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    worry about Beispielsätze

    worry about

    1. “There are far more important things to worry about than painting,” he replied

    2. He wanted to say that his dad didn’t have anything to worry about, that Johnny was not only doing fine, but thriving in his newfound profession

    3. “Don’t worry about that, I’ve got it,” Henry said as he went back to comparing the different reports in his hand

    4. ‘I wouldn’t worry about that, Liz

    5. "You don't have to worry about her, she's almost a year away in the Yakhan," Tahlmute said

    6. drummed it into me that we say yes and worry about the actual job later

    7. The state he's in I wouldn't worry about it

    8. The ownership is in dispute and the people involved are not without stain," he was honest with her, but the only rule I worry about is interfering in tribal affairs, but the Brazilians have never registered as a tribe

    9. What did I have to worry about?

    10. I told him what had happened and he said not to worry about it, they would speak to the boss and see if they could organize a loan for me

    11. ‘What he doesn’t know, he can’t worry about

    12. But there’ll probably be a couple of hundred people there, so I wouldn’t worry about it being too in house

    13. "Don't worry about that

    14. ‘Don’t worry about what might never happen, Liz

    15. I prefer to get a taxi, then I can drink without having to worry about it

    16. "We're not back home, so don't worry about her, she'll be fine," Glenelle said

    17. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will wor-

    18. "Moamar will say we won't have to worry about them after the impact

    19. If my suspicions are true, then I don’t need to worry about getting one which can detect pregnancy in the very early days …

    20. There are about seventy million species of ribbonleaves, too many to worry about

    21. The drag of traffic gave him more time to worry about this meeting

    22. If you see another person or an animal bearing a gag, don't worry about your enemies; they can't harm you

    23. If you have to worry about sandbars, it's the upper Lhar

    24. ‘Don’t worry about me, Iain

    25. A real partner wouldn't be someone so dependent and wouldn't be someone whose sensitivities she had to worry about so much

    26. In the four days since she'd talked with Alan there hadn't been a good opportunity to continue what they started back in week Zawmathii and her desire had only grown since then in spite of her worry about Alan

    27. "I can see why you worry about it

    28. She did not need to worry about the absence of yaag

    29. Alan enjoyed her even more this time because he didn't have Desa nearby to worry about

    30. Afternoonday wasn't yet underway by the time they finally set off for the distant horizon to the northeast, but they didn't worry about the time, they were just glad to still be alive

    31. Trees and brush were few and far between and they were beginning to worry about what they would find to eat

    32. Don’t worry about remembering all of it

    33. Do not worry about the discomfort

    34. "We shouldn't worry about that, how many times have our hearts been broken?"

    35. So with the sea below us and the sky above us, and really nothing left to worry about, I looked at this man and he looked at me and we shook hands

    36. "What I most worry about," Byia said, "Is the Yendee, Gonzar, Lmore triangle

    37. My parents had to worry about even getting a motel room

    38. "Oh, don't worry about that", she said, "I'll tie a rope around your waist and pull you back up"

    39. ‘At least we don’t have to worry about wolves in this area

    40. She has a lot to worry about herself

    41. Without a mortgage to worry about, the funds that they had received from the sale of their previous, modest abode provided them with a solid foundation on which to base their daily activities

    42. “Oh, don’t worry about that

    43. “Oh, don’t worry about that”, said the businessman

    44. It doesn't matter what you tell your captain or Ava, you'll never figure it out in time so we have nothing to worry about

    45. “Must I now worry about what other things you have been up to?”

    46. Resist the temptation to let your thoughts race ahead and worry about what may happen, what it might ―mean‖ for you

    47. Don't worry about that idiot from that stupid team

    48. It will always expel the things it no longer requires and you do not need to worry about it doing that

    49. I came here to tell you not to worry about what substrate we're on

    50. ‘You don’t need to worry about the new tenant, Anna, I’m working with Jo on this and we have it all in hand

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