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    young people

    1. Be aware that even young people may hurt themselves with home appliances or swallow nonfood items such as cleansers if they are left within reach

    2. Churches must start teaching young people about what it means to be a servant of Christ

    3. I think she has lost her mind, yet she also seems to have become paradoxically popular lately: Until last Christmas she had no friends but me; now, however, she has friendly relations with lots of young people

    4. ‘Yes, I suppose that would be good – they don’t have much contact with young people

    5. Closing her eyes, fighting against the sharp disinfectant smell of the hospital, she forced herself to picture the interior of the bus … nauseating diesel fumes … a dingy, well used fabric covering the seats, chipped and faded paint on the accoutrements of metal … or was it plastic? She found it hard to tell sometimes … she heard again the chatter and laughter of the young people as they swayed along the aisle towards the door as the vehicle approached the bus stop

    6. The young people strolled along the field footpath towards the shore

    7. Parking the two excited young people and their baggage in a café nearby with strict instructions not to wander off, she went to introduce herself to the warden, a woman by the name of Zareide

    8. The house felt oddly empty now the young people had gone … how ridiculous is that? Empty … a key word

    9. With father gone, Kirk and Ruby grew up to be fit and healthy young people, living in the company of a number of long-lost uncles who visited the family home all too briefly, and never, ever seemed to be around on the day that Kirk and Ruby made stew for their mother

    10. But what if they don't get one? What then? Where would the young people go? And earlier I'd dreamed of something that still lit the very edges of my imagination, something about a school but as usual, the more I tried to bring it back the more it melted away

    11. No matter what the weather, the season or the time of day, the house rang with the laughter of happy young people enjoying each other’s company

    12. A couple of young people who went on the trip last year take the stage and tell us how they enjoyed it

    13. Jane, nabbing the four young people as she goes, efficiently takes it away to chop up and the guests start milling around the room

    14. with that concentrated heads-down attitude of young people who

    15. It was traditional for young people – both men and

    16. Sometimes this was a job for life; in other cases, the young people

    17. Those young people not adhering to the statutes herein set forth shall be assigned employment at reasonable rates of hire at the discretion of this Council

    18. Three of the proudest young people in the village

    19. active than at the age at which young people choose their professions

    20. It has been considered as of so much importance that a proper number of young people should

    21. “I am pleased to be present here on this happy occasion to witness the marriage of two young people whom I hold dear

    22. But young people are expected to have fun at their age

    23. Most young people

    24. Young people care more about what their peers think

    25. Young people who acted as drug pushers too have had their lives cut short, in their tussles with the law enforcers in the past

    26. In every city there seems to have been a public field, in which, under the protection of the public magistrate, the young people were taught their different exercises by different masters

    27. In England, it becomes every day more and more the custom to send young people to travel in foreign countries immediately upon their leaving school, and without sending them to any university

    28. Our young people, it is said, generally return home much improved by their travels

    29. The masters who instructed the young people, either in music or in military exercises, do not seem to have been paid, or even appointed by the state, either in Rome or even at Athens, the Greek republic of whose laws and customs we are the best informed

    30. The teachers had no jurisdiction over their pupils, nor any other authority besides that natural authority which superior virtue and abilities never fail to procure from young people towards those who are entrusted with any part of their education

    31. The young people, however, who wished to acquire knowledge in the law, had no public school to go to, and had no other method of studying it, than by frequenting the company of such of their relations and friends as were supposed to understand it

    32. The young people would

    33. A group of young people at the farther end of the car started to

    34. He isn’t cool or whatever term young people use these days

    35. Lacking are the traditional principle standards and values that encouraged young people to hope, to aspire, to rise above the lowest common denominator of their immediate environment

    36. It's no wonder that young people have no respect for the forces of law-and-order, if that's how they behave

    37. For young people especially, fifty is right around the corner!

    38. Each float had on its back either live music or enormous speakers and trailing behind, hundreds danced to hip swaying Latin beats encouraged by young people in colorfully fringed costumes, shaking maracas to the beat

    39. In addition, while students in Italy, the Cardinal Archbishop of Turin came to Grugliasco to administer the sacrament of confirmation to many young people in town, among them, José Diego who asked me to be his sponsor

    40. Public registries throughout the country had been sacked and burned, that young people couldn’t be located and forced into conscription by either side

    41. It is also the reason that the level of alcohol abuse is increasing among young people, as is the addiction to smoking increasing among young people

    42. I would love to see the class system disappear and I see a great future for Thailand if old cultural taboos could be set aside and these young people are listened to but I fear it may take another generation or two and not in my lifetime

    43. Stockton popped up and said that it could be demographics alone…that crimes tended to be committed by young people…and the wave of baby-boomers had long passed

    44. Without counting abortions, family size had dropped, and the number of young people

    45. had shrunken in comparison to former times when the number of young people was

    46. One day still in the autumn of the year, when I’d barely started, my mother showed me a newspaper advert: a singing competition for young people from the whole of eastern Canada

    47. After school was out in the afternoon, I augmented my meagre income by teaching children and young people as an adjunct to their therapy sessions with a clinical psychologist

    48. “I can’t think of many young people who would have come after me instead of running for cover, or who would have been able to save this compound the way you did

    49. mother pushing her baby in a stroller, a man out cycling, young people milling around the

    50. West Texas A&M University has a premier arts program that teaches music, dance, and theater whereby local young people become part of the arts community during their studies

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