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    Use "a couple" in a sentence

    a couple example sentences

    a couple

    1. The new ones had saved him a couple irons, the ones she bought him weren't cheap

    2. She gets a little company by helmet, she's resurrected a couple others

    3. Her carved keda rider and a couple pretty stones were left behind

    4. Vera’s talking with the old lady, Ruthie, and a couple I don’t recognize

    5. With that and his old place, he could buy a pretty nice place in town, a couple acres on the lagoon just a little ways down the point

    6. Naturopaths recommend following a cleansing programme, or short fast, a couple of times a year, preferably in spring and in autumn, to cleanse and strengthen the digestive system

    7. In just a couple of minutes, you will turn to the pages where you can put all of this new knowledge into action

    8. It's just two thousand acres, a couple dozen hired hands

    9. "Actually, she latched onto Jorma when I moved a couple cabins down the hall where I could maintain a once a week schedule

    10. The least you could do is lend us a couple of agents in a nice show of cooperation

    11. They took on another load of fuel in the freezing air, stopped for a couple bowls of fish diddle from a cook with a nice warm fire that she huddled close to, clutching her nightcoat tightly

    12. She'd slept a couple hours, a couple more on the cushion in the front room, when she was supposed to be ready to say hello loudly

    13. After a couple of weeks he got over it and we settled down again, though he wasn’t interested in sex … I tried to seduce him a couple of times, but he just shook me off … not nastily or anything, just indifferent

    14. ‘No … but as I said, I haven’t had anything to do with her for a couple of years … why would anyone shoot her?’ I said, scouring my memories for any inkling which might give a clue

    15. She could be home in a couple weeks from there with only another few irons spent

    16. he leapt on the Inspector a couple of times, deflecting questions

    17. It was a couple miles to open water from this harbor

    18. She still has a couple strands of purple hair sticking out of her knuckles

    19. Today only a couple little salt lakes, one hundred and two hundred miles in length, marked the bottom of the sea that had been trapped in the highlands a thousand Earth years ago

    20. A couple of hospital workers sit on a bench nearby, chatting, keeping an eye on things

    21. He turns off the radio, waits a couple of seconds, turns the radio back on again, listens with a growing look of shock and alarm

    22. A couple of dozen Longhorn cattle graze indolently in a field next to the highway

    23. doostEr knew of the immigrants from a far-away star, had even met and done business with a couple of them

    24. ‘No, though I went out for a couple of hours this afternoon … I don’t think there was anything on the answerphone

    25. John stares at the President for a couple of beats

    26. doostEr let him mull a couple seconds

    27. She owes me for a couple large favors, the details of which I would also prefer to keep private

    28. He always hated being told but, invariably, by the time we had argued it through a couple of times, he came round to my suggestion, pouncing on it as though it was a new idea he had just had

    29. Again using the addresses he learned via the merchant's council, he found a judgement posted against Tahlmute by the Kassikan just a couple years ago

    30. John and a couple of the men snicker

    31. Again all is covered in dust, but on the kitchen table are two plates, two cups, forks, spoons, a couple used paper napkins,

    32. all indicating that a couple had breakfast long ago before they left one morning, never to return

    33. ‘He’s had a couple more anonymous letters spouting vitriol about Liz … one of them even suggested that she had a

    34. There is a stone patio next to the building overlooking the pounding waves and a couple of local men sit drinking a beer at a plastic table and talking

    35. A couple of hours later

    36. I dated a couple of girls for a while, both

    37. in another one of it’s recalcitrant moods I sat idling away a couple of minutes thinking

    38. I gave her a couple shots of lantern fuel and that only made it worse

    39. He grabs a couple of Styrofoam cups, eyes John who waits on the other side, watching him

    40. It was a typical small town Garda station; a low squat building with a couple of aged squad cars parked badly outside

    41. " Even a couple of the kedas had been short tempered and BobbingTwo put four legs up at another

    42. A couple of other customers -- an enormous bearded BEDOUIN in traditional dress, a

    43. A couple of times Dad tried to get them to move out of the city and come down to us, but they never would

    44. “Good God, Aunty! You said a couple of bottles

    45. Johnny did as he was told, pouring out a couple of stiff whiskeys that filled the

    46. ’bout I give you a couple of

    47. I have a couple of friends who could help there and if we market

    48. There was a hall that passed a couple small offices on the way to her gathering room

    49. But there’ll probably be a couple of hundred people there, so I wouldn’t worry about it being too in house

    50. Few natives have the money for a voice link, even now that our visit has brought the cost down by a factor of a thousand, most just send mail and few send it more than a couple times a year

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