual wedding party

    17. The girls made sure that the guests participated in the celebration; they had become the organizers of the wedding party in short time

    18. Everyone in the wedding party had breakfast in the conference hall at the complex

    19. As soon as Sam had confirmation that Joyce, and the rest of his senior medical team were on their way, he, along with the rest of the wedding party boarded a chopper and flew out to the castle to prepare, for the celebration

    20. (Hey! the wedding party was taking pictures

    21. " ' The wedding party was small as Desiree' was still recovering from her accident

    22. After church, the wedding party returned home and relaxed with wine, conversation and good humor

    23. “Do exactly as I say,” Dave said as they approached the wedding party, “the gun is still pointing at you

    24. The wedding party is about to take place and the location of this

    25. I had ambled down Nikitskaya to Manezh and stood for a good ten minutes watching a wedding party throw wishing coins from point zero to the four corners of Russia, beggars on every point of the dial waiting for the kopecks to land, before, suddenly, impromptu, I upped and walked off through the gates and down a little past Goom shopping mall where the tourists were sipping espresso and inspecting St

    26. other members of the wedding party

    27. · Choose and inform the wedding party

    28. · Buy gifts for each other, the wedding party, and both sets of

    29. He must have been stripped of his place in the wedding party

    30. In 1831, a fusillade was stopped to allow a wedding party

    31. We will confine ourselves to noting an incident which, though unnoticed by the wedding party, marked the transit from the Rue des Filles-du-Calvaire to the church of Saint-Paul

    32. So that various members of the wedding party, soggy with champagne, had to be dragged ashore by their long-suffering wives when they began to ask the stewards if there were any free cabins so they could continue the celebration all the way to Paris

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