Verwenden Sie „wronged“ in einem Satz
wronged Beispielsätze
1. You don’t know how many others were wronged
2. I’m the wronged party
3. Thom suspected Alan was the other man in Ava's life, and if so, more power to him, it was Ava who wronged him, not Alan
4. To dream about justice refers to feelings that you have been wronged or treated unfairly
5. In modern law there is no such thing as a “just war,” which is a League of Nations term, but black folks had been wronged and were highly motivated to take up arms
6. belief that we’ve harmed or wronged others and that others
7. others wronged you disempowers you because it
8. Her cells sung; all of them conscience of being wronged
9. 2 But for that they did not hurt them now, of whom they had been wronged before, they thanked them, and begged them pardon for
10. Elena: I want the souls of all those that have plotted against me and those that have wronged Mikael and Elijah
11. He hid his deeds because he thought the Council might turn against him, after all, he wronged one of the members of the Council by acting the way he did, he wronged Viktor
12. She knew he was right in being suspicious now, but he had not wronged her, not even once in their lives
13. They have indeed wronged you, but something has happened to you, you have changed, you have turned into this person I can’t recognize
14. Verse 17, the natural inclination is to try to pay someone back if they have wronged you; Paul
15. In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire, and to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined forever; And who ever shall be condemned and destroyed will from then on be bound together with them to the end of all generations; And destroy all the spirits of the reprobate and the children of the Watchers, because they have wronged mankind
16. What he had said was not merely the outburst of a wronged man, it was the truth
17. At the end, he shook hands with me and empathized, “I feel sorry that you have been wronged
19. In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire and to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined forever; And who ever shall be condemned and destroyed will from then on be bound together with them to the end of all generations; And destroy all the spirits of the reprobate and the children of the Watchers because they have wronged mankind
20. Never has an elf ever been so wronged by another, as you have been wronged
21. I have really wronged him
22. But it was one thing to forgive in principle and quite another to retain the same generosity when the man who had wronged him was actually here
23. “We will follow you, Jemelda,” he said, “until the man who has wronged us is most truly dead
24. 2 And all the people which heard and the publicans justified: God for 3 they had been baptized with the baptism of John; But the Pharisees and the scribes wronged the purpose of God in themselves in that they were not baptized of 4 him; And from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven is 5 snatched away by violence
25. It has spread chaos wherever it has gone, and not in retaliation for being wronged; it had no parents
26. 7 Then Judas the betrayer when he saw Jesus wronged went and returned the 8 thirty pieces of money to the chief priests and the eiders and said I have sinned in my betraying innocent blood; And they said to him And we what must we do? 9 know you; And he threw down the money in the temple and departed; and he went away and hanged himself; And the chief priests took the money and said We have not authority to throw it into the place of the offering for it is the price of blood; And they took counsel and bought with it the plain of the potter for the burial of strangers
27. we pray for God’s blessing on those who have wronged us, this
28. through us to those who have wronged us
29. 7 For because they wronged the innocent they shall be slain and judgment shall destroy the unrighteous; but he who listens to me shall abide trusting in hope and shall rest securely from all evil
30. Chantal often commented on my ability to forgive those who’d wronged me in the past
31. that someone has wronged us then we are truly
32. me? I’m not the one who has consistently wronged you
33. In one incident in the recent past numbers marked a tragic turn of fate with its numerals; it marked the scene of a multiple murder enacted in the motive of wronged revenge…
34. ‘But, then can’t I understand? Well, what a sensitive soul he turned out to be! How he hugged Shanti’s statue as though to solace her soul! What a way to pay homage to the memory of the woman he had wronged! Won’t I know what it took me to control my impulse to take him into my arms, more so, when he was in tears? If only I could have embraced him endearingly then, what a solace I would have given him! And what a nice feeling it was to caress his back! Bogged down by his sentiment of guilt, maybe, he would have missed the warmth of my affection for him
35. v Give him your pain and forgive those who have wronged you
36. A couple of other things I have been wondering are whether or not this was a case of self defence or maybe these guys had seriously wronged him?
37. There is much strife on your planet but there is always a need for those in a human existence to learn to forgo violence and hatred when they have been wronged; just as there is a need for those in a human existence to learn to stop hatred and violent actions
38. telling yourself that you deserved being wronged
39. vengeance on those they perceived to have wronged them
40. those who wronged, with a wretched punishment, because they
41. To tell you the truth, I wronged the elderly couple
42. the wronged individuals have only become infuriated and upset
43. the other squirrels whom I helped had wronged others and themselves for that
44. He’s just helping the people who have been wronged
45. What could I say, at least at this point in the postscript, I thought with no facial or contrary response, for all that needed said, Paul said it; I had wronged more than a few, but more importantly, I had wronged the Grace in which I’d lived
46. They were met at the door by Peg Green who had spent the week with the dirty end of the stick as she called it, tracking down one hundred and eighty nine wronged investors
47. But tonight, listening to the conversation going on in this family, he was wondering if indeed there was some other secret regarding his birth? Was he a tri-brid instead of a hybrid? Had Ansh and Vaidehi really used this woman Mini and wronged her so horribly? His mind was puzzled at what to believe or what not to believe
48. Though such actions as invasion, enslavement and sacrifice are unjust, there are no races, nationalities or ethnic groups whose ancestors haven’t wronged others in the past
49. better to be wronged than to retaliate
50. We think we have been wronged