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    when you will

    1. when you will say, “I have no pleasure in them”;

    2. This is about survival and you don’t know when you will get food or water again

    3. When you will be out of codependency you will look at her with different eyes, or perhaps you will look at her for the first time, able finally to explore her needs and desires according to her

    4. When you will run this program following output will come:

    5. Yes, they both are equal but when you will have to print the same thing 100 times then

    6. 21 For you can show your great strength at all times when you will; and who may withstand the power of your arme

    7. You will see what I mean when you will have children of your own

    8. 4 For I know indeed that which has befallen us, but what will happen to our enemies I know not, and when you will visit

    9. when you will long for the ending of the dream, with all your

    10. 29 And when you will offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Lord, offer it at your own will

    11. 13 And you shall have a paddle on your weapon; and it shall be, when you will ease yourself abroad, you shall dig therewith, and shall turn back and cover that which comes from you:

    12. 4 For I know indeed that which has befallen us but what will happen to our enemies I know not and when you will visit Your works

    13. " He said to her "Blessed are those who have heard the word of the Father and have truly kept it because there will be days when you will say 'Blessed are the womb which has not conceived and the breasts which have not given milk

    14. 22 He said to the disciples "The days will come when you will desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man and you will not see it

    15. Joshua said to the Samaritan woman, A time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem


    17. Therefore you do well to prepare yourselves for that day when you will be visited suddenly and in an unexpected manner

    18. " And so it was not strange that Peter should say: "Master, we know that all things will pass away when the new heavens and the new earth appear, but how shall we know when you will return to bring all this about?"

    19. There will be points during your walk when you will question your

    20. There will be times during your lifetime when you will be tested

    21. “Are there clear defining moments when you will know

    22. Just make sure to come back for me when you will bring back the rest of the prisoners

    23. I will ask the rabbis and Jewish fighters who brought and escorted the Ark here to organize the processions and keep order during this most solemn occasion, when you will be able to touch part of your faith

    24. “I would like to explore my past incarnations with you, when you will be available of course

    25. So, don’t be surprised to see me hang around when you will be doing your paperwork

    26. Contact me or leave a message for me at my office when you will have taken a final decision on the contract

    27. understand what exactly you are populating when you will in the

    28. Everything should be ready there when you will arrive

    29. when you will break loose, that you shall shake his

    30. You will be able to pick back your pistol when you will leave the palace

    31. Keep your gold for when you will need it most: once you start settling in a new home

    32. The Initiation after Enlightenment is when the Soul and Soul Infused personality Fuses with the Monad, which is when you will become a

    33. If you buy another house, you may start over again with a new mortgage that will push out the date when you will have your house paid off

    34. There'll be a day when you will keep this appointment, and you'll stand before the judgement seat of Christ; and what will be on view is how you've run your life - that's a very sobering thought

    35. The day will come when you will find that even in a great city a man may be a happy, useful Christian, respected while he lives, and honoured when he dies

    36. Depend on it, an hour will come when you will feel the need of a great Friend in heaven

    37. But a day is coming when you will open your eyes with amazement, and find out, perhaps too late, that the very people whom you despised were not few, but "many," a vast company, "a multitude which no man can number

    38. Sure, there are times when you will quickly find answers through honest, intuitive

    39. as the sun will rise in the east and set in the west, there will be days ahead when you will

    40. "The time will come when you will be called upon to act

    41. You will perceive the great loss you have drawn upon yourself when you will stand before your Provider for account on that day

    42. If you have believed in Al’lah who dominates the heaven with its constellation and steers all this universe, remember then the Doomsday when you will stand between the Hands of this Grand Creator who observes everything

    43. Remember that day when you will be called to account between the Hands of that Omnipotent Provider and Grand Creator!”

    44. "Do not run away": like them, when you will be destroyed

    45. “William, the problem is that we don’t know when you will feel better, but you will have to be patient,” Vanessa explained

    46. When you will have finished doing everything,

    47. And when you will have done away with the suitors in your home,

    48. There will be times in your life when you will be in a position to give

    49. Give until it hurts, that is when you will experience growth

    50. Secondly, when you will search for anger within you, you will find that anger is simply not there

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