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    Verwenden Sie „wooing“ in einem Satz

    wooing Beispielsätze


    1. 'Yes, wooing me, hard,' I said as I locked the cashbox

    2. the Lord wooing his devotee rather than the other way round

    3. wooing in a much easier way than it is for those who

    4. The wooing and the poetry

    5. A potter mentioned a hunter who was wooing his sister, a man by the name of Bo-elon, who spent most of his time in the mountains to the west, hunting the puma

    6. When it came to wooing her he was the typical male, relentless until he got what he wanted, and then he became aloof, showing her that he loved her from time to time, but not as much as she would like

    7. Gadkari was assigned the task of wooing Raj

    8. As he shuddered to imagine her fall, he resolved, ‘It is better that we moved in here before I begin wooing her

    9. ‘Didn’t Roopa lose her head like it happened with me in the bus? Can she keep her cool when someone comes wooing her the next time? After all, Raja could be proved right

    10. ‘What an amazing development though! But how on earth did Sathyam land up with such a dame! Maybe, owing to my destiny to have her, who knows? Whatever, won’t his friendship prove to be a thoroughfare to her favors? Just the same, won’t she need some wooing as well? I might as well dazzle Roopa straight away by flaunting my credentials right away

    11. ‘Where would all that lead me to? Isn’t she coy to my advances without herself giving anything away? Oh, how my wooing is warming her like a glove

    12. ‘Oh me, it’s six months since I’ve been wooing her, and isn’t that a record of failure for me? All the same, being coy to my attentions, she makes it appear as if it’s only time, before she grants it to me

    13. If only I were a man of status, he wouldn’t have dared even to daydream about you, leave alone wooing you

    14. They were blind to the destruction that they were wooing with their actions

    15. He was no good at wooing women

    16. When youth with its fresh face came wooing

    17. Nevertheless he continues his wooing in spite of thefact that Teodora has become

    18. He, well aware that he had got to a highly critical moment in his wooing, felt that nothing but a brain-wave now would save him

    19. been a better person, I would not have confused her by wooing her

    20. called Fritzing, softly as a dove wooing its mate

    21. “I’ve been wooing one of my father’s old trainers, he’s a master of exercise; showed me how to lift my body off the ground one-handed

    22. scouting trip would be, in its way, the wooing as well

    23. Instead of opposing your will, they try to constantly put pressure so your good impulse and direction is poisoned and deflected away from what you originally wanted to do, by putting tantalizing corruptions in your path, by wooing you away from good with the attractions of evil

    24. wooing the locals with their new false messiah act, the end-result was revolution and chaos

    25. ’Well educated’ was high up on my mother's list of priorities when it came to men that were wooing her daughters

    26. The count stood like one changed to stone, and turning to the bewildered crowd, Ferdinand added, with a gay smile of triumph, "To you, my gallant friends, I can only wish that your wooing may prosper as mine has done, and that you may all win as fair a bride as I have by this masked marriage


    28. His first wooing had been of the tempestuous order, and he looked back upon ;it as if through a long vista of years with a feeling of compassion blended with regret

    29. His second wooing, he resolved, should be as calm and simple as possible


    31. Knowing how the bastard worked, wooing Claire had probably been part of a long game that started before they even met

    32. Five years later, Paul was wooing Claire at Auburn

    33. not very good at what Gregory called wooing

    34. When their guard became absorbed in wooing a pretty girl, the POWs sprinted from their stations, snatched up the tools, dashed over to a section of track, wrenched the pins and bolts out, and rushed back to their work

    35. He remembered his wooing between two campaigns, a single short week in the season of gathering olives

    36. Will paused, imagining that it would be impossible for Dorothea to misunderstand this; indeed he felt that he was contradicting himself and offending against his self-approval in speaking to her so plainly; but still—it could not be fairly called wooing a woman to tell her that he would never woo her

    37. It must be admitted to be a ghostly kind of wooing

    38. It turned out he couldn’t sustain his side either: the witty banter, the clever games, the romance, and the wooing

    39. On the contrary: she would have liked to discover who the author of the anonymous letter was in order to convince him of his error with all the pertinent explanations, for she felt certain that never, for any reason, would she respond to the wooing of Juvenal Urbino

    40. "An hour," said Ahab, standing rooted in his boat's stern; and he gazed beyond the whale's place, towards the dim blue spaces and wide wooing vacancies to leeward

    41. Roy's wooing had certainly been as romantic as girlish heart could desire, but—she wished Aunt Jamesina and the girls would not take things so for granted

    42. He was dumb to love and wooing

    43. Trusotsky brings with him, in his wooing of Miss Zachlebnikoff, a name and circumstances fully well-known to that esteemed family; in the second place, he brings a fairly respectable position in the world; and thirdly, he brings wealth

    44. Wooing poor craftsmen with the craft of smiles

    45. A surprise! My farm hand Rasmus tells me that Morten Bruus came a- wooing to the rectory at Veilbye some years back, but was sent away with a refusal

    46. Moreover, underlying all of the determined deference of his bearing to her, there was that which brought an undefined thrill of fear, that touch of primitive mastery in his wooing with which a man of strong virility may yet transfuse his personality through the pallid conventions of the centuries

    47. It nonplused her to realize in what a different spirit she was accepting that wooing

    48. His wooing was prompt and picturesque

    49. Her wooing had consisted of a timid kiss or two, a decorous marriage into whose ceremony the word “love” had slipped unobserved, close to “honor” and “obey

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    Synonyme für "wooing"

    courting courtship suit wooing engagement love love-making