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    Use "a lot of" in a sentence

    a lot of example sentences

    a lot of

    1. A lot of our parenting is done on autopilot and is based on what we

    2. You can do that in five pound increments if you have a lot of weight to

    3. It took a long time, it took a lot of energy, it took money, it took commitment, it took integrity, it took focus, it took a lot of things that are a challenge, but I embraced those challenges

    4. solve problems and that it can be a lot of fun

    5. He does a lot of odd jobs around the bar but he mostly just hangs around here to drink

    6. A lot of the people that you associate with right now might not be ready for change in their lives

    7. The entertainment appeared to consist of a lot of back patting and wheezy guffaws

    8. “I used to do a lot of things more

    9. I’ve had to wear a lot of hats lately, including obstetrician

    10. We all have a lot of moments in our lives when we said, “I should have

    11. have really easily taught you the very basics of goal setting but I know that there are a lot of other elements that go into achieving your goals

    12. Micah’s dad spent a lot of the day sitting watching the old “bunny ears TV” he got from the attic

    13. A lot of older people have poorly corrected vision

    14. Who made this web? Who supports this family? Certainly not him, and he doesn’t show a lot of gratitude for it

    15. "A lot of stupid local politics

    16. " Most women today are juggling a lot of obligations, with few breaks, and feeling the strain

    17. "He used to have a lot of pep is all

    18. We wiped everything off with warm water, threw away a lot of grains, disassembled the shelves and painted the pantry walls

    19. The youngsters in particular, who are more enlightened these days and have not been subject to foreign rule like many of us, there is a lot of resentment to rules and regulations that are practiced simply to put spokes in the development initiatives

    20. "You seem to have sent a lot of messages

    21. ‘Liz, it has been headlines that a woman has been helping the police with their enquiries in connection with this case, and a lot of speculation has been flying around

    22. A lot of changes would entail a new will being drawn up

    23. We should ask ourselves, "What did we do with what we were given?" A lot of people are going to have a hard time explaining to God why they chose their plan instead of His while they were here on earth

    24. A lot of older couples face a readjustment to their relationship in mid and later life

    25. But it does seem like you have a lot of stress

    26. It’s a large village with a very active social spirit and I know Emma and Adrian get involved in a lot of the activities which, as has been the case throughout the centuries, are in the main organised by the church generally and, more specifically, by the vicar

    27. you have a lot of carp to land

    28. My dad was always active in the village I grew up in and I spent a lot of my younger years shadowing him as he took tickets at various gates or rushed around using me as a ‘gofer’ … thank goodness I wasn’t a shy child, that would have been hell!

    29. ‘No, but there is no denying that a lot of employers dislike taking on staff who are older and more experienced than they are

    30. During this time there is a lot of strong activity like typhoons and hurricanes that occurs in the earth’s subtropical regions

    31. "That's a lot of secrecy for something like this

    32. I'm not privy to a lot of it and I've lost touch with most of them

    33. They were quite diligent at making children and giving their children a lot of attention

    34. He had to do a lot of reading to understand, but there were some 'extremists' among them that want to close off their society from the outside world

    35. As you can see, a lot of the men

    36. Today those lagoons are miles into the desert, but even now the Gengee is not quite the same as the Highlands and a lot of that was the presence of a significant population of Trolls

    37. Two cases, separated by a lot of time

    38. There was really too much out at once now so they would crush a lot of the lower leaves, but it could get him out of here an hour sooner

    39. ‘I don’t see that I have a lot of choice

    40. garden, a lot of flowers and many old trees

    41. He had a lot of experience with the press and knew many of the correspondents personally, but he had rarely given press conferences

    42. It was a lot of greasy work getting them changed though

    43. It took two removals and replacements of the tongue and a lot of irate travelers to get thru

    44. ‘Wasn’t given a lot of choice, really, was I?’ I said a tad cynically

    45. A lot of things came together, but, "How?" doostEr asked

    46. " There probably was an Elven community down there, but they would not be the majority and there would certainly be a lot of Megnor culture in evidence in daily life

    47. We have a lot of business to

    48. Then there had been a hold up on the motorway – doubtless the tail end of the problem which caused Stephen such a lot of hassle on the way up to Liz’s

    49. There’s a lot of things you don’t

    50. now is a lot of negativity and

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