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    write off Beispielsätze

    write off

    1. Your car is a complete write off, I’m afraid

    2. evening was a disaster, a write off

    3. " Indicating the overturned mini-bus with a nod of his head, he continued, "That's probably a write off though

    4. Judging by appearances; this plane was about eighty-nine percent of a write off

    5. recovery has been to write off and dismiss as much as I possibly

    6. The front of the car and parts of the dashboard were an obvious write off but from the seats back towards the rear bumper there was no perceivable damage

    7. and it was just a tax write off!

    8. loads of fun, the entire trip was a tax write off

    9. books in order to have a good tax write off

    10. Buying means you get to write off the interest payment on the mortgage

    11. For example, if you choose to finance a property you may very well be able to write off at least a portion of the interest on the mortgage

    12. As Ken was about to write off the base as finished, one of the Japanese heavy cruisers was rocked by four enormous geysers erupting against its flank in quick succession

    13. among themselves as a write off veg

    14. “Well, perhaps you have learned not to write off the elderly or underestimate the young

    15. “Oh, one more thing: you can write off those fuel tanks in advance

    16. Some small businesses can write off the full cost of some

    17. to approach an escrow is to write off the proceeds and just hope for a windfall

    18. money back, write off any work you have completed, manage the reputation

    19. Your operating costs, including insurance are in the form of inventory write offs

    20. bombs might not reach the Kennedy family in their bunkers, but it will write off billions of dollars

    21. versus what they are currently spending for rent because they can write off

    22. The Next step that you need to take is to make a decision as to whether you would "write off" the bad debt yourself, which means that you treat the bad debt as though it was not a transaction, giving you the chance to eschew taxes against the debt, or whether you would write off the bad debt by selling it to a collection agency at any price you choose

    23. And it would automatically write off Nybar’s detachment at Fairkyn

    24. He’d been a dunce to write off the a

    25. In order to relieve the reported earnings of these annual deductions it has become common practice to write off such expense applicable to future years by a single charge against surplus

    26. It was formerly considered “conservative” to write off such bond discounts by a single charge against surplus, in order not to show so intangible an item among the assets on the balance sheet

    27. If the United Cigar Stores investors were paying a high price for the shares because of earnings produced by these valuable leases, then they should deduct from earnings an allowance to write off this capital value by the time it disappears through the expiration of the leases

    28. If a capital asset has a limited life, provision must be made to write off the cost of that asset by charges against earnings distributed over the period of its life

    29. There is support in accounting circles for the theory that the function of the depreciation allowance is to provide for the replacement of the asset at the end of its life rather than merely to write off its cost

    30. * The company was planning to write off, as a special charge, not less than $264 million in one fell swoop

    31. Skeptics tried to write off Bergman’s work as Norse opera for the intellectuals, but a few months later the smash success of Wild Strawberries made the U

    32. After many years of trying, they fail to integrate the companies and finally write off those investments

    33. One thing about being an investor for 20 years is that experience leads you to write off big chunks of the market

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