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    yard sale Beispielsätze

    yard sale

    1. To hold or be at a yard sale in your dream indicates that you are recycling past experiences and finding use for your old skills and ideas

    2. Dad is negotiating with the guy who is having the yard sale

    3. Used golf balls can be found by the bag at yard sales or thrift stores

    4. Head covers and other accessories are common among yard sales and in

    5. thrift stores and yard sales and estate sales, and within

    6. However, there are lots of them that are available online or even on yard sales, which are very affordable

    7. a gigantic yard sale that helped somewhat to offset the

    8. help during the yard sale and the move but virtually no

    9. yard sales are ubiquitous

    10. We had a nice visit and on Saturday spent a few hours hosting a yard sale

    11. I wasn’t very successful as people who come to these events probably don’t have that much time to read as they are too busy heading off to yard sales

    12. The more serious the disease, the more yard sales, flea markets and junk

    13. The third and last thing that bothers me has to do with yard sales, flea markets and moving

    14. The yard sale, moving, big mortgage and materialism are all tied into work and somehow it seems that we have come full circle

    15. First, you won’t be forced to buy a new home because your big screen television doesn’t fit in any of your rooms and second, the product may not come home with you, meaning you’ll need fuhrer yard sales (those are the ones run by Nazis in which people can’t leave without buying

    16. which was looking like a crackhead trying to have a yard sale

    17. Look in your local paper for garage sales and yard sales that have books and craft supplies

    18. I see lots of these for sale at garage and yard sales, sometimes for as little as 25 cents

    19. Trooper Bradley Jonas, who had been to several yard sales at the monastery, led the other officers in

    20. I've seen the up for adoption chines in yard sales, the orphaned machines in junk lots

    21. I looked down at him, yelled “Yard Sale”, then skated

    22. Or giving away a lot of stuff in garage sales and yard sales

    23. A couch, a nightstand, a couple of lamps, and a bookcase,” Joseph replied, indicating the yard sale they were crawling by

    24. “Look! Another yard sale! Need an aquarium?” he asked

    25. “Oh look! Another yard sale! I’ve heard of window shopping, but this is ridiculous

    26. “Hmm, seems like more than a coincidence to me that all these houses are having yard sales and all these cars are standing still,” he countered

    27. Sylvia held a yard sale to get rid of all of her possessions

    28. There were sealed reams of copy paper on open shelves, and ballpoint pens on strings, and a cork noticeboard on a wall, covered with thumbtacked fliers for all kinds of neighborhood services, including guitar lessons and yard sales and rooms to rent

    29. We hear about the “entrepreneurial Federal employee” who “backed his panel van up to the office door one night and stole all the computer equipment” and then “tried to sell everything at a yard sale the next day

    30. Maybe I could leave while they looked at them, assessed them like old candlesticks at a yard sale

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