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    zero point Beispielsätze

    zero point

    1. The word ‘bubble’ was not as precise as Roidon would’ve liked: The zero point field had extended not to some exact cut-off point, but rather only faded into the ‘penumbra’ of decelerated time

    2. If all had gone to plan the protective (zero point) bubble would soon encompass the earth, with the penumbra of slowed time stretching beyond the solar system

    3. More missiles were heading towards the base, and then within a certain proximity, appearing to accelerate – or in reality entering the zero point bubble

    4. When talking about subjects like Zero Point Energy, otherwise known as Vacuum Energy, one would be dealing with empty space void of any particles and have 10107 Joules of energy contained within a mere cubic centimetre of empty space

    5. “Some zero point one seven percent better, actually, which is completely consistent with the theory that the properties of this stone that allow it to reflect the source of your power are entirely the product of the material makeup of the stone

    6. A deeper view would be that the holographic encoding occurs in the full-void or zero point field but these codes are inherent in the holograms that the full-void projects — which includes our brains and bodies

    7. Matter resists acceleration not because it possesses some innate thing called mass, but because the zero point field exerts a force whenever acceleration takes place

    8. The presence of charge and its interaction with the zero point field creates the forces we all experience and attribute to the existence of matter

    9. Some scientists like to think of records being mirrored in the zero point field:

    10. If all subatomic matter in the world is interacting constantly with this ambient ground-state energy field, the subatomic waves of the [zero point] field are constantly imprinting a record of the shape of everything

    11. As the harbinger and imprinter of all wavelengths and all frequencies, the zero point field is a kind of shadow of the universe for all time, a mirror image and record of everything that ever was

    12. Records imprinted on the zero point field are the ‘Akashic records’ of metaphysicists

    13. When Cayce was asked to explain what was meant by ‘The Book of Life’ he replied that it was, ‘The record that the individual entity itself writes upon the skein of time and space…’18 World-renowned Cayce scholar Kevin Todeschi says that ‘The Edgar Cayce readings suggest that each of us writes the story of our lives through our thoughts, our deeds, and our interactions with the rest of creation’ — echoing Lynne McTaggart’s description of the dynamic interaction of the universe with the zero point field

    14. Psychometry, or the ability to know about the history of a person, thing or place using touch, is based on the metaphysical belief that every thought, action, and event that has ever occurred since the beginning of time leaves an impression on the ‘ether’ (now interpreted as Einstein’s spacetime manifold or the zero point field)

    15. until they reach the zero point

    16. tion of electric charges in matter with the zero point field Bernhard Haisch

    17. Akashic Records and the Zero Point Field

    18. records imprinted on the zero point field are usually called the

    19. embedded in the zero point field arthur Powell reports that the perma-

    20. records imprinted in the zero point field 26 The individual obtains a glimpse

    21. told them that the movement was zero point seven-eight

    22. “We built a zero point energy device that will liberate us from the oil conglomerates,” Romano said

    23. He found a woven metallic fabric, comprised of metamaterial which have a zero point refractive index, the same sort of matieral that made up the Path Finder’s exterior surface

    24. From the zero point up to a certain level (based upon the individual, that individual’s day and that moment), stress can be considered beneficial if it challenges you to adapt, learn and grow

    25. If the consciousness levels were given a negative to positive scale, neutrality would be at the zero point

    26. Flowing from this fact is that in the universe there can be no zero point or unfilled space

    27. I’ve personally worked on zero point energy generators

    28. How did we wind up with data for 1960 and 1961 when we used data from 2003 and 2004? If there is no ID variable to indicate the dates, SAS will create ID values to label the input records, and it will start from its zero point, January 1, 1960

    29. This state of enlightenment is what Seykota calls “Getting to the Zero Point

    30. ” The Zero Point is the state of being in the now, of being in the present, of being “in the zone,” a state the writer and philosopher Eckhart Tolle discusses fully in his seminal works The Power of Now (New World Library, 2004) and A New Earth (Penguin, 2005)

    31. The 79th point is the zero point, which is not at (0,0) as you might expect but rather is the point at y = infinity

    32. The zero point is important because it is valid output from an addition or point multiplication operation and therefore needs to be carefully accounted for (see the sample code in “Pseudocode for Elliptic Point Summation and Point Multiplication” on page 158)

    33. If B is the zero point then return C = A

    34. If Ax == Bx and Ay != By then return C = the zero point

    35. In this elliptic curve point summation (ECPS) pseudocode, which allows you to add two points on the elliptic curve to generate a third point, we first check whether A or B is the zero point ➊ (recall that this is the single weird point that’s part of an elliptic curve that is essentially at infinity)

    36. Then, we handle the case where the slope is indeed zero, which forces C to be at the zero point

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