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    working-class Beispielsätze


    1. His was a worn but solid, working-class boat that he used for exercise a few times a year

    2. They were a working-class band here in the city, but would have been a major draw in Lastriss and dominated Hazorpean alongside Dundorada and Pongi

    3. Many had mobile homes that cost more than a small working-class house in the south end!

    4. The miserable working-class son of a gun shouldn’t have to watch this

    5. On the first day at my new job, my supervisor gave me a white hardhat that set me apart from the plant’s working-class laborers who wore yellow ones

    6. These uplift values bundle together, in many middle-class and working-class African Americans, as a sense of dignity that comes with financial self-sufficiency

    7. Many working-class white Christians struggle with the same ambivalent feelings about raising support

    8. It was the home of a working-class family, and it reminded him much of his own home that was now devoid of all things family that made it a true home

    9. The First Mistress of the Imperium could now pass easily as a simple but stunningly beautiful working-class secretary, while her husband could be a low-level bureaucrat or plant worker on vacation

    10. One practical working-class father confided his ambitions for his son"s future to me

    11. Born August 29th, 1958 in the working-class family of Joe and Katherine Jackson, he was the eighth of ten children

    12. The next day, when a suddenly wealthy Rocky O’Bannion, champion boxer and many a young boy’s idol, retired from the ring to take control of various businesses in and around Dublin previously run by the Hallorans and O’Kierneys, he was hailed by the working-class poor as a hero, despite the fresh and obvious blood on his hands and the rough pack of ex-boxers and thugs he brought with him

    13. ) There was no doubt that the starting of that work at that time would be an inestimable boon to the working-classes

    14. As the representative of a working-class ward he was in favour of accepting the offer of the Company

    15. "0f course, the working-classes should be represented," said the

    16. Some Experiments must be tried! Great caution was necessary in dealing with such difficult problems! We must go slow, and if in the meantime a few thousand children die of starvation, or become `rickety' or consumptive through lack of proper nutrition it is, of course, very regrettable, but after all they are only working-class children, so it doesn't matter a great deal

    17. For boys who were the sons of working-class parents, this was uncertain but intriguing terrain

    18. These weren’t the heirs and scions of industry; these were working-class Americans

    19. They were big, tough, working-class young men, considerably older than his boys

    20. It was a time when less fortunate working-class men were usually portrayed in a pro-fascist newspaper like the Daily Mail as idly hanging around on street corners, marching under trade-union banners, or cycling from town to town in search of employment

    21. Working-class women were expected to do manual work, but they got paid less for it than men

    22. In 1907, he held a camp for a group of working-class city boys, and he followed it up the next year with his famous handbook Scouting for Boys

    23. I only looked sideways at her dark-coloured old dress, at her rather coarse, almost working-class hands, at her

    24. The sufferings of the working-classes that spring from the contradictions of their fate are magnified tenfold by the envy and hatred which are the natural fruits of the sense of these contradictions

    25. He knows that the habits of life in which he has been bred, and whose abandonment would cause him much discomfort, can only be supported by the weary and often suicidal labor of the down-trodden working-class—that is, by the open infraction of those principles of Christianity, humanity, justice, and even of science (political science), in which he professes to believe

    26. He affirms his faith in the principles of fraternity, humanity, justice, and political science, and yet the oppression of the working-class is an indispensable factor in his daily life, and he constantly employs it to attain his own ends in spite of his principles; and he not only lives in this manner, but he devotes all his energies to maintain a system which is directly opposed to all his beliefs

    27. Those who possess large estates and large capital, or who receive high salaries collected from the needy working-classes, from the people who often lack the necessaries of life; merchants, clerks, doctors, lawyers, artists, scientists, writers, coachmen, cooks, and valets, who earn their living in the service of rich men,—fondly believe that the privileges which they enjoy are not the outcome of violence, but the natural result of a voluntary interchange of services; that these privileges are by no means the result of the outrages and floggings endured by their fellow-men, such as took place last summer, in Russia, in Orel and elsewhere, as the like took place in many parts of Europe and America

    28. I see that in our days the life of a labouring man, and especially the lives of the old people, women, and children of the working-classes, are quite worn away by increased labour out of proportion to their nourishment, and that even the very first necessaries of life are not secured for them

    29. Its aim is the freeing of some men from the original law, truly called so by a thoughtful writer of the working-classes, from the natural law of life, as we call it, from the law of personal labour for the satisfaction of one's needs

    30. And other people who are in the same position as he believe him, commend him, and solemnly discuss with him measures for ameliorating the condition of the working-class, on whose exploitation their whole life rests, devising all kinds of possible methods for this, except the one without which all improvement of their condition is impossible, i

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