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    Use "a great many" in a sentence

    a great many example sentences

    a great many

    1. Almost two hours later Jared called from on high; my liege, there are a great many dragons headed this way

    2. The very next morning they telephoned the wily old publicist and gave him a piece of their combined minds, but having listened to their ranting and raving for nearly a whole minute, the old dog smiled to himself and asked the young couple, “Has your journey really been such a waste of time? Haven’t you learned a great many new and wonderful things?”

    3. If what this female says is true, they have used a great many of their males in the constant raids on our home world

    4. was a considerable undertaking, with a great many people involved

    5. These I set up to dry within my circle or hedge, and when they were fit for use I carried them to my cave; and here, during the next season, I employed myself in making, as well as I could, a great many baskets… (‘The life and strange surpising adventures of Robinson Crusoe,’ Daniel Defoe – 1719 – Heirs of Anderson, pub

    6. The Legion has a great many eyes and ears here in Skyrim, and there is always DRAFTChapter 6 99

    7. We filter out of consciousness a great many of the events that happen around us and inside of us

    8. The trade of insurance gives great security to the fortunes of private people, and, by dividing among a great many that loss which would ruin an individual, makes it fall light and easy upon the whole society

    9. encountered a great many sails, but was able to maintain a polite distance from them

    10. “We have a great many physicians here

    11. They appointed a chairman and they took a great many votes

    12. and had brought up a great many children, and she was considered

    13. There were a great many

    14. There are a great many

    15. Through my interpreter, I asked him a great many questions

    16. At a great many points in the long history of the church, people have felt a real need to go right back to the perceived simplicity of the age of the apostles

    17. The four Gospels are later and, of course, there were a great many more apocryphal gospels and similar writings in circulation than are available to us today

    18. “We know better than we ever did that a great many aspects of biological behavior are innate,” he continues

    19. Voila! Language! The lowest form of grunt communication that could pass on that which was most necessary seems to have, over a plethora of a great many generations of time, reached up to become the flowering of today’s complicated linguistics

    20. Not a great many people knew of its existence

    21. He had an uneasy suspicion that there were a great many books in his library which he had borrowed at sundry times and in divers places and had forgotten to take back

    22. The Meredith children were given to "sitting all over the church" in this fashion and a great many people thought it very improper

    23. 9 And they killed of them six hundred thousand men, and they killed among them all the mighty men of the children of Seir the Horite; there were only a few of them left, and they killed also a great many of the children of the east, and of the children of Esau; and Eliphaz the son of Esau, and the children of the east all fled before Joseph and his brothers

    24. 11 And they engaged with them in the valley of Gath, and the battle was severe, and they struck from each other a great many on that day

    25. 18 And of the Philistines also there fell a great many, about twenty thousand men, and their brothers carried them and buried them in their cities

    26. 5 All these cities were fenced with high walls, gates, and bars; beside unwalled towns a great many

    27. 9 And they killed of them six hundred thousand men and they killed among them all the mighty men of the children of Seir the Horite; there were only a few of them left and they killed also a great many of the children of the east and of the children of Esau; and Eliphaz the son of Esau and the children of the east all fled before Joseph and his brothers

    28. Emeroth stared at him a moment, then burst out laughing, and a great many around either joined her in laughter or breathed a heavy sigh of relief at the break in the tension

    29. Most importantly, you can simply do a great many more things with wizardry

    30. 11 And they engaged with them in the valley of Gath and the battle was severe and they struck from each other a great many on that day

    31. 18 And of the Philistines also there fell a great many about twenty thousand men and their brothers carried them and buried them in their cities

    32. The desirability of the location of any piece of real estate can be determined by a great many different factors for real estate

    33. And when the multitude gathered to him to hear the word of God while he was standing on the shore of the sea of Gennesaret he saw two boats standing beside the sea while the two fishers which were gone out of them were washing their nets; And one of them belonged to Simon Cephas; And Jesus went up and sat down in it and commanded that they should move away a little from the land into 52 the water; And he sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat; And when he had left off his speaking he said to Simon Put out into the deep and throw your net for a draught; And Simon answered and said to him My Master we toiled all night and caught nothing; now at your word I will throw the net; And when they did this there were enclosed a great many fishes; and their net was on the point of breaking; And they beckoned to their comrades that were in the other boat to come and help them; And when they came they filled both boats so that they were on the point of sinking

    34. take a great many years to travel across by foot

    35. The children sat and ate biscuits and plums, telling their aunt a great many little details they had forgotten when telling the story before

    36. " The Major felt he had extensive knowledge over a great many subjects but computers wasn't one of them

    37. And in spite of the fact that you’ve accomplished a great many things—and indeed perhaps because of it—any sentient, intelligent beings you may encounter will want to try to destroy you the instant that they learn anything about you

    38. ‘A great many more; and larger

    39. The only solution to this was to have Peter make a great many black holes, and so he did

    40. After asking a great many questions, which I answered honestly, she was adamant it was destined for you

    41. In any case an ego is in a great many ways something

    42. A great many of the

    43. There was a great many people there, typical of grocery stores at almost any given time

    44. There were a great many such men and women among the multitudes who came to hear Jesus teach and preach, and they derived great comfort from observing one like themselves elevated to an honored position in the councils of the Master; they derived courage from the fact that one like themselves had already found a high place in the affairs of the kingdom

    45. Know you not that the very hairs of your head are all numbered? Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than a great many sparrows

    46. It is really true: there is no definition of stupidity, but a great many examples of it

    47. Actually there were a great many more things you had to do that we take for granted today

    48. had a great many followers, and Jesus was also a fan and supporter of

    49. I would have listed his real name, but I don’t remember it, but it did end in ski and had a great many of the two letters z and w – pronounced as a v

    50. I read a great many books, in my quest to learn

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