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    1. The youngsters in particular, who are more enlightened these days and have not been subject to foreign rule like many of us, there is a lot of resentment to rules and regulations that are practiced simply to put spokes in the development initiatives

    2. That can lead to problems – some youngsters never recover fully

    3. They took pride in their home and without the expense of youngsters nipping at their heels they were able to fill their lives with activities designed to displace their mutual sense of loss and longing

    4. The two youngsters are on a high when Alastair brings them back … they enthuse all over us about the film while we eat – sounds as though they had a fun time

    5. without the expense of youngsters nipping at their heels they were

    6. So, we have a new generation of youngsters who have not

    7. In any case, these families encouraged the youngsters of each

    8. The door bursts open; the two youngsters rush in and swamp me

    9. The children cringed as she passed within their midst, then she was through the crowd of youngsters and left them behind to giggle and gag while retelling the details of her hideous appearance

    10. Well it just goes to show that the older you get your youngsters soon leap over your back and become even clever

    11. At this point Zarko’s parents excused themselves to retire to their sleeping quarters and the three youngsters ended up alone in the lounge

    12. Anna ran a candy shop and as the owner she quite naturally came to know a large number of youngsters, some of them not quite as young as one might think

    13. The street corners in all the towns had youngsters standing

    14. " Think about that for a moment, as you try to decide whether to enroll your youngsters in some sort of pre-school

    15. The messenger was one of the youngsters who arrived amongst the emissaries who were free to visit the camp

    16. Great, who set this child to following me? Enforcers used youngsters as informants, since adults tended to ignore them, but she could not assume he was one of theirs

    17. ” Every other Negro wished to shake hands, the women clapped their hands and shouted words of welcome, and the youngsters crowded round with their shrill little “Good hevenin, sah!” With the men who had been right to the front, the levies and others, a note of “bonne camaraderie” was at once struck up; but one very side there was a distinct and noticeable difference in the attitude of the people toward Europeans

    18. Barnes lightly; "and the youngsters must have their Christmas dinner, you know

    19. But to her dismay the youngsters backed away, a deep fear evident in their darting eyes as they scattered in panic, screaming for their mothers

    20. Many of these locals were youngsters (between 9 and 16 years of age) who acted in an entirely predictable way by becoming nasty gangsters in their communities

    21. And what do you think the child is going to say if rescued? That he went willingly so that Mr Policemen can arrest him? Funny enough the same kidnapped youngsters voted for the same kidnappers afterwards

    22. The photograph showed the grassy bank of a canal, where a group of youngsters sat in a circle sharing a couple of bottles of what appeared to be vodka

    23. They always remind me of the two of you when you were youngsters

    24. "I don't know what's going to become of you youngsters when I'm gone

    25. The youngsters didn’t mind, though

    26. Mary and folks asked each other seriously what was to be done with those manse youngsters

    27. "Meredith, hey? One of the parson's youngsters, hey? I've heard of you--I've heard of you! Riding on pigs and breaking the Sabbath! A nice lot! What do you want here, hey? What do you want of the old pagan, hey? _I_ don't ask favours of parsons--and I don't give any

    28. Nobody tried to stop them, though everybody who saw them wondered what fresh devilment those manse youngsters were up to now

    29. Barret and the youngsters vanished into the distance, heading

    30. The youngsters were all from the northwest, Siksika, Nomo, Ka-i-gwu, Nimipu, Salst, Numakiki and even a Kusa

    31. effusively and told me that my veterans and me would not have to train, but the youngsters would

    32. One of the farm boys—by now Maggie had counted six or seven youngsters doing chores around the yard—sat behind her in the saddle and pointed the way

    33. Steele’s explanation of what these lost youngsters are attracted to is not comforting

    34. So as not to repeat the story, it bears reminding here that he also bought magazines with Chad’s picture in Melbourne and Sydney where he spoke with youngsters who were

    35. That year, this foray into the islands was a welcome exit from the mainland of Venice at a time when it was being invaded by thousands upon thousands of youngsters from all over Europe who gathered for Pink Floyd’s concert (of sad memory to the Venetians) that preceded an almost full hour of fire-works which annually announce the celebration of the Feast of the Redeemer

    36. The youngsters from East Providence had done pot, coke, horse, downers, uppers, the whole nine yards

    37. tion, and training, America’s place in the international standings of 12th graders-the youngsters who are supposed to be the most

    38. and if you’re going to teach just segments of history, women’s issues, these youngsters have almost no sense of ‘Cause and Effect

    39. Laughing and giggling like two silly youngsters, they wrestled for a while in

    40. “Well if that’s the second one you’ve done while carrying this whole pack of youngsters, you should be all right, since the power cost of Translocation only increases in proportion to the distance, but it increases at half the square of the mass

    41. The two youngsters ignored her for the rest of the meal and Lorna finished her food in silence, excused herself and went upstairs to change into riding-gear

    42. It had lightened, and Wes felt a stirring of guilt at having slept through his entire watch, especially with the youngsters having done their tricks without a murmur

    43. ‘Where is the bitch?’ Marcus asked one of the wide-eyed youngsters

    44. With impeccable timing, the Su-Katii caught the youngsters arm just as the blade tip was free of its scabbard, carrying his momentum forwards, he drove the freshly released sword backwards into the young man’s stomach

    45. "Oh I know you think of me as an unworldly old maid who can't tell you youngsters a thing

    46. It didn’t take long and there were some youngsters around me, including one with a mighty machete which he handled with amazing skill

    47. She started each day by having the older students read quietly as she helped the youngsters glue macaroni onto paper

    48. their own lives and no youngsters lived with them anymore

    49. youngsters walk up toward the square, lightly touching their

    50. The Magician was pondering about the reasons why Americus had sent him to protect the youngsters

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