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    1. 6 But now, because he transgressed wittingly, Yes, just on this ground that he knows

    2. 14 And Israel stretched out his right hand, and laid it on Ephraim's head, who was the younger, and his left hand on Manasseh's head, guiding his hands wittingly; for Manasseh was the firstborn

    3. hands wittingly; for Manasseh was the firstborn

    4. 6 But now because he transgressed wittingly Yes just on this ground that he knows about it he shall be tormented

    5. Furfur: Also he will wittingly

    6. `Because of what happened in the forest,' she folded her arms before her and smiled wittingly

    7. Her studies of art had instilled in her a desire to wittingly tie in all shades of a colour scheme

    8. So it is with the ant which could know that our master Solomon was coming at the head of a large army and could touch the mercy which had settled in the hearts of the warriors and caused them never to crush an ant wittingly

    9. Like that father who wittingly or unwittingly imposes a psychic burden of obedience on his unfortunate son’s conscience, so ‘the God’ seems to have succeeded in inculcating a habit of mechanical supplication amongst the Musalmans to everything Islamic

    10. In the process, wittingly or unwittingly, its prophet gave Islam plunder as its legacy

    11. elected,” Sam wittingly replied receiving cheers and laughter from the group

    12. Wittingly: An action with knowledge: or, awareness of something

    13. could prove to the effect of me willingly and wittingly committing a crime so serious it equals anything to

    14. and belief are a strong form of agreement that is used against you by those you have wittingly or

    15. Forgive me, fair ladies, if, through inadvertence, I have in aught offended you; for intentionally and wittingly I have never done so to any; and pray to God that he deliver me from this captivity to which some malevolent enchanter has consigned me; and should I find myself released therefrom, the favours that ye have bestowed upon me in this castle shall be held in memory by me, that I may acknowledge, recognise, and requite them as they deserve

    16. And all this was so wittingly done that Sergey Ivanovitch would not have disowned such wit himself

    17. Without, sir, meaning to excuse or to palliate the taking even the cabin boy, if done knowingly and wittingly; and being willing to admit, that about the period of the attack on the Chesapeake, we had much and serious cause to complain on the subject, I must be permitted to say that I have not evidence to satisfy me, that when we declared war, the practice of the British was such as to prove that the claim on their part was a mere pretext to take our sailors

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    Synonyme für "wittingly"

    knowingly wittingly